Linked Set Glitch Patched While Map Is Still Disabled

Console gamers cannot play the game right now, the first new map we've gotten in a YEAR is disabled, there's so many glitches that are actual problems and you go out of your way to fix the one that doesn't even affect the game. Yall are a joke
addition: oh also, dc penalties are gone did you notice that? Or were you too busy figuring out how to ruin people’s innocent fun to notice
People are still not seeing that the devs are bad at their jobs 5 years into this game's life.
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idk man, i like the fact you cant go glitching up the linked sets.
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Do you also like not being able to pick up survivors because their heads are in the wall? Cause apparently the devs do. Also why tf do you like that? Why the hell do you like Claire and Leon having the same head twice and having to buy it twice because it's a linked set? Do you like fun?
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ive had the surv stick their head in a wall, killed them anyways cause the other surv had me, that was very fun actually. those sets are like different skins, just cause you buy em dont mean they gonna get different anything, not like the full set is the same as the default. plus, if i could run the mascot head without the suit i would, same with the knife, but i cant, doesnt bother me i the slightest.
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Because we don't buy it lol.
The licensed sets were locked for legal reasons but the home brew sets are annoying.
If you don't like it then don't support it by purchasing it.