Which is the most unfun or busted killer in the game?

To go against? I just had a Meyers on the game map. He tunneled first player to death, and then sat at hooks waiting to pop tier 3 on any rescue attempts. Then he hit everyone repeatedly on hook. This was rank 5 btw. I don’t see enough Meyers players to find them as obnoxious as let’s say wraith or bubba. What are your least favorite killers to face and why?
It's very personal as everyone finds different things annoying to go againtst.
For me it's trapper, I hate facing him with all of my beiing.
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Spirit. I can name counters to the killers you listed. But, Spirit is hope she guesses wrong.
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Oh me too. I hear that trap sound and my heart drops, especially on maps like the swamp. Just a very unfun mechanic.
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Ghostface because the reveal mechanics have been a pile of ######### since his launch
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Consider Myers one of the three worst killers in the game.
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What sucks about Meyers is he can capitalize off bad teammates and I go down. In match I listed they were letting him stalk from the start and we all suffered.
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While I consider Myer's weak I hate facing him. Always seems to have a tier 3 on me that just runs out. And I can escape and still consider it an awful game
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Same. I had two gens done before I even interacted with him. My team really dropped the ball but that’s solo play. Lol
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Trapper. Feels like every time I take my eyes off the ground for even a yoctosecond, there's a trap.
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Spirit. Struggling on 1st hook then playing on your phone during the struggle phase feels about the same as actually facing her.
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Bubba: His sweep is too long, can go around corners and he loses basically no speed revving or using it. It's also such a mind game now that when other survivors hear it, they have a panic attack and yorokobe into a locker instead of doing gens.
Wraith: I just suck against him. He's fast, his add-on can have a wall hack so trying to stealth is a mug's game, and unless you have sprint burst then that first hit is guaranteed.
Spirit: Just like Wraith, a good one guarantees the first hit. On a gen? Reappear and smack. Cleansing totem? Show up and slap. Trying to mindgame? She's a ghost, she INVENTED mind games.
Nemesis: Zombies are clingier than my ex and you have no way to get rid of them sometimes and they have no attack recovery. Also for some reason, my team does the Bubba thing and panic.
Pig: Why tunnel someone that already has a trap? What's the point of using it then? Gens are popping off like pogs and their timer isn't going down because you're chasing them straight off the hook. It's not a good idea, Amanda
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Do you like, ever say anything positive about this game? Or can you just not blabber anything that isn't scathingly negative?
You keep complaining about how your being stereotyped into these "Surv main" people but all you do is just prove you fit into that stereotype to begin with. How about enjoy what you find to be good about the game for once instead of just crying for nerfs to every single thing that might slightly ruin your experience for like one game out of 20.
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Nope. Playing solo and not being great yourself make you think everything OP. Hell just solo can make big brains think everything OP. Until you play at all ranks on both sides you don't really know #########. Oh and no you don't have to live in your moms basement to be high ranked on both sides. You only drop 4 ranks a month for fuks sake as he mentioned in another post. I believe his exact works were rank one moms basement dwellers maybe not exact wording but exactly what he meant.
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Pretty much. Spirit is hope they don't know what they're doing and Slinger is hope they can't aim. I really dislike this trend of "killers that only lose if the player is actively bad" and survivor skill doesn't really feel involved at all.
This isn't a single player game BHVr stop pls
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Besides Nurse and Spirit - Huntress. She's the most infuriating killer in the game
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Busted? Nurse & Stridor Spirit.
unfun? Twins.
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Deathslinger is very boring to go against and has a devastating 1v1, but he's very weak everywhere else. Which leads to counter play which is just waste his time.
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Spirit. Dislike going against Doctor too.
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I really hate that. It's going to be the same with Nemesis I think. Just hope the other 3 players gen rush because chases will be super short and near unwinnable.
I find it weird when people that play those killers defend them then complain about genrush and swf. It's so lacking in self awareness.
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Nurse the least fun and most sweaty experience you can get in this game
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Spirit 100%.
Runner up would be Ghostface.
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Nurse, a godlike red rank nurse can slug the entire team so fast sometimes you don't even get a single gen done, and most of them just do it to feel good after they lose a game with any other killer and don't even care if they de pip that match for not chasing enough or not kicking gens they do it just to win fast and feel good with themselves, and they are so popular in red ranks, everytime I play it's either against a nurse or spirit.
Post edited by Ink_Eyes on4 -
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Oh my goodness, me too! I'd rather face a Infectious Nurse with Starstruck, Stridor Spirit or Mr Campy McCamp Bubbi Boi over Trapper.
It's funny because he was my favorite killer to play with.
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Huntress and Freddy.
I don't like to hear her humming the whole game and always feel her presence. avoiding hatchets.
And Freddy, the playstyle with him is different.
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I thought we had already collectively agreed OP is a sluzzy wanna be, people just keep falling into the trap.
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This is extremely subjective, but in my opinion the most unfun killer to go against is Ghostface, with Trickster being very close.
Trickster is annoying, and doesn't even fit the game to begin with. Seeing him sends the immersion straight to the Void, and I hate it.
But Ghostface is a hundred times worse. He has been the bane of my existence ever since his PTB, despite the fact that he was the worst killer in the game back then.
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My worst killer right now is lag lol. You can't do crap with it but die lolol
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Not a fan of Spirit or Hag because I find their powers frustrating to play around.
Not a fan of Freddy or Clown because their powers feel pretty boring to play against.
Not a fan of Ghost Face because he's kind of a glitchy mess most of the time. Though he can be fun in those rare matches where everything about his power is working as intended.
Situationally not fond of Plague because her power greatly interferes with progressing a lot of Tome Challenges ("Heal Survivors", "Deplete Medkits", "Stun the killer" etc).
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1. Trapper. It always devolves into a basement campfest.
2. Huntress with her broken hatchets.
3. Try hard spirits with stridor and the duration addons.
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Unfun? Spirit.
Busted? Nurse.
Both are completely awful to go against.
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Trappers a good boy 😤
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I’m surprised nobody said hag. Does this tile have a trap? Cool it doesn’t I’m safe. Oh it does? Well I’m dead. Chases are non existent and it’s just extremely boring and the game’s pretty much over if she gets a basement hook
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a really good hag (super rare, but they exist) is 10x worse than a good spirit imo. not op, just really boring.
a good pyramid head because he's just a zoning machine which is extremely unfun, and a very good huntress is also irritating to me personally. I just hate facing ranged killers though.
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Sluzzy groupie or not still fun to see what they come up with next. Sure and maybe debate a bit regardless. I wasnt talkin to OP tho just about him.
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I don't think it'll be the same Nemesis has a terribly inconsistent hitbox. And weaker zoning. And even working hitbox is smaller and harder to land.
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Busted? Spirit & Nurse
Unfun? Twins
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Honestly Trapper and bubba.
EVERY TIME I go against them.... They have one game plan
1) get someone in the basement
2)camp the basement using their power
I've won most of my matches facing people who wanna play like this but wow is it the most unfun thing in the world.
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Damn so close to a full set at this point. Only legion, demo, Oni, billy and blight remain unnominated.
And I would guess legion and blight would for sure come up in these kind of lists pretty early.
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Spirit. It´s the most busted and unbalanced experience. You just can´t do nothing against her.
- U wanna wait her on a pallet to stun her? Very probably u will take the hit.
- U wanna loop with her on a jungle gym or in the shack? I wish you luck my friend.
- You use an exhaustion perk like agility or spint burst to gain distance on her? Haha. Nice try. She will enter phase 2 and pursue u like Usain Bolt, but with stridor.
I just hate being abused on Public Solo Q by spirits.
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Bubba and hag with rusty shackles
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I find most of these newer killers to just be....unfun Legion was one of the first of these unfun and no matter how they change his power he will remain one of the most unfun killers to go against. BHVR plz plzzzzzz rework this edgy teen into a real killer.
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SPIRIT. If she doesn’t get changed in the next mid chapter patch idk what to do
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I'm surprised almost no one mentioned Leatherface.
One of the most easiest killers to play, just run and press power and you have a oneshot for free.
As survivor, you have to predrop every single pallet, and just go to double window jungle gym (one window gets blocket by baamboozle).
On top of that, every single Leatherface play like #########, tunneling and camping as much as possible.