Which killer takes no skill to play?

I’d say it’s between Meyers or wraith. Both require zero skill and award easy kills through broken mechanics.
especially Meyers. I feel anyone can pick him up and be decent from the start. Which do you think is the easiest killer to play? Thanks.
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Whichever killer im facing.
Seriously tho, id say maybe ghostface, not much skill there tho hes fun to play as and against
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Well, I think all Killers have at least a bit of skill if you want to play them the best (even someone rly simple) but to answer this question, I would say:
Bubba, Legion and Shape.
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It's because of this post I remember that grey ranks games are mostly 4 nubcakes being 12 hooked by a perma T3 myers at 5 gens. Thanks for the warm memories OP. You'll get out one day. Cheers.
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All killers requires skill to play, just like it takes skill to play survivor. Both roles have to use their eyes, ears and based on that make calls based on that information to hopefully win, whatever someone decides that a win is.
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No killer takes zero skill.
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If you try to play any killer with 0 skill, you would only win against 0 skill survivors.
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Leatherface, Spirit and Doctor.
Leatherface's only counter is windows which on some maps like some Coldwind maps are super rare
Spirit has 0 counterplay besides throwing pallets at a 50/50.
Doctor has to hold a button to find everyone around him.
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The killer I don't like.
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Nice insults. I can see I struck a nerve but I’m on rank 4. Thanks though. Maybe you should work on your own play style vs. insulting others on a forum all day. Cheers.
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I didn't insult you lol
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Then why can survivors compete on red ranks and killers cry they can’t if they aren’t getting 4K each round? I’d say the survivor grind is much more steep, whereas killers top out early and can’t cut it later.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Definitely Meyers.
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Ok, this post barely makes sense. "Killers top out early and can't cut it later". What does that even mean?
Also, killers need vastly more blood points than survivors ever do. Whenever a new killer and survivor is released, the survivor only needs enough bloodpoints to reach level 40 on the new survivor to unlock the new teachables and then enough to get them on their survivor of choice, unless they decide to switch.
But a killer needs to get all perks on all killers if they want to make more than one build, since killers aren't just skins they actually need to invest more blood points than survivors to be able to play all killers.
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I'd say Freddy. His power is to teleport directly to generators and set up snares and pallets that just make chases a little easier. His stealth capability from his lullaby and not being able to see him from far away is entirely passive, unlike someone like Myers who needs to try to be sneaky.
The only skill Freddy takes is basic M1 killer skill, but if we count that then we can't say any killer doesn't require skill and the entire argument is moot.
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Every killer take skill but i think the one who take less skill is legion only because to do well with him you need a good understanding of the basic.
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no skill killers would be bhvr with always breaking this game never properly fixing real issues and only care about overpriced cosmetics lol
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do you see this post ? and see who're crying ? Maybe someone in here can know who is crying over Myers and Wraith in which Myers is the trash tier of killer
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Wraith is one of the most basic ones. He is almost as easy as to play survivor sometimes even
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Myers and Wraith are pretty underpowered my guy...
Ofc both can be busted with purple add-ons, but they're pretty weak. Myers needs a rework, and Wraith needs an add-on pass.
If you truly think about it, no killer takes zero skill. Every killer takes skill in my heart.
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Twins, victor takes 0 skill to aim and the only strat is to proxy camp on hook
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I'd say Wraith with certain add-ons.
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All of them take skill, survivor main.
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By the amount of these kind of posts this guy makes i would guess they are on a crusade.
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I would like to see you play Myers against good survivors if he doesn't need any skill to play. You would probably end at 0 kills 1 hook.
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Since this will be a long list, i might add a TL/DR later on.
List of Killers that take no skill:
- AFK Wraith
End of List.
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Meyrs taking no skill?
Okay, you opinion but I do not think you could back that one up with any reasonable argument or data.
I for my part think that Self Care is the Killer which requires no skill. A survivor just brings this and tyrs to heal through a Sloppy Butcher or in the corner and it will kill their entire team almost as fast as a DC.
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(Yeah it’s been said already. Just adding my 2 cents for emphasis 🤣🤣🤣)
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Spirit takes zero skill unless ur deaf
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Bubba. Easily Bubba. Throw on Bamboozle and every chase plays itself and you have enough lethality to be mindlessly, borderline accidentally dangerous even to good teams.
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Bubba and wraith
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Bubba with double chilli add ons and bamboozle is the most obnoxious thing to play against in this game for me. Even more so if its in hands of already competent player. God I hate it
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M1 on gens
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Ghostface. He's the Claudette of killers - relies entirely on stealth and not actual skill.
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DBD is a game much more about decision making and game knowledge than mechanical skill. Its kind of a moot point.
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Wraith, Myers, Freddie, Demo... m1 killers in general are more ez to learn imo.
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Spirit, Wraith, Bubba are all extremely easy to play
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No killer truly takes 0 skill. Even if their powers do not demand much from you, such as Bubba, Freddy and Spirit, you still need general killer knowledge.
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Simple Power != needing no skill. The blights power is pretty simple.
Complex Power != needing much skill.
No Killer takes 0 skill, i disagree heavily with wraith beeing easy to play. Every killer has a higher skill ceiling than survivor has.
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I think OP just wants to hear that no killer takes skill and that a braindead goldfish could 4k with every killer on the roster (except trickster)
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Can't find anyone? Ok, power button, oh there they are.
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That is easy there are a whole roster of killers that take 0 skill.
Nea, meg, Claudette, jeff, ash, yeah basically that entire roster
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Nah he is kind of right.
Myers is very hard to go against.
But then again,so are all the killers in the lower ranks
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Is zero skill referring to the ability to pick up and just play, or ability to dominate survivors with little time investment?
If its the former, then most M1 killers (Trapper, Wraith, Clown). If its the latter then I'm tempted to say none. Most killers are good at low ranks because the caliber of survivors isn't great. But once you start to climb ranks, survivors get better and the strengths and weaknesses of the killer begins to show.
People are here saying Doctor is no skill. Its not just locating people, you have to learn when you use Static Blast (he has one of the longest cooldown powers of all the killers) and to time shock therapy to deny actions. Mindgames are more important on Doctor because he doesn't have an insta-down mechanic as base kit. You have to understand how illusionary Doctors work for locating or where survivors could be hiding if Whispers is going off and Static Blast didn't hit anybody (Calm Spirit or locker).
Every killer requires skill. If they are essentially M1, then they require better game knowledge. Even Demo you need to know how to set up portals and 3 gens properly, estimate distance for Shred and predict/understand survivor animations (i.e. survivors' items disappear once they initiate vault action which helps you plan for actual vault vs. Fake and juke)
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I have seen horrible players controlling all of the killers.
And if it's possible to be that atrociously bad there has to be some skill involved in every killer.
No killer is truelly skillless
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How much does the Meyers chapter cost? Didn't know it was released lol
Honestly I don't see Myers and Wraith as broken.
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I think no one does. Other than OP, of course.
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I would say all take a certain amount of skill to master, but I believe Spirit and Doctor are easy to learn.
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Body is 1 character too short.
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even the most skillless killer fundamentally takes more skill than survivors, survivors don't need to interact with the other side in a PvP game to complete their objective meaning the survivor skill floor is theoretically bottomless, if you can hold m1 you can win as survivor