

What is the best indoor map?

Member Posts: 4,082

Yeah for me easily Lerys as a survivor I think it rewards you for paying attention with the ability to create good loops and spread the gens out. There's enough stealth and good pallets for the new players. For killers it's weaker for the usual bunch Nurse, Blight , Huntress, Hillbilly. But gives grace to the Stealth who struggle on other maps. For DeathSlinger and Trickster they can get good sneak ups. And use their power. And a heaven map for Hag. And perks like Monitor will shine here. But what do you think?

What is the best indoor map? 84 votes

Lérys Memorial Institute
30 votes
The Game
13 votes
Hawkins National Laboratory
16 votes
Midwich Elementary School
17 votes
Racoon Police Department
8 votes

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  • Member Posts: 3,546
    Hawkins National Laboratory

    By process of elimination.

  • Member Posts: 10,910
    Lérys Memorial Institute

    In terms of gameplay, Lery’s is by far the best.

    In terms of which one is my favorite in general, RPD because I love Resident Evil 2 and I know the map very well.

  • Member Posts: 4,531
    edited June 2021
    Lérys Memorial Institute

    Graphically, The R.P.D is definitely the best map out of these, but gameplay wise it's probably Lery's.

    Edit: Forgot to vote before commenting.

  • Member Posts: 295
    The Game

    depends on the side, as survivor I like MIdwich, as killer I prefer the game

  • Member Posts: 1,246
    Racoon Police Department

    I know Raccoon is massive, but the reason I think its the best is because of how consistent it is

    Raccoon's rooms do not visually match one another (unlike The Game, or Hawkins), and its layout never changes, so eventually we'll be able to navigate it like the back of our hand.

    It also looks nice which is a plus

  • Member Posts: 4,092
    Hawkins National Laboratory

    Out of all these maps only hawkins has ever been good to me

  • Member Posts: 773
    Midwich Elementary School

    Very unpopular opinion, but I really think that Midwich is the best one. Probably, it's just me, though.

    I used to really hate Midwich gameplay-wise. But the thing with it - it's has very little room for RNG, which is a consistency that I love. Therefore, as a killer, I really like this map. I know every tile and shouldn't worry about BS pallets (hello, Gideon) or windows (hello, Lery). I also don't have to worry about enormous sizes and inadequate quantities of rooms, which close out line of sight (hi, RPD). And dumb loops on second floors aren't a problem either (ahoy Hawkins). Midwich is just easy to understand and navigate as a killer, once you get used to it. As for survivor - it's still pretty simple, as long as your team isn't filled with potatoes. If it is, though, then it's pretty much guaranteed death lol.

    Visually - RPD is the best one by a large margin, with Gideon and Midwich securing second and third places.

  • Member Posts: 687
    Lérys Memorial Institute

    Lery's - The most balanced of all the maps listed due to a spread of strong and weak windows and pallets and a moderate size.

    Game - How the hell did they manage to make this map worse??? At least now there's a survivor sided indoor map I guess.

    Hawkins - lol

    Midwich - It's just annoying for both sides while also being one of the stronger killer maps.

    RPD - Gameplay is god awful, arguably the worse in the game, but graphically it's really well done.

  • Member Posts: 2,263
    The Game

    Ahh i like this poll. 🙂

    Hard choice to be fair, there isn't an indoor map i don't like in the end... 😓

    I'll leave out RPD since i have to play way more to get a definite opinion on it.

    I think the game would be my first choice, Lery's being close second.

  • Member Posts: 672
    Lérys Memorial Institute

    Visually, Midwich is the best. But gameplay wise, Lery's is the best.

  • Member Posts: 882
    Lérys Memorial Institute

    Léry's Memorial Institute be like:

  • Member Posts: 445
    Hawkins National Laboratory

    The game is pallet city what do you mean? Midwich is a very strong killer map if you know what you are doing

  • Member Posts: 2,014
    Hawkins National Laboratory

    Lery's only saving grace is the good totem spawns but it is brimming with very strong loops if the survivors know how to run them (most don't). Hawkin's is kinda neat

  • Member Posts: 305
    Hawkins National Laboratory

    hawkins, nice atmosphere and looking great

  • Member Posts: 8,814
    Hawkins National Laboratory

    I have yet to get a Lery's that isn't covered in pallets and chained windows, even after the rework. I have yet to have genuine map-related fun on Midwich. And I haven't played RPD yet.

    Plus, I do like survivor in Hawkins. It's actually kind of challenging, because you can't default to predropping pallets but there's more to be done than using the W key.

  • Member Posts: 295
    The Game

    I play as Spirit, I ignore pallets. I like Midwich more with something as Infectious Fright o even doctor.

  • Member Posts: 1,306
    Midwich Elementary School

    I adore Midwitch, but my opinion is invalid due to me being a killer main.

  • Member Posts: 445
    Hawkins National Laboratory

    Well spirit is way too overpowered for how easy she is so i can see why you like it. On literally any balanced killer its annoying af though

  • Member Posts: 295
    The Game

    There is no balanced killers, they are all weaker then optimal squads.

  • Member Posts: 1,146
    Lérys Memorial Institute

    Lerys because it's one floor, except the central part with the upper windows, so it's much easier to navigate. Even though midwich is only 2 square floors I hate it as both survivor and killer. Dreading the rpd, may be alright for nemesis with zombies blocking hallways but for the other killers I play, m1 killers, it looks like hell.

    The RPD should always have a couple of zombies no matter what killer you play since it's the official resident evil map.

  • Member Posts: 445
    Hawkins National Laboratory

    But the question is assuming that you play against average survivors. The killers can be balanced wether or not they lose to swf, it's just that swf is op for this games design

  • Member Posts: 295
    The Game

    I agree at the SWF part, but you always compare the balance to the worst situation possible.

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