Man... these evening survivors sometimes...

I’ve had to resort to my “You Don’t Care About My Fun, So I Don’t Care About Yours” build/strategy.
Doc with Distressing, Coulrophobia, Overwhelming Presence, Unnerving Presence, Iridescent King, and Iridescent Queen, AND LOTS of Slugging.
Yeah... deal with it. No more playing nice.
Do you are taking out your anger on other survivors just because you didn’t win the match before?
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I gave 10 matches the benefit of doubt before resorting to this. Everyone is going as hardcore as possible. I don’t resort to these tactics lightly.
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Welcome to the Dark Side.
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I've been against 2 basement Hags and 2 Ruin + Undying Spirits tonight. Other than that it's been pretty good.
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The thirst intensifies 🤣🤣🤣
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Yes, yes.
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then why do you even play at all anymore, seems like mentally there is no real winning there.
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Conversely I have noticed that killers get way sweatier as the night progresses as well.
I go into every match assuming the best. I don't take out any frustration from a previous match on a new group of players/killer. I value my character as a survivor and killer and don't believe in "punishing" players for the behavior of others. Punishing others will only make them more jaded - which in return they may then take out on those in their next match - it is a vicious cycle. I don't get upset over "toxic" killers or survivors - I just move on to the next match.
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Currently transportation is free so no biggie from us solos.
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Last night, after playing Doc for like four hours straight (my first day of fully embracing my first killer), I got my first ever SWF team.
Oh boy.
The rumors are true. The hushed whispers of the sweat squads lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce with their aggressive tactics and coordinated console chat, are real. While they surprisingly didn't annihilate me, and I even managed to hook one (which they may have allowed me to out of pity, I don't know), they were insane. A team of four looping experts who were literally racing around me left and right, buzzing me like flies, doing stuff I'd never seen before like disappearing magically from my view, turning corners at exactly the last second, ducking and bobbing and weaving like professional boxers, etc. It was at first frustrating but then eventually almost mesmerizing. I couldn't help but respect their skill. And, as is my style, at the end of the match I opened the gate and stood aside to nod at them to say "hey, good game". To my pleasant surprise, they did the same thing that "normal" survivors do when I make this gesture: They dropped the BS and nodded at me, ran over to ask for some hits, ran around dancing with me, etc. It wound up being pretty fun.
I have to say the same thing I said to another user the other day: You just can't allow yourself to take the antagonistic players personally. Their methods can't dictate your own fun. As hard as it is you just have to kind of shrug it off, otherwise it will bother you after they're long gone.
OR if you're really great with an oppressive Doc build, take it out on the next group that acts like a bunch of punks. :P
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That build isn't that scary unless your playing on a tiny map. Also ngl I'd be more afraid of that build if it had Huntress Lullaby (probably my kryptonite perk).
Also I'd probably run calm add-ons instead and never use the static blast. Makes more sense with your perks.
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Don’t worry. I’m having LOADS of fun now.
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Damn aren't you a better person than most people. Good for you, here have a cookie.
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I have particularly methodology with this build. The survivors struggle to get much done.
Plus I find it really funny smacking down an injured cocky survivor trying to finish a heal mid chase, but they run out of med kit charges.
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No, it's just AU evenings. They really are vastly different to NA and EU, as a solo survivor I usually get matched with 2-3 person SWF teams and everyone knows to do gens. Unfortunately, they also like to predrop pallets.
AU killer is really one of the worst experiences this game has to offer. I've played on NA West, NA East and EU servers and it's just way more chill in every possible way.
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Can you even switch server in game?
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Yeah I definitely feel you. Went from playing Spirit to Piggy and noticed a drastic difference in not just the match outcome, but survivor behavior.
Nobody was teabagging & telling me to come here as Spirit, but instead as Piggy because they know she's weak & wonder why killers such as herself aren't played anymore🤦🏼♀️
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VPN and playing with friends. Just to test the difference between servers I jumped around the 3 main ones as both killer and survivor, and just to make sure it wasn't my ping magically changing the way people play I throttled my AU connection.
NA West is full of campers and tunnelers that do it right form the start and usually lose, NA East is honestly the most "normal" place I've played in the sense that it's consistently in the middle, EU is wierd and gets way sweatier when it's not in the evening but not in the AU way (we rush gens, EU is more about chase skill and showing off).
It's not like this is something I do normally, I just got curious after playing with some of my international friends and decided to test. Turns out AU really does ######### suck.
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Might actually try once, I play on EU and haven’t played on any other server so I can’t really say much
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Honestly I came to this post expecting it to be talking about how they're braindead because I play from 8pm-2am and I've had pepega survs for the past 8 ish games, so I've gotten consistent 4ks.
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With that build i guess you're having fun stomping r12s
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Have you considered just calling it a night? Maybe just putting the game down if it's frustrating you rather than seeking some petty revenge?
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Yeah, from experience, matches passed 7 are when the sweats come out. If I play at that time, I can expect sweaty matches. So, if I'm looking to unwind, then I find something else to play.
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You Now Done Did It Filthy Survivor Mains You Are Getting It Now, He, He, I Am Gonna Get You, Salty Pagliacci Is In The Queue Now You Really Should Be Scared!!!!
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The doctor says: "Treatment is simple. The famous killer main, Salty Pagliacci, is streaming tonight. Go watch him. He's gonna let all the survivors bleed out, it'll be the most hilarious sh1t you've ever seen."
"But doctor..."
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Pretty much. The competitiveness here is absurd, probably only surpassed by the Japanese and the Koreans.
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I’ve been saying this on these forums for YEARS (even on my old account).
But so few believe just how extreme the gaming landscape is in Australia and New Zealand. It’s ultra competitive, and this in turn can make online gaming highly stressful here.
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Oh no. It’s sweat squads in that lovely shade of Crimson. Mostly rank 1’s.
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Just remember this, the harder you play, the harder you will have to play. So if you are winning with these tactics, soon, you will not be able to use anything but those tactics. Is that the type of game you want to play, locked into specific killers and specific perks every game or would you rather have fun and lose games.
(MMR is going to keep putting you against better and better survivors as you beat them).
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I don't remember the last time I've seen a survivor try to heal mid-chase lol
Well fair play then lol I would prefer that build to a lot of others that the Doctor has. Like if I was doing that build I'd definitely use double calm and Lullaby instead of overwhelming presence.
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It’s not an amazing perk by any means, but in this build it’s quite handy at complimenting Coulrophobia and Unnerving, keeping pressure on the survivors either struggling to get slugs up off the ground, or trying to heal with their medkits. I’ve had survivors try to blind me only to run out of charges. Same with mid hook Sabotage. Plus it helps make a map user waste loads of time trying to stay out of my TR. It just makes the survivors getting things done way more difficult as I keep in the move, and with how frequently they keep getting into T3 madness. It basically gives Doc peak power with his TR.
I’d only ever use Calm with M&A so I can take advantage of his stealth during cool downs.
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Well if you've had success with it then fair enough lol
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Let’s be real, you don’t ever care about anyone’s fun. It’s about that 4K at all costs. Give me a break.
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Yay, someone else said it.
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Putting words in someone else's mouth is always a sure way to win an argument when you have no factual basis for your claims!
@TheClownIsKing does care about others fun, which is why they don't run sweaty builds and they seem to be generally good sports about everything.
I, on the other hand, do want to 4K at any cost and people's fun isn't really a consistent thought in my mind.
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My evening survivors tend to be complete dunces. Or maybe it's just the increased number making it easier to find matches where they're less experienced.
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I still rember playing Ark on American servers once. They were so confused as to how 3 of us took over an entire cluster of maps in a fortnight, while dealing with 150+ ping. Something about being down here just makes everyone ultra competitive, and you just sort of get used to it after a while.
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If you're playing late in certain regions, you're facing people who don't wake up to go to work the next day. So yeah, high chance they're /that/ sort of player.
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No - I am just an adult who doesn't act like a petulant child.
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The king hasn't been the same since his... "leave".
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Sure... by all means make assumptions about me, who you’ve never met in your life
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Thank you
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Are you feeling unnerved? 🤣
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Make them suffer sweet prince....make them suffer!
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yawn, there are crap players on bothsides my friend. The sooner you realize rank / anyone elses fun doesnt matter. The better. I run meta perks on survivor, not to dick over the next killer - but to give myself a better chance against the tunnelers, campers and meta killer players that we run into on a consistent basis. shrug another day in DBD.