The simple solution to "gen rushing" - Spawn logic has got to change.

First of all, I'm not a fan of the term "gen rushing". Survivors splitting up and doing separate generators is the optimal way to play. However, when the game spawns the survivors on (or very close to) 4 separate generators at the start of a match, the killer is almost always immediately in a losing position.

I've been running Lethal Pursuer since the RE chapter came out, and it's been driving me insane. In the overwhelming majority of my games, survivors had access to at least 3 separate generators (and often one of my hexes) within 2-3 seconds of loading in. ONE time, survivors spawned together. I've had games where I spawn in, look round, and 3 survivors are already working on generators.

This is incredibly frustrating, knowing you're forced to slug or tunnel, hook survivors near a group of gens and camp the area, or do whatever else the entitled survivor mains think is "playing dirty" in order to pressure them and secure kills. And god help you if you want to try fun builds, because you're pigeonholed into bringing gen regression perks every game if you want it to last more than 5 minutes.

It's not a case of "just get good" - the killer cannot be in 4 places at once, and even if they down a survivor quickly, at least 2 generators will be done (or close to it) by the time they get their first hook, and it's all down to where the survivors are spawning in. Generator speeds are not the biggest problem - the horrible spawn system is.

What I suggest to fix this glaring RNG-based issue is simple:

Spawn survivors at the exit gates in every single match.

That's it. The exits are already influenced by RNG on most maps, and this will often result in survivors still being split up at the start, but if it's 2 and 2 or 3 and 1 or even all 4 together, it's significantly less advantageous than spawning right next to generators. It also helps newer survivors with the locations of the exit gates, which I know can be troublesome if they don't know the map layouts.

To add to this, generators and totems should never spawn within a certain range of the exits. This pushes survivors into the map and makes them actually spend a little time to find the generators. It also protects your totems more so than those cases where survivors spawn on top of them, as well.

My suggestion doesn't magically tilt the game in the killer's favour - it just stops survivors from immediately doing their objective. Granted, it gives the killer a bit too much info on maps like Midwich, where the exits are in the same places every match, but all that does is force survivors to actually move at the start of the game instead of hold M1 where they spawn, which buys the killer maybe 10-20 seconds to at least start moving in the direction of a survivor or the closest gen to where they spawn.

As for the offerings that influence spawn points, give the killer one to spawn the survivors together, and survivors ones to spawn on the furthest exit from the killer or a guaranteed 2 on each exit. Or you could scrap them entirely, because they're rarely used as it is.

It's not a perfect idea, and it's certainly not as balanced as a lot of people would like, but it's got to be better than the mess we've got at the moment.


  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101

    I like this solution a lot, I do think on the killer side the number one feel bad moment is finding your first survivor quickly, and having a good chase on them, and still losing 2-3 gens before the hook happens.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    I like this idea.

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784
    edited June 2021

    Spawn the killer more in the center of the map too, consistently. With Lethal Pursuer, I have had games where they spawned together, I walked across a large map, and it was past 75% done before I even got there. Almost 20% of their objective done before I could possibly have had an interaction. Without Lethal Pursuer, if I checked any gens along the way, it would have been done.

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    Just make Shroud of Binding basekit. Remove 2 offerings from the bloodweb and force them to run Shroud of Separation. Yes, move Shroud of Separation to survivors