Sigh... Bite The Bullet, or Self Preservation do NOT counter Stridor!

“When healing, you and the Survivor you’re healing make NO NOISE, INCLUDING GRUNTS OF PAIN.”
There’s no percentages here. It’s says NO NOISE. It’s just for the healing action. Make the sounds hidden, or don’t bother making the perk remove any noise. I’m tired of this crap.
This goes the same for Self Preservation. The description specifically says scratch marks, blood, and grunts of pain are HIDDEN!
Stridor Spirit is already strong enough without including MORE ways it CAN’T be countered.
(For clarification, both self healing AND healing somebody else was performed during the match. Grunts of pain we’re still made, albeit quieter. I already know Bite The Bullet doesn’t work if someone else is healing you, unless they have it too).
I find that to be very dumb imo bite the bullet should counter it fully
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Tbh it wasn’t going to be strong anyway but yeah it should at least counter what it’s meant to
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It's the same with Self Preservation: "Your Scratch Marks, Pools of Blood, and Grunts of Pain are hidden for 10 seconds." Yet, Stridor still makes your grunts of pain audible.
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I find it very dumb when people argue cuz one niche perk does affect other niche perk LOL
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That makes me very angry.
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It's not dumb when one niche perk single handedly turns a Killer into an uncounterable, unfun and unfair monster, with no chance for Survivors to use any other niche perks that are supposed to counter it but doesn't.
Like OP said, Bite the Bullet explicitly says it should me 'no noise'. It's not a percentage value like Iron Will (where it makes sense for it to clash with Stridor).
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Wait.. Stridor on Spirit is considered niche?
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Bhvr wants us to stack iron will with bite the bullet just to counter 1 perk
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Survivor perks should never counter a killer perk, that goes against the entire concept.
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How do you know? Was it a self heal or someone else healing you? I'd like more details on this. As it stands, it's like this perk's only purpose is for consequence free Freddy wake ups
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There is no escape from the Stridor Spirit™ 👻
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Except we’re not talking about it indefinitely countering Stridor the way players want Iron Will to do. It’s only for the 10 second period that Self Preservation is active, and for however long a Survivor is healing when using Bite The Bullet.
How does a killer perk making 2 niche survivor perks useless sound better than 2 niche survivor perks countering 1 killer perk only periodically during a match?!
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Self healing, and when I was healing someone else.
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@Almo can we please have a reason as to why either Bite The Bullet or Self Preservation are not entirely silent during their very brief activation periods if the killer is running Stridor?
Stridor is already persistent throughout a match. Is it really so bad for these 2 survivor perks to give survivors very brief reprieve from Stridor?
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Unrelated but I really wish Bite The Bullet also hid your aura just while performing the healing action.
I HATE Nurses Calling so much.
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a niche killer perk should beat a niche survivor perk, that is all.
If you run Bite The Bullet but the killer has Stridor, then that is just tough luck.
If you run flashbang but the killer has Lightborn, then that is just tough luck
etc etc
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A huge problem I have with this game is how sometimes the descriptions are just straight up wrong.
Another thing that annoys me, why doesn't borrowed time work when unhooking yourself? "For 10/12/15 seconds after unhooking a Survivor, the unhooked Survivor is protected by the Endurance status effect"
You are a survivor! You unhook a survivor, it would make sense if it said "another survivor" but it doesn't!
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That’s a good point.
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If you really hate Nurse's Calling, try this build:
- Off the Record
- Pharmacy / Self Care
- Bite the Bullet
- Any perk (Resurgence pairs well with Pharmacy since the green medkit will work for both times you get unhooked)
Just don't let the rescuer heal you or lead the killer to you
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A killer running Stridor is still going to hear louder breathing of a survivor running Bite The Bullet after they’ve finished healing.
A killer running Stridor is still going to get the full effects of Stridor after a survivor’s 10 seconds of Self Preservation has run out.
I can’t see the problem with either of these 2 perks doing EXACTLY what they describe themselves as being able to do for their very, VERY brief activation periods.
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Yeah Bite The Bullet is just really really unnecessary when Iron Will exists. Like they really thought it was a good idea to make a perk that's just Iron Will but only when you're healing? (yes I know it also conceals the other survivor's sounds and the actual healing sounds, but still it's just really weak)
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I know I could use Off The Record, I’m just being a sook.
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fine fine fine, I really do not care that much in this scenario, for me is just a fundamental part of the game that killer perks should be top trumps
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Regardless of how people feel on whether these perks should counter Stridor or not, I think we can all agree that the perks are NOT functioning as their descriptions state. Sound is still being made while the perk is active.
I'd also like to think we can agree that perk descriptions should generally not lie to the player.
BHVR should do something about this - either buff the perks to match their descriptions or change the text to make it clear that the perks reduce Injured sounds by 100%; not silence them completely.
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Maybe since it's a killer perk they don't want any survivor perk, no matter how situational or weak, to counter it. They should change the description if that's the case & not a bug.
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BHVR coding
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Idk if i agree it should counter stridor but i do agree the descriptions just straight up wrong. Why do you say the person makes no noise? That basically means it trumps. But it doesn't as explained in this thread. Some of these descriptions need updated.
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Yeah but Iron wills description doesn't straight up say "you make no noise while injured" like these two do.
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That could actually turn this from a niche option into a potential counter pick vs stealth killers. Could be interesting
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It won’t happen. I’m just being greedy. But having the perks functions match their descriptions would be a good start.
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It says it's not a percentage value, but that's probably how they coded it. They probably make this perk apply first and set the grunts of pain to 0%, then stridor is applied.
Yes, it's dumb and it should be 0% regardless of stridor or jump rope etc. But this is BHVR and it appears they once again didn't think about that when coming up with the description for the perk lmao
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I think it would be fine if it counters Stridor. The Perk is really niche and for the limited time of healing, it should be alright if it reduces the information the Killer gets.
The Perk will not really find any use anyway, so every single bit which might make it attractive for some is welcome.
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It would just be nice that if mid heal I hear the TR, I should feel safe to finish healing because I SHOULDN’T be heard. I accept that I’d still have my breathing more easily heard at full health, but c’mon, Bite The Bullet will never ever be close to an OP, unfair perk. That Stridor currently makes it near useless is the dumbest thing ever.
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Same with Self Preservation. If a team mate cucks a Self Preservation user by bringing a Stridor Spirit to a gen being worked on, and takes a hit before Spirit turns her attention to the gen, Self Preservation should HELP the way it’s supposed to help. It’s just 10 seconds after all.
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there has to be some sort of counter play to iron will, a whole perk slot to make it 50% seems fair since both parties are running the same style perk if you ask me
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Yeah I agree they should counter it but if bhvr is not willing to do it they should at least re-phrase it
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I agree that Iron Will needs to have a counter, as Iron Will is persistent any time the survivor is injured.
But Bite The Bullet & Self Preservation are not persistent. Those survivors are going to be affected by Stridor in the injured state just like any other survivor not running Iron Will.
It’s really not a big ask for Bite The Bullet and Self Preservation to be completely silent when they’re active, even against Stridor, because of how briefly they’re activated.
Bite The Bullet would still mean 150% grunts of pain while running around injured, and 125% breathing noise in the healthy state.
Self Preservation would also be exactly the same, except for those 10 seconds of the perk worked the way it’s supposed to.
It’s not like that would make either perk OP. All it does is make survivors feel cheated when the perk doesn’t work as described in the perk description.
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Yeah but that totally just makes those 2 survivor perks stronger and makes Strider worth nothing if not what it's used for, that added 50% volume. Bite the Bullet is questionable but idk still a whole perk slot to make survivors not mute, seems fair
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4 perks vs 16 perks
If one person is running Iron Will and the Killer Stridor, 1/4 Killer Perks is countering 1/16th of the Survivors perks. A lot of niche survivor perks should really do more to make them attractive but at no point should a Survivor perk completely counter the tiny pool of Killer perks (or if they do make them limited like Distortion).
If the whole team of survivors is running mute perks then the killer should be the one punishing them for it with 1 of their 4 perks, not 1 of the 16 countering the killer.
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Idk if bhvr is just worried like if you faced stridor spirit you could use self care and bite the bullet to make yourself silent while shes phasing. Even if thats the case though your not moving so the spirit can just unphase.
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I’m not talking about Iron Will. 🥴
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Exactly. And eventually they’ll be healed, meaning Stridor amplifies their breathing.
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Both of these perks are already niche options. Self preservation only works if you’ve already injured another person to chase and BTB only works if they are healing
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Bite The Bullet is a pretty laughably bad perk, the interaction where you heal mid-chase against a Stridor Spirit was the only real argument it ever had going for it, and it wasn't even a strong argument at all, since not only would you be using a perk that is more or less useless and strictly worse than Iron Will on the off chance of going against a Stridor Spirit, but even in those scenarios where you do, it is not at all guaranteed that the Spirit won't get you despite not hearing you (also you still have breathing sounds with BTB, even if Stridor is not in play).
That it does not actually work through Stridor renders it completely a non-perk. And I won't even talk about Self-Preservation - if BTB is laughably bad, Self-Preservation is god-tier-comedy bad.
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But it says right here on their website!
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Stridor OP imo.
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Oh Jesus 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Stridor is only really usefull and strong on Spirit but thats another problem. Stridor itself is completely fine.
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Just crouch
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Survivors have 16 perks among them on a team, killers have 4. Killer perks should be stronger than survivor perks. Killer perks (or their powers for that matter) should not be 100% countered by a single perk)