Why do you play for so long?



  • HighwayCatalyst
    HighwayCatalyst Member Posts: 383

    It's fun.

    Lord, you're pretentious.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    Based off your post history I thought that you were gonna just turn out to be an unfunny version of Sluzzy but now it seems like you’re just being a condescending jerk. Just why?

  • NaigEtarip
    NaigEtarip Member Posts: 60

    I think many of us have a discoverer deep within.

    Games arise the wonder like anything else in for obvious reasons, one of them being the illusion of experiencing the impossible.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    In a way, you are taking mini vacations in your head everytime you temporarily leave the real world for a more exciting one

  • SoapNSpook
    SoapNSpook Member Posts: 151

    Did you simply give up on getting anything out of this world, so you turn your head into the imaginary one?

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Yes, it sure is! The real world is boring, cruel, and downright awful, and that is why escaping it is so important.

    And DBD is a hell of a nice escape!

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Because I enjoy shooting the ######### with my SWF teammate and don't take the game too seriously, so I can lose without a care in the world.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Doctor told me running is a healthy activity.

    Who says I'm running away from my problems? I'm running with them. Always slightly ahead but never too far to leave them behind.

  • SoapNSpook
    SoapNSpook Member Posts: 151

    🎶"Fly Me to the Moon and let me play among the stars..."


  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    edited June 2021

    Because I suffer with chronic back pain and long term mental health issues, not going to go into details. I can't do much movement due to my back and the escapism the game gives me mentally helps to take my mind away from the mental health issues for a while.

    That's why I play the game.

    Post edited by Purgatorian on
  • SoapNSpook
    SoapNSpook Member Posts: 151

    Is existing enough to make you want to live in real life? Why don't you want to get away from it completely? Problems that make you run disappear that same instant when you play the game. Don't you want to live without problems? Do you simply hope for something in reality? Do you fuel your life with that tiny hope? Sounds more like torture, doesn't it?

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    You're starting to sound like a creepy cult leader lol.

  • van9684
    van9684 Member Posts: 433

    It’s oddly addicting. I only play a few hours a night with some friends if we’re all on. Right now I am on leave from work for a few weeks so I’ve been playing more but you’re right, it’s not fun the majority of the time.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    Just the way you're wording it makes it sound like a cult recruitment campaign.

  • SoapNSpook
    SoapNSpook Member Posts: 151

    What's that feeling you're looking for when you enter each time? It's not pleasurable. But addicting. How can something unpleasant be addicting?

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    They kinda do don't they?

    Half expecting them to say that in trade for my material possession their god Quazululu can free me from the shackles from the virtual life and the torment from the real one

  • PatWesker
    PatWesker Member Posts: 252
    edited June 2021

    Well I mean we all need a break, and for some people this break has to be escaping reality to be immersed in another. That's why I play video games. I want to forget my problems for a moment, not ignore them.

    I'm working at customer service, I see all the Human Stupidity at my job, and 75%... nah 85% of people I encounter brings so down my faith in humanity that I need to escape somehow. Because those 85% of people just remembers me that if these few people I met at my job, I can't imagine on global scale how many people can be so ######### and I can't stop thinking that they are the people who have the right to vote.

    Especially with the pandemic, those countless people who are complaining that wearing a mask for 10 minutes of shopping is the end of the world, who can't put in on their nose etc.

    So yea, sometimes I need a virtual/fictional break.

    We all need a break somehow, some go jogging, some read, etc. Otherwise, you must accept the burnout is inevitable.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Maybe, maybe.

    Not as much torture as having to act strange and confronting just to have a semblance of human conversation.

    Having to dig underneath people's skin so they have to notice. Having to act condescending so they have to pay attention. So they don't just ignore again.

    A lot of questions asked where the answer itself was unimportant. As long as an answer was given. As long as a response is recieved.

    All i saw was a cry born out of loneliness

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816

    Yes exactly. Seems like people were taking it personally or something. I guess that's what asking those types of questions can do. 😎

  • Torsti56
    Torsti56 Member Posts: 259

    This is worst post I've ever seen in this forum. ######### like this should be removed in the first minute.

  • Laurie268
    Laurie268 Member Posts: 582

    OP took 1 philosophy class and now thinks they know everything better than everyone else

  • SoapNSpook
    SoapNSpook Member Posts: 151

    ... All these questions are simply my thoughts that I want to continue by looking at what others have to say. I despise the concept that we can only live happily just by keeping ourselves distracted. That probably leads to the opinion that I act condescending. Maybe I dig underneath people's skin but you've decided to look into my bones right now. Funnily, even I haven't discovered such an unpleasant cause in my actions. Maybe your words don't fully represent my reasoning but the fact alone that I find the opinion pleasant because of the result you've described still makes your comment valid.

    I can hear all sorts of ugly cries inside my thoughts when I analyze everything you've written. But let's leave it all to me.

    Why do you still keep holding something that made you feel so lonely that you can easily see it in others though? The content of answers is still important to me to a certain degree.

  • SoapNSpook
    SoapNSpook Member Posts: 151

    Is distraction a key to the happiness of existing? Do you really feel this calm knowing that?

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    its fun

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    That seems fair.

    The real answer to the question of why we escape reality so often is cause humans and most likely most living creatures are made that way.

    Even you escape reality every night wether you realise it or not. In your dreams. And several studies have already showed that taking away those dreams has serious consequences to a persons wellbeing.

    And while i can see that the thought of only being able to be happy when you step away from reality is a scary one.

    The ability to do so is the biggest asset human kind has.

    After all, would airplanes exist if humans never imagined what it would be like to fly.

    To be able to change reality you need to be able to step outside of it and see the change.

    So it's more a blessing then it is a curse

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,258

    Ooh! A nice scripted discussion! I haven't seen one of those since my last philosophy class!

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,258

    I'd call it a scripted discussion. One question often leads to the next. It can seem the way you described it though.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
  • Lefrongo
    Lefrongo Member Posts: 120

    Damn everyone, imagine getting so angry over watching 4 people escape or not being able to escape at all and then everything seems like you just gotta question your life's existence and the reason why we go on with living. All because of a videogame, I've seen people try to be as passionate with this game making a few fair points with their criticism to bring some change, keep some balance and other qualities of the game to try and get the developers to incorporate said ideas. Sadly it just never seems to happen with every criticism they get.

    Your words could be just as meaningless to everyone in this forum, I wouldn't be digging right into people's skins to try and find some answers just because you hide the meaning with your feelings with these thoughts you may be having as you question the people in here. The minute you put meaning into words you read in a monitor is only because you want them to affect you. That being said even if you're not making a huge difference to the whole world, you can change what you want about yourself to making things slightly better.

    Start by changing your perception in life, because even if when there's nothing positive or negative going around you, you'll just be stuck in the same loop doing the same thing getting bored and tired of it. Things just don't change by themselves, you make that change happen if you just try hard enough to force yourself to change. Waiting for things to happen for yourself is just not the way to go.

    That being said; I'm honestly not sure how long this thread will be up as it rarely brings any contribution on the game itself and it's more about emotional rambling, you should probably go get some therapy as this isn't the place to go on about it. It'd probably be more appropriate to move this to off-topic instead.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183

    From their posted picture of the Anime Evangelion, I guess they watched the show, got high and went to their favourite forum to "spread some wisdom".

  • BronzeHandModel
    BronzeHandModel Member Posts: 116
    edited June 2021

    Ehm why do people play Battlefield for example. Spawn, Shoot, drive, heal, die, spawn....etc etc

    I mean what is your Intention?

    Do you want to write a treatise on dbd?

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594

    Because it's also too hot outside to do anything productive.

    That's why,

  • NaigEtarip
    NaigEtarip Member Posts: 60


    Would we value Fun without Boredom? Fantasy without Reality?

    We even could agree that there's also an in-between of Fun and Boredom.

    DBD is like a roller coaster of emotional transitions. Maybe is cause the transitions are fast, maybe is cause the variety of triggers, the beautiful seats, the acceleration... how long is worth to experience all of this?

    If the "right" answers are important to you, finding related specialists could be the best direction to follow.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    generic question about any hobby ever?

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401
  • SoapNSpook
    SoapNSpook Member Posts: 151

    I really appreciate your advice but that's not the case here. There are countless discussions on why do people play this game. Some people simply put "fun" as the answer without going somewhere deeper. I just want to see what feelings and motives make people come back to this game over and over. For me, the answer "it's fun" is not enough. Why do you find it fun? There are very interesting answers among all the negative comments. Some people simply look for the excitement they miss in real life, some people hide in the virtual world from time to time, some people use it for better socialization with their friends, some are simply stuck at home, the list goes on. The reasons may be similar but it's still good to see the number of people in each category. So I don't really see the reason to call it off-topic if it's just a deeper analysis of the reasoning behind playing this game.

  • SoapNSpook
    SoapNSpook Member Posts: 151

    The reasoning behind the post is not it at all. I wonder what happened to people who react to neutral deductions like this one so negatively.

    I was in the middle of fixing a generator when all of a sudden I had a thought. "Why do I want to escape? Why do people want to escape? What's the pleasure here to achieve that goal? Why people play this game? Why do I play this game? Why do I play? Why? Why? Why?"

    The anime just made me ask such questions more, nothing else. Though the comment from @Sonzaishinai really made my thought about my public identity really hard to handle, so I just threw the picture since it suited my emotional state at the moment.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183

    The biggest problem is that you are never satisfied with any answer and keep asking more purely philosophical questions. At some point it feels like a little kid asking "why?" Again and again just for the sake of it and not to get the questioned information. And that becomes annoying real fast.

  • SoapNSpook
    SoapNSpook Member Posts: 151

    Did you get the answer to all those "whys" as a kid though? Or were you forced to live with them, ignore them, being punished for them because no one could answer them?

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183

    I think you are misunderstanding my comment. I didn't mean kids asking normal question including the word "why" but simply continuous asking literally only "Why?".

    Like first comes a normal question like "Why is the sky blue?" And you answer the question with facts about the atmosphere, refraction of light and so on and then comes another simple "Why?" And again after every answer after that.

    That behaviour is not necessarily a thirst for knowledge but becomes a source of entertainment by testing another's patience and increasingly stress them via annoyance.

  • SoapNSpook
    SoapNSpook Member Posts: 151

    Annoyance is not my goal here. If the answer can go deeper, why wouldn't you ask again?

    I'm interested in knowing the answer from people who got offended by the question though but I don't think I can get a valid answer out of them. They call the game fun, I wonder what does it truly means for them. But I highly doubt they know the answer themselves because most of the time it hides beneath these unpleasant occurrences and emotions that they do not want to go through. That's probably why some replies filled with certain aggression that is a protection mechanism.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183

    "Why wouldn't you ask again?"

    Because at some point in our lives we should have learned that it is not necessarily our place to ask uncomfortable question to other people and simply back off.

    Also why some people here might be offended by your questions is the way they are formulated (outside of them sounding like coming from some spiritual guy one weed like the people in the movie "soul") is because you subconsciously phrase them with an inherent negativity with terms like "giving up", "hiding", "escape" or "afraid". Why would anyone answer such already "sensitive" questions when they are phrased like the situation they are discribing is a negative one. Only exception is using those when the other person has used them first.

    I for my part like fantasy, manga, anime, movies, video games and so also as a distraction from real life. Partially because I was the center of attention for bullying in my class from elementary school until end of high school. The initial reason where naivety and a higher aptitude for studying at the given time (I loved math and science classes).

    This made me a social outcast, outside of my best friend who shared most of my interests with me. This lead to a shortage of experience in social groups and with the other gender which impacts me still today (still hate to get used into a already established social group for example at a workplace or in the gym. Also never had a girlfriend and still problems approaching women with the intent of romance).

    I use those media to escape reality and as a way to relaxe from stress that inevitably arises from my psychological problems. Also the real world might be beautiful in some aspects but many are simply too ugly to tolerate in the long run. Btw from my perspective religion is the same. Hoping for something better after this life to make taking the pain of this life, given the circumstances of some, easier. They find their distraction in god and there faith, we or rather I in these windows into other worlds.