patchnotes are out and....

... I'm not impressed. Judging by them the core issue that killed people's consoles and cpus seems to still be there.
Thats the important stuff of course.
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They said they're still working on it which is a bummer . And mean we gotta wait until next Tuesday.
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One has to wonder: if this were a higher profile game, would it get pulled from the Playstation Store like Cyberpunk did? It's actually ridiculous how poor the quality control is. And even after this hotfix they still haven't enabled the map that people paid for in the DLC.
51 -
This update is completely useless. A week of lags and performance issues and no RPD and they havent fixed any of those.
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Imagine releasing a chapter and having the map disabled for so long,this is embarrassing.
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No more cursed Kate nor Nea with invisible stomach I guess.
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yeah, cause hell beware people have fun mix-and-matching.
Like, I get sets when it's using complete new meshes like Krampus or Minotaur. but everything else shows a certain level of incompetence (not as high/low as the one when it comes to optimizing though)
14 -
My scoops ahoy jonathan is ruined😭
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I just hope that the characters i did the cosmetic glitch on will not get reset to default
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Okay what exactly are unbreakable/breakable outfits?
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I feel your frustration on this and have similar frustrations - I play the game too! But this is something that the team is actively working on and more fixes will be on the way :( Sadly not eveything is going to be an easy fix.
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Linked sets.
4 -
not my chris redfield in leons RE4 jacket ;~;
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I think that's referring to set outfits and how some people managed to glitch them to kinda not be a set anymore.
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So sad T_T
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I get that, but supposedly the team has been "working" on Optimization for at least 2 years.
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I saw a Leon using Chris's body.
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outfit 'sets' like the minotaur where you can't ue individual parts of the cosmetic are 'unbreakable' sets. Krampus and Minotaur make sense, cause the meshes are new and don't line up with the regular meshes at all. but there are linked sets (kate's oktoberfest outfit for example) where they could have just shifted the meshes a tiny bit to allow mix and match
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Sounds horrible...
I need to see this!
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Ahh ok. I´m not a fan of linked sets. To strict for me.
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I think the main reason Cyberpunk was pulled was because they offered refunds on PlayStation without informing Sony, so they pulled Cyberpunk as punishment. So I wouldn't say that the same would happen with DBD.
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At this point: Please, devs, contact the folks that make warframe and have them have a look at your game and then listen to them how to fix it.
Cause, folks, whatever you might think about warframe, in terms of optimization, accessibility and customization it's lightyears ahead of dbd at a smaller team.
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statistics about productivity speak against homeoffice being a bad thing, but go off, karen
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People are just dissappointed that the chapter was allowed to release in this state.
Even more so because this is not the first time this happened
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and not the first time in a row
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There's a few that make sense to me to be linked. Like especially the legendary skins that basically turn a Survivor into a different character from the franchise. Most don't need to be linked though.
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It just keeps happening and happening... yet we as a community don't hold them entirely accountable. Sure we get pissed off, but after a week or two it's back to business as usual.
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Well DBD never had any real competition so they're free to do stuff like this constantly.
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I didn't see anything about nemesis giving survivors a speed boost when infecting them.
I was hoping they would change that in this patch
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i just want Quintin witg chris body.
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I didn't see anything about clown being fixed because his bottles are busted but thank god they fixed a brief animation bug when rescuing from pyramid head cages >.>
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I saw a Claire head on Jill's body. That was scary for me
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Ugh They reset my Jane and now Ive lost my Goddess Hair. What a great hotfix.
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Yes, some legendaries make sense. But most don´t.
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I'm convinced they made the Claire and Chris sets look so bad when broken intentionally.The Silent Hill legendaries look alright when you break them.
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Oh i just saw, that they changed the intro to the version that contains the legendary outfits.
Important i guess...
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This wasn't a balance patch. It was a quick patch to fix as many bugs as they could.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but are Clown's bottles still broken?
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Console player here. Life is still pain. I hope the next time this happens, we get 1,000,000 bp a day until it's fixed. Not just the lackluster apologie of 300,000 done once, period.
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like, i get how hard fixing major issues is, but damn, there's not even a hint of the devs trying.
but hey, it's more important to have the game look realistic on screenshots for the investors
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please don't post on the forums when you don't understand what you're talking about, this will save everyone's time (yours included, mine included)
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said it earlier: they ought to contact the warframe devs and get some help.
cause bloody hell, I can't actually name one positive thing about the devs and their approach to the game and its community right now.
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Bhvr gets away with an atrocious amount of bull sh*t like this because they don't have any solid competition which lets them be lazy and incompetent.
I mean ffs, they had to disable half of the latest chapter (map) ON DAY 1 and its still not available a week later!
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Many of the bugs that have been fixed were found during the PTB, which means that work on these issues started a few weeks ago. That said, not all bugs are equal or even worked on by the same people! The team is still working hard on delivering a fix for these known issues ASAP.
1 -
Yeah, these bugs were found. But instead of fixing them and putting up a NEW ptb to check if things are smoothed out and playable, they pushed the livepatch with all new bugs, as if the same thing didn't happen with the twins patch. and blight patch and...
seriously, don't push a patch live until it's at least playable.
Not to mention they will stick so stubbornly to their patch schedule. instead of releasing a hotfix as soon as it's ready, no, let's wait till tuesday.
that's not what hotfixes are for
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If they haven't reverted dont do the tutorial because they reset everything including cosmetics
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I thought the speed boost was a bug.
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Sadly they did, lost the flower crown i had on kate and my yunjin got reset as well :/
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Well instead of having PTB only on computers then why not add it onto consoles as well since a lot of issues happen when it comes to consoles? You would get more bug reports and it would show the difference between what console users experience compared to PC?
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Okay, with console ptbs there's the additional obstacle of sony and microsoft. but I can't believe the devs don't have a single damned console anywhere to test stuff, even in homeoffice times.