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General Discussions

Ever since the Tru3ta1ent vs Oracle matches, majority of my matches are like that

Member Posts: 5,922
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

The majority of my matches ever since those videos came out have gone exactly the same way. Every survivor team is just holding w and immediately dropping every pallet and gens get done in 3 minutes. Mindgames don't get to happen, interesting games don't get to happen. It's just, hold w, immediately drop pallet, lose 3 gens in 2 minutes rinse and repeat.

The long standing (and wrong) argument of "it's not every team that does this so you can't fix it" is no longer the case anymore and it needs to be fixed.

EDIT: For those trying to strawman my post, i am NOT saying that all of the games i play are the best survivors in the world. I am saying they are mimicking those players. Playing the way they do by holding w, and dropping pallets immediately. This style of play does not require you to be the best in the world and quite frankly isn't that hard or fun.

EDIT2: I'll play tonight and record every game and upload it to youtube so you all can see how often this is happening now.

Post edited by Reinami on

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  • Member Posts: 5,922

    It's not how my matches used to go before that video. Maybe one out of every 50-100 games or so was like that, the rest were what i call "normal survivors"

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Which killers are you using?

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited June 2021

    Now you are being hyperbolic. Read my OP again, they are playing in that exact boring way where i basically am forced to hope i get a hook before i lose 3 gens then proxy camp and tunnel.

    No, i mean they are playing in the "hold w" never actually loop anything just immediately throw down the pallet way.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    Look, i have 2k hours in this game, not looking for a lecture, or some excuse about certain killers. If you must know, i cycle through most killers but i main nurse (for this exact reason)

  • Member Posts: 4,082
    edited June 2021

    Well simply not every killer can compete yet against these kind of survivors. So only S tier and A tier will cut it.

  • Member Posts: 843

    Not even A tier killer can compete against that but again everyone got a different tier list i even saw some people put nurse under spirit and pre nerf freddy

  • Member Posts: 843

    For me i always played like that that why i still use OoO that perk is beyond broken. I see the killer i run away and start a new gen when the killer leave me alone then i do that all game now say the 4 survivor do that the game will end and the killer wont have a single hit that why i strongly believe the game is survivor side and easy for the survivor

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    What? Survivors found out? #########

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    That's kinda the point of this thread. It needs to be fixed. The game is fundamentally broken when survivors play in the most boring and safest way possible outside of 2 killers that survivors constantly complain need a nerf.

  • Member Posts: 4,082
  • Member Posts: 5,922

    I blame tru3ta1ent. Although ironically, my hope is still that they fix this.

  • Member Posts: 561

    Always been like that.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    I'm only a nurse main because its the only way to compete against these types of teams. The worst part is that they can still win. I'm also one of the few nurse mains who will say she not only needs a nerf, but a complete rework, but not until we fix survivors.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    Can we not with the whataboutism please? It isn't product or useful. Stay on topic.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    Well everyone agrees the fun of the game is the chase and mindgames, which if survivors just hold w and throw down pallets immediately the game is just extremely boring.

  • Member Posts: 613

    Watched 1 of those videos and peeked at the rest. Did he only ever do Wraith against that team? Wraith isn't the weakest Killer but he doesn't have much of a tool kit either. So most any decent team should be able to deal with a Wraith without much worry as he can only really do M1s.

    Got no proof other than personal opinion. But Id think Demo, Billy, Deathslinger, Huntress, Nurse, Spirit, Oni, Exe, Nemmy, and a few other Killers should be able to do much better against a team like that. Mainly due to having tool kits that gives more options than M1s. Can't win every game but you'd have better odds at least. Wraith I see as one of the weakest Killers due to his power offering almost nothing or even being a downside at times instead of being a viable choice.

    Using Wraith is just the wrong Killer to showcase the strength of Survivors. It only shows the weakness of Wraith.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    Only nurse and spirit can compete against teams like that. It is the reason that competitive play is just nurse and spirit every game unless the tournament has rules against them.

  • Member Posts: 133

    I mean "Hold W meta" has been a thing for a while, and only really Blight Spirit and Nurse can compeete. Hell blight is 90% an M1 looping killer but his map mobility puts him in S. Billy would be A/S if we could still Spam chainsaw, also due to mobility.

    It's honestly boring and uninteresting and it makes me wish we had a stamina system

  • Member Posts: 1,855

    "The long standing (and wrong) argument of "it's not every team that does this so you can't fix it" is no longer the case anymore and it needs to be fixed."

    It's still the case when you only look at your games and what happened during them. DBD has millions of games happen every week if not every day, and you aren't the only killer playing the game. All I see this post as is you are going against more teams playing in a way you attribute to the Oracle vs Tru3 video.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    You need to re-read the post again. Obviously i'm not saying that they are all the best in the world. I'm saying they are mimicking their play, which isn't that damn hard considering it's just, hold w, drop every pallet early.

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited June 2021

    Explain to me what a killer should do against a team of survivors that holds W and immediately drops every pallet? I can abandon chase and find another, and then that one does it? Then 3 gens pop before i land a single hit. There is no counterplay for like 75% of the killers on the roster.

    Gens take 80 seconds to complete, if survivors just hold w, and don't even drop pallets, it takes 48 seconds for the killer to down the survivor.

  • Member Posts: 2,203

    My teammates usually crouch behind me to get a flashlight saves.

    I wouldn't even mind if, actually, they knew the timing. Or even not to blind a Killer from behind. Maybe I miss something, but I never heard of any Killer with eyes on the back of their head.

    And let's speak about the ones who stay together, trade hooks, and are finally slugged because none of them have the idea of leading the Killer away.

  • Member Posts: 1,855

    Don’t distract from the point of my post which only highlighted the point I wished to discuss, which was “see this is happening to me now so it’s a problem” and I pointed out you are not the only killer playing the game so using your experience to say that the argument of not every team does it is a wrong argument is an incorrect assertion. At no point did I bring up there being counterplay to that because that wasn’t the point I was making.

  • Member Posts: 1,236

    If youre not on a chase be on a gen, if you are throw the pallet early. That doesnt even require comms much less being in a top 5 swf

  • Member Posts: 231

    holding W is the best way to counter the influx of new killers and other popular ones that counter looping, sorry.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    @Reinami your facing survivors do not run into deadzones and know how to loop? I am jealous. maybe they turned on MMR on in secret.

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    What do you expect survivors to do? The devs keep adding more and more killers that cannot be looped for any meaningful amount time, and the reworked maps have more and more dead zones and unsafe pallets, so survivors apparently did what killers always asked them to do and adapted.

    It’s not very fun to play this way as survivor either. I’d rather use my brain a little in a chase but I also don’t really want to try to loop the really fun and interactive anti-loop killer, go down in 10 seconds and doom my team. So, sorry but until survivors get something else to work with, I’ll just hold W. Fun.

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited June 2021

    What do you expect killers to do? Survivors can waste 48 seconds of a killers time by holding w, no windows, no pallets, no nothing. 48 seconds. Factor in picking that survivor up, finding a hook, walking them to it, actually doing the hooking. And you probably just lost 3 gens. Now imagine if the survivor knows how to press spacebar at pallets.

    Like, at this point you are saying that, if survivors play this way, it is boring for them, and the killer is usually lucky to get 1 or 2 hooks, let alone kills. If survivors don't play this way, killers are too strong at anti-loop at survivors die in 2 minutes and it is boring for killer.

    So why do nothing? We all agree these are serious problems, let's fix them instead of throwing whataboutisms at each other. Like, lets fix the game.

  • Member Posts: 440

    ...No they haven't.

  • Member Posts: 133

    I mean..... Nurse and Spirit sure, but most killers arn't "unloopable". VS Nem and PH for example you can just play them like a Huntress mindgaming the power. You can get several EXTRA loops if you read the killer right, it's an extra layer of mindgames really beyond your basic 50-50 the moonwalk (ow wait dead hard, so not really a 50-50)

    I'll grant you Huntress , Plague, Demo, PH and Nem really gobble up new survivors who havn't figured out what animation lock is yet... DS is kinda in a category of his own as the power comes out really quick but same basic concept.

    Then you have pallet munchers like Bubba, Oni and Iri Button Legion. Those yeah, you kinda have to keep feeding them pallets and hope the gens run out before the pallets do, tho i've heard windows are really sexy....

    Then there's Twins / Hag who hate crouching... another thing like 90% of the survivor base hasn't seemed to have figured out yet... Also babbynapping Victor is Hillarious, turns twins into.... Freddy basically. M1 killer + oblivious. Hell lump Trickster into that category who can be really mean over low wall loops.

    But ofc why bother with brainpower when the sacred W key exists. Especially mean vs Nem since he needs like 8 extra hits every game before he becomes reaaaaaaally scarry. Once you take Nem for a walk it's such a ######### to have to decide between M1 or Tentancle (granting even more ditstance....)

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    Nurse, Trapper, Doctor, Freddy, Clown, Demo, Deathslinger, Pyramidhead, Trickster, Nemesis. All killers whose powers make looping much more difficult, or shut it down completely depending on the tile RNG you get. I don’t even count Spirit since you can’t loop her but you can’t make distance against her either, lol. Even stuff like Pig’s dash and Wraith’s lunge out of cloak can be anti-loop and encourage the “pre-drop and hold W to next loop” strat.

    Please tell me how to loop a Clown or Doctor or Freddy without dropping pallets early and trying to make distance at every opportunity.

  • Member Posts: 133
    edited June 2021

    Ok lumping in Trapper and Trickster in with Nurse? Also you're complaining TRAPPER is to strong at anti-loop...... TRAPPER?!

    Confirmed.... suvivors just want M1 no power killers they can loop for 5 minutes *face - palm*

    And as far as Doctor goes the power has a stupidly long delay before exploding AND slows him down. It's literally the Huntress / Nem / PH issue where if he spams his power you pretty much get infinite loops AND his power doesn't even damage. it's actually VERY hard to "anti-loop" with it and usually involves mindgames of tricking the survivors to predrop a pallet / vault something and coming around the other side.

    Same pretty much goes with clown slows him down and the gas doesn't linger to long if it isn't PRECISELY placed you can ignore it.

    Freddy? *ring ring ring* Freddy's big power (B to Aish level fo power) comes from his map pressure not really his anti loop. You ... DO know the snares don't work while you're awake yes? And he's an M1 killer before he get's the first hit in? It's kinda like a reverse Legion / Plague, paying with 1 health state. And you're Immune to being M1ed for 30 seconds then take another 60 to fall asleep, upon wich ANOTHER clock will spawn...

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    There was no whataboutism in my post. I was simply arguing that this strat is popular now for very good reason.

    If you “fix” this, you make certain killers extremely frustrating (even more so) to face. Can’t loop, can’t stealth, can’t run away.

    Like, the solution would probably be to have rebalanced the maps so that pallets are not totally unsafe and not totally safe either, but have some mindgame potential and playability. You know, make it a more interactive chase where both sides try to read each other and make the better play. The devs didn’t go this route though so instead you have maps that are either still hilariously survivor sided (Haddonfield, Fractured Cowshed) or filled with short low wall loops and dead zones (Dead Dawg, Shelter Woods, some Autohaven). You can’t play the pallets on Dead Dawg against a killer like Pyramid Head or Deathslinger if they’re even half decent so you basically have to make distance and break line of sight all the time.

    If you “fix” the issue of holding W, what do you replace it with against killers where that’s the only real way to play against them? Survivors need to have SOME means of prolonging their death, otherwise any not garbage tier killer who plays with half a brain will 4K almost every single game which is a completely unreasonable thing to expect.

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited June 2021

    Just got out of a game as huntress. Solo queue survivors, some console, and hold w, drop pallets, 5 gens done in 4 minutes. Nothing i could do. They just move between junk tiles and hold w.

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited June 2021

    Literal whataboutism.

    I say, holding w, and just dropping the pallet is boring, too effective, and leads to only nurse and spirit being viable.

    you say: But what about all these anti-loop killers.

    That is literal whataboutism.

    Stop being a Scott Jund sheep and realize that you can fix more than one thing at once. Either fix hold w or make gens take longer. Something needs to be done.

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    I think you’re failing to understand what I’m saying. I’m not saying that Trapper is OP or on the same level as Nurse. I’m saying that these killers have anti-loop powers which encourage survivors to drop pallets early or forego looping and try to make distance. If Trapper traps a loop, then how the ######### do you expect a survivor to use it? Come on dude, at least try to understand the point I’m making instead of arguing against something I never even said.

    If you can’t anti-loop a survivor as Doctor, Clown or Freddy then you’re not using their powers properly. “He has to hit his bottles” is not a good counter-argument; I’m assuming a baseline level of competency with a killer’s power. Doctor can throw on a Discipline add on, or just, idk, get good and learn the timing, it’s not really that difficult. And survivors typically can’t use clocks to wake up when they’re being chased.

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited June 2021

    They run to another loop. Trapper require setup, as soon as you know a trapper is in the game, you know the area, the one opposite you spawned from, is probably trapped, so you should tread it carefully and disarm traps.

    Freddy and Clown are the only ones i agree with you on. All the other killers you listed earlier have some way other than just dropping the pallet to counter them. Doctor has a very thin shock and you can dodge it. It also slows him down when he uses it, meaning if you dodge it, you have plenty of time to vault a window or still drop a pallet.

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    You say holding W is boring and too strong.

    I say it’s the playstyle that the developers are encouraging through their recent balancing decisions, including killer powers, and that it’s not a simple thing to fix because it would have significant balance implications.

    That’s not whataboutism, that’s just what people usually call discussing a subject.

    I don’t watch Scott Jund.

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    Running to another loop how? What key do I press for that again? ;)

  • Member Posts: 827

    Dude, bhvr can't even put out what was either their first or second largest license yet (re) without completely breaking the game. You want them to fix the basic design of the game? We still can't even use the first brand new map IN A YEAR. Performance is at an all time low. Bugs up the ass. Good luck.

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited June 2021

    There is a difference between running to another loop and just holding shift w and running to the opposite end of the map. Maybe a stamina bar that resets when you vault or drop a pallet or stand still for a few seconds.

  • Member Posts: 133

    No no, i understand, what you're saying, Holding W is easier, but based on your examples literally the only single killer that isn't "anti-loop" is MYERS?! Cos he can't stalk you if you keep breaking LoS but he CAN stalk you if you run in the open. Hence you're argument for survivors not doing the hold W thing is for every killer to be an M1 only basic killer.....

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    People in my matches were doing this long before that video since its an old hold w strategy, unfun and obnoxious but strategy nonetheless.

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