Why do you play for so long?

Why do you spend time playing this game? Have you actually thought about how much lifetime you have spent running, killing, hooking, repairing, healing, saving, escaping, winning, losing, feeling nothingness, feeling arrogance, feeling anger, feeling relief. Is it pleasant?
What's so pleasant about it? Do you feel satisfied when you fulfill the in-game goals while can't carry the weight of real life requirements? Do you need any sort of fulfillment? Emotional one? Is the life dull? Social one? Is the life lonely? Do you want to feel special at least somewhere? Do you want people to notice you, be happy around you, be angry because of you? Do you wish being meaningful in someone else's life? Do you wish to be meaningful?
Is it why you play this game for too much? Do you know why do you play? Do you even enjoy the time you spend on it? Ten hours, hundreds, thousand hours. Is it addiction? What lacks out there that you need it in this illusion of reality?
Do you even want to answer this?
This could be an interesting conversation but I find the tone of this post condescending.
The game’s fun. Kiss my jorts.
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Because I have fun playing the game. Why do YOU ask stupid questions?
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Dang i thought this would be a perfect question then it just became a condescending berating post. Games fun. Like the characters. Helped me with depression. So suck it.
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There's no such feeling in these words. I have thousands of hours played.
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That is a lot of questions, here we go:
Why do you spend time playing this game?
Because DBD is my all-time favorite game, one that I will always hold close to my heart, regardless of my current dissatisfaction with it.
Have you actually thought about how much lifetime you have spent running, killing, hooking, repairing, healing, saving, escaping, winning, losing, feeling nothingness, feeling arrogance, feeling anger, feeling relief. Is it pleasant?
Yes, I have. And yes, it is pleasant.
What's so pleasant about it?
The uniqueness of this game and the experience it used to provide.
Do you feel satisfied when you fulfill the in-game goals while can't carry the weight of real life requirements?
Yes. Real life is boring anyway. Might as well just survive and find enjoyment somewhere else.
Do you need any sort of fulfillment? Emotional one? Is the life dull? Social one? Is the life lonely?
Yes, life is dull. And yes, it is lonely. Very lonely sometimes. But if I can't change it, better learn to deal with it.
Do you want people to notice you, be happy around you, be angry because of you? Do you wish being meaningful in someone else's life? Do you wish to be meaningful?
I know I probably will never be truly meaningful in someone else's life, so I don't really care.
Is it why you play this game for too much? Do you know why do you play? Do you even enjoy the time you spend on it? Ten hours, hundreds, thousand hours. Is it addiction? What lacks out there that you need it in this illusion of reality?
Yes, I have enjoyed every second I've played this game. And, if I could turn back time, I would have started playing DBD as soon as it released. I play it because I love it, because it provides me (or better yet, it used to provide me) with a fun and unique experience that nothing else does.
Do you even want to answer this?
I did.
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It's a fun pass time for me. And I was committed to getting good. I admittedly play less than I have in the past, but it is still one of the best drinking games that you can play with friends all over the globe/country at the same time.
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Fun? What's fun? Isn't life supposed to be fun by itself? Why do you find fun somewhere there? Is it the lack of emotions that you try to get artificially? Aren't we supposed to be satisfied with our existence?
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Judging by the tone, this seems to be a personal question you are outsourcing.
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Do you ever wish you had never known the answer to these questions?
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Fun is a delightful time. I am alive, Dbd is here in my house to play, therefore it is a part of my life. Emotions aren't artificial. If the game is in my existence and I am enjoying it, then I am satisfied with my existence.
Back to my question: Why do you ask stupid questions?
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Nope. It is reality and I can't change it. Accepting it is better, it is less stressful.
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Why do you consider the artificial world to be your existence? Does life fail to trigger these happy tunes of your existence? Is life emotionally starving? Why are there not enough things that can help to feel something truly satisfying?
Do you call these questions stupid since the answer is obvious? Is it really that simple? Or the simplicity of such feelings is a way to avoid the realization of something deeper? Are you feared to look into that deepness?
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Okay but: Why do you ask stupid questions?
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Did we give up?
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Pretty much.
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No reason to try to change something that can't be changed. That is why I've said it, it is better to accept it.
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Don't drink and do philosophy at the same time guys.
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It's interesting how many people are immediately outright offended by this post.
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Well, I am not :)
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Do you still wish to be able to change?
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Nope, I don't really care. I am happy with my life, even if it might gets lonely from time to time.
It is alright. I am alright.
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Why don't you want to answer them then? Does this "stupidness" make it easy to answer? If not, is it really a "stupid question"? Do you hide behind the word "stupid"?
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I play to get the rift challenges done. I also play for fun and don't take the game too seriously, sadly it feels like the same can't be said for some players I go up against of either side.
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It's not nice to ignore someone's questions for your own.
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Do you hide behind humor?
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But isn't it obvious that the question asks for an answer? Can you give it?
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I have answered your questions twice, and twice you have ignored mine. You'll have to answer mine if you want any answers yourself.
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I noticed! I feel the same way you do. Life is mostly boring and lonely. I've mostly come to accept it and DBD definitely helps with that.
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A better question is why did you even waste the few minutes it took you to ask this foolish question. People play games because they want to play them. They have no more point than the diversion. Your silly questions, however, have no point whatsoever.
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Sometimes I wish I were you.
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Glad to see we are on the same page :)
DBD helps a lot with that, even if it doesn't provide the same experience as it once did, imho.
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You may be, who knows.
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Did you just turn 18 or something? Midlife crisis?
As for your original question, I don't. Some people post here that they've played around 50 to 100 matches in a day and they described that as being little play time. It's not.
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Did you notice it that quickly since all these offended reactions feel so similar?
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Do you ask all of these questions of others to avoid answering any of them yourself?
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Unfortunately, I know my answer. Sometimes a question can be an answer on its own.
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Control? Whats that?
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The game used to be fun and exciting with every new release. Now they're average at best. I just play it out of habit.
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The game's fun. When it works.
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Life is boring
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To actually answer the question, cause it's fun.
Couple of matches a day. As long as you don't let any frustration build up This is a fun game
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Every other multiplayer on the market is boring
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Elaborate on the term "fun". Some people wouldn't consider this or any other game fun. Why do you think they don't like spending time playing? Why do you enjoy it and they don't? What makes them different from you?
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and others are different from me mostly because of genes. Although experience also has a big say in this.
Might not have enjoyed gaming at all if something else tickled my fancy first or people didn't exclude me from everything causing me to seek my own enjoyment.
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Did I stumble upon an intervention?
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Stockholm syndrome I guess.
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And welcome back
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deez nuts