Basement Bubba?

What’s your take on Basement Bubba?


  • van9684
    van9684 Member Posts: 433

    He sucks. The community somehow gave bubba players a pass to play toxic and somehow it’s survivors fault. Basement bubba is a broken build on top of a usually campy killer. No fun.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    Depends on the type. If its the Bubba that waits in his basement and kills greedy survivors that try to steal his treasure? I love him.

    If he drags you from across the map to camp you? This one does not spark joy...

  • Inji
    Inji Member Posts: 1,096

    My take on basement Bubba is that its only really strong if survivors actively drop gens to try and save the person in the basement

    But if Bubba plays against a team that knows that saving that person in the basement is useless and focuses on gens, then basement bubba gets no points and is basically wasting his time standing there. A strategy with little interaction in the end. Its a meh and a shrug from me.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Pure fun vampirism against solos, boringly stomped against SWFs.

    God bless basement defender Bubbas, though.

  • justalilbit123
    justalilbit123 Member Posts: 190
    edited June 2021

    If I play basement bubba: Survivors rush all the gens and leave the 1 guy to die.

    If I'm against basement bubba: All my allies run down the basement clumped up and hook bomb without BT, even though the hooked person had Kindred and everyone saw Bubba camping the entire time.

  • ryzen0849
    ryzen0849 Member Posts: 143

    It's insanely fun to play. Works pretty good when survivors throw themselves at you. Not as great against competent survivors.

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788

    He's a meme at this point.

    Before his rework it was one of the only ways he could get kills.