What does anyone think of a Shape-Shifting killer?

D34D_B34TB0X Member Posts: 410

To put it simply, he could take the shape of any survivors remaining in the trial (from 4-2 only.), he could turn into any killer/survivor items, except for certain items:

  1. Window Vaults
  2. Exit Gates and/or their Latches
  3. Basement Hooks
  4. Breakable Walls

Items you CAN turn into:

  1. Chests and Totems (Hex, Boon, or Dull)
  2. Generators and Hooks
  3. Pallets dropped or standing up
  4. Survivor items dropped by Toxic Twitch Streamers. (Med kit, Tool box, Keys, etc.)
  5. The Hatch

I'd imagine this killer being a stealth killer; kind of like Wraith, Amanda, Michael, and Ghost Face. Terror radius should be hidden when taking form. It could duplicate himself, kind of like the hags traps and Doctor's madness addons. They can chase you but they can't hit you, they can make swing at you, making it seem like they're about to injure you, causing panic. Maybe for an addon, it can also block doorways. I don't think anyone ever thought of a shape shifter, or they probably have, they may have thought it'd be too toxic. I think it sounds cool. Give him a cool name like "The Mimic" or "The Yo-kai".


  • FadedTone
    FadedTone Member Posts: 16

    Well when ya put it that way, that would be cool. And I think the Yo-Kia would be a good name, just think of the awesome cosmetics that guy would get, well at least what little you would see of him

  • Givti
    Givti Member Posts: 50

    I mean this idea is pretty cool, but it won't work in this game + Many, Many people already thought about a shapeshifter, but realized/ got told that this won't work.

    1. As a fake survivor, your power will be completly useless against Swf after the first hit, because they'll call out their positions and realize if you come to somebody while everyone else is far away. It can also be countered by SoloQ, because they can just stay far apart from each other and if someone comes near, they immediatly run away or something. It's impossible as fake survivor.

    2. As a fake object, you'll have to wait maybe one minute or even the whole game or it maybe doesnt happen at all, until a survivor comes near you.

    3. The duplicating is new (I think), but even this won't work when they realize that they're playing against the Mimic. Then they'll just ignore the Duplicates or run to a pallet, which they looked at the whole time.

  • D34D_B34TB0X
    D34D_B34TB0X Member Posts: 410

    I can see what you're saying, and you make a very good point. Not every group of players is going to be SWFs, however it would obviously be a prime disadvantage. Sort of like Calm Spirit and Doctor. They may or may not come to you when being a fake object, but I figured it'd be fun to surprise them. Kind of like you're going fishing, and you show them fish the bait. Imagine you needing to find a generator and some fleashy shadowy thing emerges and attacks you. I thought it'd be both funny and scary. x3

    I'm more of a killer main, so I thought of the idea of the duplication putting someone in the injured state and then put them in deep wound, not downing them, and the rest of the time just put them in killer instinct three seconds per hit, however I thought people might find it toxic. I also thought thought of having a third ability to block door way, but I thought people might find THAT toxic... I'm curious if the devs will ever pull of a shape shifting killer, might be good, might be bad, might never come, you never know. I do think it sounds cool though. Thank you for reading.

  • Givti
    Givti Member Posts: 50

    I know that not every group of players will be SWF, in fact the most players are SoloQ. That's why i also talked about how soloq could counter it very easily. It will be like Scratch Mirror Myers, pretty fun sometimes, but quite useless and weak.

    You know that a killer power can't be toxic by itself, right? The player has to play dirty like tunneling or teabagging to be toxic. You probaly meant that the ability to block a door way would be too strong (not toxic). We kinda have this ability already in-game: the "Scarred Hand"-Add-on of Hag.