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General Discussions

Everyone upset about the RCPD map.

Can we chill about it maybe? I get why everyone is upset but yelling at the DEVS and making posts demanding they fix it is not going to make things go any faster. I too paid for chapter DLC and keep getting screwed by the console lag (haven't played today since the update and I probably won't; I just don't feel like dbd today) but have your patience? Calling the devs lazy and not hearing you about this mess is not going to fix it faster. Think about this: this is DBD'S 5th year anniversary, it's huge. RE is part of that epic celebration so does it make sense they don't care enough about the map and bug fixes to fix it asap? No, no it does not. Marketing standpoint, it's bad business to let it stay in this state as long as possible so I highly doubt they're sitting back passing around a thing of doughnuts flapping their gums about how their weekend went, what plans they have for the week, etc. Some of you clearly do not understand the complexities of code - it's not easy so of course it's not going to be up and going within a day or whenever you demand it.

Do I think DEVS should improve in the future? Absolutely. I heard somewhere their engine is outdated, they should update it asap for smoother performances. Do more extensive tests for these chapters before releasing them. Someone suggested also having a PTB for console, that might help a lot for console statistics.

Tldr; some of you just need to learn patience. Play a different game in the meantime, go breathe some fresh air, keep calm and chill.

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  • Member Posts: 339

    Yes!! I suggested PTB for console users. Computers and consoles will not have the exact same things wrong so they need a test for it. But I don't think they will as it adds more work. I would love to test it out before release so I could report bugs.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    The map is only broken on old consoles like PS4 and Xbox One. Not the PS4 Pro or the equivalent or the newer systems. They're updating the game for 8 year old hardware. It's not easy.

  • Member Posts: 919

    So true, that's just the unfortunate reality with console hardware. Eventually you'll just have to leave it behind.

    I personally think that trying to get the game working on outdated consoles is holding the game back, I mean even minecraft had to cut corners for the sake of the future of their game.

    Like sure, get the game working for as long as it can in the older consoles but there's only so much that can be done.

    It's time for people to face the reality that they'll have to upgrade if they want to continue to enjoy the new things that this game will bring.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    They knew about these issues on Console and released the patch anyway

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    If they don't have a fix for something, they cannot release one. They tried to reduce the memory from Nemesis to help stabilize the game a bit better but it was not enough. That doesn't mean they aren't trying.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    It's the nature of the beast. They're doing their best and trying to find solutions but when its 8 year old hardware plus the game was originally created for PC only, I think they're doing a helluva job. Have you played 7 Days To Die on console? That was also a game that was for PC only and got brought over and I'll tell you this. THAT game is almost unplayable XD

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    I haven't heard of any complaints on those consoles and my friends still play with me through cross-play on them.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Delay the chapter. It was overheating people's systems.

    They KNEW about the issues prior to release and shoved it out anyway.

    Not before linking a cosmetic set or two, of course.

  • Member Posts: 1,075
    edited June 2021

    Judging by the title i assumed it was because it's yet another ######### sleepmode indoor map 🛌

    But no i was wrong 🙁

    Personally, the longer it stays deactivated, the better

  • Member Posts: 919

    I haven't played that game but I did play Stellaris on the ps4 and they're having similar issues with the game slowing down the further the years go by in game.

    But yeah, I think that the devs are trying, like nobody would ever want their game to be in such a state, it's ridiculous to think that they would.

    It's just that people are underestimating how hard it is to optimize a game that's been changed for modern tech vs tech from nearly a decade ago. I can't imagine.

    But he's hoping that things will get better for the people affected, soon.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    The :)) gave me PTSD.

    You definitely from Eastern Europe.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    It's not as easy as remove this and this and this to make the game run better. The fans can't keep up with the graphics card that's being pushed to it's limit in old hardware. I had a 1050 Graphics Card and it struggled at 35-40 FPS at low settings with auto-adjust active. Consoles are even older than my old graphics card. It's shocking that it can even play this game at all.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    I agree with you on that. My old 1050 could barely play this game at 35-40 FPS on low settings with auto-adjust active. It's amazing that consoles that old can run this game. It's a testament of how they do their patches over the years. Hell, even COD: Cold War struggles on PS4 xD

  • Member Posts: 215

    The prioritize stupid things like patching harmless or loved bugs and fun bugs over health and balance or game breaking bugs that have been here for years.

    RPD will be the worst/most hated map in dbd history lol. Its so poorly designed like every licensed map or indoor map. It'll be fun for a few days..then after the honeymoon phase I'll begin to not play if i get it as killer.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    Just because certain fixes were achieved faster, doesn’t mean the bigger issues are being ignored entirely. For all we know these seemingly unrelated issues may have played a part in the bigger issues many are upset about.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    Personally I can’t wait to play it. I already know the layout like the back of my hand having played both original RE2 and remake over and over again.

  • Member Posts: 316

    They have had 5 years of patience, ######### that. It's not just the map. Its the last 5 years of broken promises and no actual effort to improve the damn game.

  • Member Posts: 316

    Lmfao, how the ######### do legendary cosmetics mixing make the game unplayable? Well they prioritized that and the game is still #########. Half a decade of them ignoring the bigger issues and you still think this way.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Yeah, it's just extremely embarrassing and frustrating that there biggest chapter ever was released broken

  • Member Posts: 624

    Ah, I see, you're one of the people who will defend BHVR no matter what.

    "For all we know, these-"

    I want you to check that list and tell me that half of the bugs on that list are connected to those issues.

    Also, then there's the big thing about Mandy having said "the devs were fixing it" and yet they were focused on things like cosmetic sets being unlinked. Don't try and "BUT" this, unlinked sets isn't related to the FPS dips in the slightest.

    Am I gonna see "UR NOT A DEV U DONT KNOW" next?

    "Just because certain fixes were achieved faster, doesn’t mean the bigger issues are being ignored entirely. "

    Like I mentioned, Mandy was saying the usual PR stuff, that the devs were "on it" yet they weren't, and even then, unlinked cosmetic sets is NOT a priority. It doesn't matter if that was achieved faster, the FPS drops SHOULD be the highest priority, for obvious reasons.

    And allow me to add some important facts: This shouldn't be happening on a normal PS4 if the devs were competent. Like, at all. People seem to have forgotten what the PS4 and other consoles were capable of. DBD wasn't and still isn't graphically complex, neither is it very complex in terms of coding. Bloodborne and other games run perfectly fine with no slowdown whatsoever.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    That’s different. That’s clearly a licensing issue with most of them. BHVR are not ALLOWED to make it possible for mix and match of those cosmetics.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    No I won’t tell you because I don’t know.

    Thats my point.

    I don’t know, and you don’t know.

    Everybody seems to be jumping to the “devs don’t care” vitriol without solid, supporting evidence. It’s all just conjecture and slander.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    He's just trying to remain open-minded. None of us work at BHVR, we don't know what they are or are not doing to address the big problems.

    That isn't to say that you and everyone else doesn't have the right to be frustrated - you absolutely do - but it's presumptuous for anyone to claim that they're ignoring what people are saying and doing nothing to fix major bugs (which, if true, would be quite silly of them from a financial perspective. This release was arguably the biggest milestone in the game's history, given the timing and the content, they know that the longer things are broken, the worse they look).

  • Member Posts: 624

    Thing is, being "open-minded" is just ignoring evidence at this point, because we have evidence to believe otherwise. So that doesn't work.

    Mike, this is the 2nd time you've tried to give BHVR the benefit of the doubt. We don't have to give the benefit of the doubt if the proof is right there or their own failure to communicate properly leads to worrying.

    We KNOW they were working on dumb things like cosmetic sets, we HAVE the notes. Instead of focusing on the big issues, like they should have, they were focusing sets that they DIDN'T EVEN FIX! Their priorities are bad!

    They SHOULD be criticized for this as a result, at minimum. And there is, y'know, the whole Mandy thing. Mandy saying that they're "investigating" it when they aren't.

    "This release was arguably the biggest milestone in the game's history, given the timing and the content, they know that the longer things are broken, the worse they look)."

    They've broken promises, I don't think they care how they look at all.

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  • Member Posts: 624

    Oh, but, I DO know. Because I have evidence, as I said before. The already presented evidence you claim I don't have.

  • Member Posts: 624
  • Member Posts: 4,082

    The Fifth anniversary

    Most iconic horror video game in RE

    We had two lackluster chapters before

    Nemesis one of the most iconic in video games

    Definitely bigger then Stranger Things

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    No you haven’t. You have presented ANY proof that the devs have not put any work into the issues still persisting since the RE chapter release.

    Do you have video surveillance showing that the devs are twiddling their thumbs?

    Documents? Official emails?

    An inside source that can prove they work for BHVR?

    What proof to you have exactly? Other than conjecture and speculation?

  • Member Posts: 2,719
    edited June 2021

    EDIT: "They SHOULD be criticized for this as a result, at minimum. And there is, y'know, the whole Mandy thing. Mandy saying that they're "investigating" it when they aren't". Can you elaborate on this? I'm not familiar with this aspect of the situation.


    No one's obligated to give them the benefit of the doubt, no. And if you're a long-time player (at the very least I'm assuming you've been playing longer than me, which is a relatively short time), I can understand the frustration. Hell, I can understand the frustration regardless. When I was part of the THQ community it was like this for every one of their yearly wrestling games. Every one. Had I still been playing when 2K20 released (look it up if you're unfamiliar, it was a debacle of epic proportions) I'd be saying the same things you are, but using much more terse words.

    I'm just saying that even while we have evidence that not everything has been fixed, we really don't have evidence of what they're doing, what their actual plans are, etc. I guess it comes down to perspective - I can handle waiting for things to be resolved because I'm still enjoying the rest of the game just fine - which, let me be clear, does not make me better or more "right" than you. I'm just alright with hoping for the best and giving them the time they at least seem to need to get everything worked out. That's all. I've been on both sides of these kinds of issues (not as a game developer but someone who interacted with them, face to face, on an unfinished product) and I know that there are times when it seems like nothing is being done when in fact it's just a matter of things taking time.

    Again, that doesn't make me "right". I just have that experience to call back on when something like this happens. Sometimes things eventually get worked out, but I've also seen other situations where they don't. I'm not knocking anyone for assuming the worst, I'm just trying not to make too strong an assumption in either direction.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    Speaking for myself (because I also consider this to be their biggest release), Resident Evil is a FAR larger property than Stranger Things. It's a media empire encompassing dozens of games, novels, films, action figures and more that has existed for a quarter of a century. That, paired with DBD's own five year anniversary, makes this the biggest milestone in the game's history to me.

  • Member Posts: 21,210


    Stranger Things is much more mainstream and much more popular than Resident Evil, at least in the US

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    Given your avatar and intimate knowledge of the show I wouldn't expect you to have a bias or anything. :)

    In all seriousness I actually prefer Stranger Things myself. I mean if I were told that I could only have one, that would be the franchise I'd go with. I've played three RE games and while I loved all of them, there are a bunch I haven't played, don't care to play, and actually look pretty lame to me. I haven't caught up with S3 of ST yet but out of the first two seasons there's one single episode that I didn't care much for. The rest were, in my opinion, all fantastic.

    I argue for RE though in terms of longevity (it's been around for 25 years as opposed to five), which alone is all but guaranteed to make it the more popular and lucrative franchise. I mean we're talking something like 742 games, nine of ten of which were supposed to be really great, selling a total of probably 50 to 100 million units over its lifetime. ST is immensely popular too, yes, but it's impossible to do an apples to apples comparison. Even if, for example, ST has amassed 50-100 million viewers, we'd still need to factor in things like the financial cost of playing an RE game as opposed to watching or buying an episode of the show, piracy, age limits (the RE games are rated M, but who knows how much that's enforced), availability, brand recognition across various ages and demographics, etc etc etc.

    I guess what I'm saying is that I think it's impossible to quantify which series is "bigger" or "more popular" so I'm going primarily by how huge RE has been for a good portion of my life. How much of a pop culture impact it's had, and for how long. Time is on its side.

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