Which DbD Bug was Your Fav?

Infinite Sprint Burst.
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Ace with a chainsaw
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Wow! That seriously happened? I was not playing i think because i do not remember.
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Noodle legs.
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Nothing beats the good old t-pose.
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Yes, it happened back in 2019. It was really interesting.
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Chainsaw bodyless Myers or space billy.
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The cosmetic glitch.
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Comically Big Skillcheck
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Cosmetic glitch
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being able to break linked skins
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Great video.
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Another vote for Noodle Legs - that's probably my all time favourite!
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The one where killers were getting stuck inside pallets. I always got a good laugh from that.
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A tie between Wake Up meta
Infinite Mend
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Holes in floors. Just something funny like the entity just forgot to put the ground there
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Cosmetic glitch (this is the third time it's been fixed btw, still no console framerate improvements though despite the fact that console optimisation was promised years ago).
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Lightspeed nurse. Nothing was more terrifying then a nurse with billy speed.
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Bug where you hook survivor in basement and they was above it, but you need unhook them still in basement
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When survivors legs moved really fast while walking. That one was too whimsical
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A classic one me and all my friends remember was the one where you could spam crouch to break your survivors knees whilst doing an emote
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the Ice skating- would even hum figure-skating-like music when it happened to my character.
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The perk Surveillance leaving gens white till they were worked on again, instead of becoming red after they reach 0%.
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Hill Bug!
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Spacebilly. Goompa stomping clueless survivors was hilarious
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Back when Jesus came to me
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Can't remember what the bug was called. But basically you got unhooked but you were still dying from the hook timer. You could run around as usual, except your arms would point back to the hook in a ridiculous way.
When the hook timer finally ran out, you'd fall under map and finally die. Was hilarious. Anyone remember the bugs name? I think it had some strange name.
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baby Survivors in the Onis palm.
but chainsaw Myers was also quite a fun one!
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anyone remember the sprint burst bug where if you used a key or map channel you could run without using sprint burst
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My favorite never went live. The collision shapes on the Cow Tree changed, and the cows hung upward and rattled around up there. It was hilarious.
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Oh God I was left in tears with this, especially when all the survivors would get in on it. Add this back please!
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The first bug I experienced when I was a noob was GIANT models I remember my David being the size of the map
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Chainsaw Myers. Or Chainsaw Nurse, it looked like she was surfing around the map.
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Chainsaw Myers
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That one bug with like Pig and Spirit (they're the two Killers I remember it on anyway) which made them stretch and A-Pose for a bit after falling from a tall height.
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The Shuffle 😔😔 Nothing was funnier than all 4 of us Shuffling towards the killer. Miss it.
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bodyless myers
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2016 Christmas bug. Still terrified to think about chainsaw hag, or bear trap jake. Not to mention 4 agitation stacking or bond on killers.
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The locker bug from I believe Trickster chapter. Where survivors in a locker had their bodies showing outside the locker. It was so funny I usually just died laughing from the nerf to stealth.
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Off the top of my head, the hill bug. I was usually nice to survivors who got stuck in the hill, but I once saw a survivor get stuck, another survivor run up to push them out only to get stuck with them. Then I ran up as killer to save them and got stuck right alongside them. So we just hung out in the hill for a bit.
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My favorite bug was the Pallet Stun bug.
It was the first bug I was introduced to in the game and I legit thought it was a new way to outplay the Survivor. Oh, how I miss those days.
My second favorite bug was the "Select Killer before Match" bug. Unfortunately that one had to be patched out for no reason.
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Dont forget the parkours you could do with it. Getting on top of temple of purgtation was a thing, i still have screens. :D
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Was looong before trickster chapter.
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Legion's infinite mending
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How can that abomination possibly be your favourite?
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My absolute favourite was one whereby after a survivor successfully stuns the killer with a pallet, they’d be locked into a static pose like they were riding an invisible motorcycle, floating slowly, just above ground level.