Nemesis Needs A Cooldown



  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 613

    I don't agree. He needs more nerfs than just a tentacle slow. He gets 4k nearly every game because he has more advantages than any other killer in his basekit. He is shown where you are if you open a vaccine box. He is shown where you are if you are near a zombie. He is fast enough to end all loops while swinging around his tentacle. They also need to remove his ability to see the zombies auras and the notification of the vaccine boxes. He needs to be slower at full power, too.

    He needs major nerfs. If you are a killer main investing all your blood in him I would think twice! He won't be so OP forever, because the numbers do not lie. He's killing everyone. I have written down the details of every match since his release and out of around 200 matches he is the most used killer by far (somewhere in between 25% and 50%), and he has gotten 4k in all but FOUR matches. No other killer even comes close to that. If this continues the devs know they won't keep new players. BHVR NEED 4x the survivors as they do killers, so they desperately need to balance this better. Nerfs are coming, don't waste your blood!

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    My twins kept me up last night and I still have to work for 8 more hours. I need a pick-me-up can you send me some of the shiit that your on?

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    You know...

    If you lose so many games to Nemesis than maybe you should adjust the way you play a bit. You know that guy is called a "Killer" for a reason. He is not a fluffy pony, he is supposed to be dangerous.

    Or maybe if you lost so many games you are just not that good.

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 613

    Uh, no, don't try insulting that will get you in trouble. You know, the facts don't lie. BHVR see the numbers on their end. I don't have to prove anything, they already know the truth.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,105

    Yeah the truth that they already have more than twice the number of survivor they need for the survivor to killer ratio of 4:1. More like 8:1 at prominent hours

  • Sonicslinger
    Sonicslinger Member Posts: 27

    I'm sure their "data" is telling them all they need to give him either some quality of life adjustments or leave him be for half a year. Nemesis is so easy to loop it's kinda boring.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495
    edited June 2021

    Didn't he just come out on the 15th of this month? He's been out for 8 DAYS! People are still learning to go against him, please do the same.

    Edit: oh my god this was a satire post.. why do you do the things you do to very tired people like me?