Nemesis Needs A Cooldown

ok so nemesis needs one change and its the cooldown between taking the tentacle and using it.İt just takes 0.5 secs to use the tentacle.For example pyramid head has to ike put his sword down to use his m1.But nemesis dont have something like that.He pulls out and bam easy window or pallet hit.Survivors dont even get a chance to finish the vault.Long story short they need to add a cooldown between pulling out the tentacle and using.And no one can say that its not broken.
Its not broken
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I do think he readies it a bit too fast, maybe have it slower on 1 and 2 and make level 3 faster. Right now the additional 1 meter is helpful but it doesn't feel like a big enough deal. If it was slower at start but overall faster at level 3 that'd be a cool buff.
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Pyramid Head dont give you a free sprint burst and nemesis tentacul is easy to dodge and if you crouch when you drop the pallet you cant get hit
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Nice bait my friend. I am giving you 8/10.
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i cant even finish the vault
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Here we go again...
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I agree it would be nice to buff tier 3 but changing tier 1 & 2 will mess with muscle memory after you get used to playing with Nemesis.
I think it’s fine as is considering the first tentacle hit doesn’t even injure survivors.
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what does bait mean?
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It's also tiny, has lower range, doesn't do damage instantly, slows him down to 95% and mainly doesn't go trough walls.
Go figure why it has to have some other advantages over him.
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Everything that can win is OP in this game.
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Yea remove gates
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İt also can breake pallets a lot faster, can mutate and has a longer range and it slows him down Just a Lil bit you can still loop your tentacle out and still catch UP The survivors
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He needs buffs, not nerfs.
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İm not talking about after hitim talking about before hit
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Buff? Like what?
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The boils that develop on his arm need to be nerfed.
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Guys ım talking about The tentacle setting animation not after hit
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Remove the speed boost on Contamination hit.
Give him something for Tier III, 1 extra meter is very underwhelming.
Fix his issues on Console, he freezes the game every time he uses his power.
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Before hé can do that hé needs to get a lot of mutations.
Survivor have 3 health bars with nemesis tentacle strike. Nemesis is a very slow killer that can snow Ball very hard when hé gets his tiers. But that's where his problem Goes and that is his slow power.
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Given the range of the Tentacle Strike, the hitbox of the Tentacle Strike, and the slowdown pulling out the Tentacle and holding it. Increasing the wind up (not cooldown) on his Tentacle Strike would just ruin him. Nemesis already has to be close to you to even hit you and most of the time if he's able to Tentacle Strike you he can already just punch you which has no windup.
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Why are you vaulting? Unless you have enough distance you should not even think about a vault. Just juke the tentacle then vault it has no width to it at all. Not that hard. Change your game up a bit maybe?
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Terrible idea.
There's already cooldown if you don't end up using it right away before you can get it ready again, so you're already required to time it perfectly. It's not easy power spam ready to go.
Since you move at 95% speed while its up, there's a huge incentive to hit asap since you're losing distance with every moment. And if you do pull it too late, then they've already turned the corner or vaulted safely making it majorly punishing to miss.
You'd just be crippling a power that's already better to ignore for m1 most of the time anyway.
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İ was at The shack and how can i know he is gonna use The tentacle.
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I can tell all the replies to this will be civil
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Cooldown on the attack is 2,5s, pallet breaking animation is 2,6s. The only advantage there is the range for the breaking and the very very slight ability to move during the CD.
PH's base range is 8m at all times while also doing damage and moving at 110% while using the power.
Nemesis's mutation is a hinderance as it means he's significantly weaker during early game and usually mid game as wel before he reaches T3 which isn't even all that powerfull when compared to baseline PotD.
You also can't catch up to survivors with the tentacle charged up as you move at 95% while survivors at 100% with more slim hitboxes meaning you're losing a lot of distance.
You need to play him against good loopers to see that it's by no means some incredibly overpowered antiloop tool. It's decent but not amazing by any means.
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I would refrain from nerfing an already C-tier killer.
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Lol oh they won’t want to hear that on here. You’ll get a lot of “you’re just bad at the game” or “ he’s easy to counter”, yet none of them play survivor. Lol.
I agree with you.
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Ok now I'm convinced this is bait. Well I guess you could just be new so here let's try this. You can rotate your camera (look behind you) to know when he is going to use the tentacle. The tentacle is not instant.
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Thank god. İ love you
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What does Bait mean? And i have 1100 hours so dont try to teach me anything
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Then close your thread. Why post? You should know then smart-ass how to deal with a fukin tentacle with 1100 hours.
Fyi - Bait is many of things you use to catch fish like your post.
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Another toxic person. Time to ignore
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Ahhh yes. "Nerf" instead of "adapt".
But if a killer complains about anything, it's "just adapt".
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It take the same time for nemesis when he use his power or not the only difference is when he use his power he dont look down that all
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Yeah no. Learn to adept to his power.
The last thing Neme needs is a clunky-ass cooldown or wind up.
He needs a buff if anything.
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Then you have a free lithe with the only drawback to get infected not a bad trade honestly and you are still healthy
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That doesn't mean much if Nemesis is giving you a hard time.
A tip that helps is to treat him like Huntress, you know how Huntress punishes you for being cocky at normally safe spots? Yeah. You do the same for him, besides that. It's fine, if he only uses his tentacle on you it would take tree hits instead of the normal one or two. Which in the public's view, is pretty dog [BAD WORD].
Also yeah, his tentacle breaking pallets is stupid fast...
I lied. Breaking a pallet normally takes 2.6 seconds. His tentacle is 3.
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Nemesis already has a lot of counterplay and you are saying he needs more. Have you even played him?
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He has a cooldown + a pretty massive slowdown.
0.35 seconds to activate and 1.5 second cooldown to be precise
While active he moves at 3.8 m/s and while on cooldown he moves at 4.2 m/s
This isn't like old PH where he can choose when to fake and not fake his power after what the survivor did.
If you guess correctly when nemesis fakes or not you can usually get a pallet drop without getting tentacle slapped or get another loop in.
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I agree but i'd also note that he certainly aint fun to go against. He's not even that good either, I dont even know what they could do to him to make him feel better on both sides
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Remove hooks or atleast nerf thwm
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Nemesis power is the only power in the game which gives survivors 2 speed boosts in one down. His power is totally useless and you even want nerf for it? lol. Nemesis is an M1 killer who can break pallets faster with his M2. Since survivors gets speed boosts from only being infected. He doesnt need a cooldown. They need to remove this speed boost thing first, then he will gonna need a nice delay between his M2s. He is like the easiest killer to go against rn. Games are %85 times win for me as a survivor against him. Only if his zombie RNG is on the lucky side zombies does the pressure which Nemesis cant.
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İ didnt i Just played against him)(for like 783638369383 times)
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why dont you just adapt to the killer
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Let's make him 110 since we are already here
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I vote for more zombies. Nemesis should have 3 braindead companions at his side to even the odds.
Also more zombies are always good. Maybe they can trigger Bills PTSD.
Okay and now for real...
Yes, Nemesis needs a bit of love. I would opt for a stronger T3 (cooldown reduction would be nice or maybe that he does not slow down while charging the tentacle anymore?) and most important: Bug fixes.
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Nemesis isn't fun to play against. The basic design he has needs work.
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I mean I play survivor and I don’t agree with what OP is suggesting.
There is already a cool down that is fine as is. You know what is kind of weird tho? The fact that you get a sprint burst for simply being infected. Makes no sense.