I can’t hold back any longer. I swear a lot on these forums are children.

Good gravy...
Theories about how the devs operate, and base their decisions off of.
Accusations without any iota of solid evidence.
Disgruntled claims about bias that make absolutely NO SENSE for a business to make that WANTS to stay in business.
Believing streamers have complete, total, unyielding influence on what does and doesn’t get put in a game.
Refusing to accept the risks that comes with using Hexes.
Invented narratives.
I could go on...
Geez Louise, many of you need to get a grip, grow up, or both.
(Clarification: I’m NOT invalidating anybody’s anger. I’m NOT invalidating anybody’s disappointment. It’s perfectly reasonable to feel that way, and okay to express as such.)
8 -
Well. Some of the hate that's mentioned does have actual evidence. I won't lie however, there are things done that genuinely makes me upset as well, but most of those are accidents that will be hashed out. The others though? That's kinda hard to defend. But, Bethesda... a game company I used to love is doing it worse and is showing no signs of change. I still see some hope. But, right now I like to believe I'm understandably nettled at most.
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I couldn't say it better.
2 -
Even if they have good points, a lot of people on this forum bury them in complete trash.
14 -
It’s fine to be angry. But there are adult ways to handle/process that though.
There’s ways to express disappointment without adding in unfounded accusations. (I’m not saying you do this. This is just a generalisation).
3 -
I agree. There is a certain leveL
of entitlement and mob mentality on here that creates a hostile environment. If you question the proposed narrative that killers are underpowered and survivors are op, you will get insulted and attacked. I’m guessing there are a lot of younger people on here who do not understand what it takes to create a game or that it needs to be fun for all players to be viable.
If I were a dev, I’d not listen to any streamer or this forum. Not in the least.
6 -
True. But, I'll also throw myself and some others under the bus, some people are just angry to be angry.
1 -
I agree.
For example I do like to watch a bit of Otzdarva's streams, but man do I feel sorry for him for all the constant questions that he gets like he was one of the developers of the game. Not gonna lie I get so frustrated with the viewers sometimes that it's hard to watch for longer periods of time.
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Not listening to player feedback is the community's single biggest gripe with this company.
11 -
It’s not that they don’t listen.
There’s an overwhelming amount of noise they have to filter through because MOST of it isn’t even remotely close to being objective.
6 -
I mean, the complaints are justified.
Chapter quality has gone downhill massively in the past couple of years.
Every update makes the game borderline unplayable for a few weeks.
You know clown is pretty much useless right now right? That's unacceptable.
18 -
The devs are pretty bad about that kind of thing, noise nonwithstanding.
But they and the community definitely do deserve eachother.
1 -
If I paid for a product I am entitled to it ######### working. That's kinda how this works.
8 -
That’s not the same thing though. It’s fine to express anger or disappointment. I’m not invalidating that at all.
I’m not happy about Clown’s state either as he’s my number one main. But I’m not about to jump to a silly, rash conclusion that the devs intentionally nerfed Clown because of their survivor bias (for example).
5 -
You know, comments like this only validate my point here.
I’m not saying you or anybody else aren’t entitled to a working product that they’ve rightly paid for.
I’m talking about how many claims, accusations, theories, and speculations are made WITHOUT evidence, and most definitely have no basis in logic or reason. These types of posts are completely childish.
3 -
Hold on there buckaroo! Are you questioning the narrative that the devs are perfect and it's the community that's at fault?
Ooh boy, that's a temp ban for you buddy.
8 -
No, they DON'T listen. That is LITERALLY their most complained-about problem. More than the bugs, more than the greedy monetization, more than the lack of transparency, it's that BHVR doesn't listen to the community.
10 -
I dont think the majority of people genuinely belive they do these things to screw over the average player regardless of role.
I DO think most people believe bhvr doesn't know what they're doing though which is where the complaints come from.
1 -
The complaints are justified, the Devs have really dug themselves a massive hole. Most of the playerbase can barely play the game because they've been too busy funnelling resources elsewhere and not into game optimisation. Next to that is the awful gameplay they're cultivating becuase they're too scared to shake things up (just look at the MMR complaints).
I get wanting a stable main revenue stream, but also ######### corporate greed. They could actually throw us a bone here with a stable ######### game, then try and pump money out of us. That's how good, long-lasting companies work. They do the bare ######### minimum in order to trick their consumers into thinking they're on the consumers side. That's literally the first thing I learned in business school.
Edit: Also, their PR is a ######### dumpster fire. I feel so sorry for the community managers, I know it's not their fault.
13 -
The developers aren’t nearly as praised as much as being hated. I think they do a fantastic job, and although there may be some issues here and there, they’ve been operating the game well.
3 -
Yup i agree. Been seeing a lot of posts from a certain user (hex locations etc) and types like a 13 yr old.
1 -
"Refusing to accept the risks that comes with using Hexes."
Yeah asking for a survivor to not literally spawn on my totem makes me childish. 10/10 logic right there.
Didn't you suggest gutting Hag by disabling traps 16 m around hooks? Maybe you should accept that's her strength. Complaining about it makes you childish.
7 -
Imagine taking these forums seriously lol
2 -
Guilty as charged.
4 -
No u
Stick out tongue
7 -
It always gets like this around patch days I've noticed.
0 -
Way easier to stomach if you assume most forum posts are bait.
1 -
Even more in-game.
3 -
Nice and vague and thus safe statements Bro, really accomplishes a lot
6 -
Still think some devs got reverse chainsawed while hiding in a corner.
2 -
People are free to criticise and discuss the decisions devs make.
What I dislike is when they use bad words, insult them and each other.
What is also wrong imo is when people think that company which is made to make a profit is their parent or something.
3 -
This made my morning. This pretty much sums ######### up.
5 -
Imagine trying to act like a adult but instantly act like only killers are the bad ones.
8 -
I agree on everything you just said.
0 -
Honestly, I think some of the Streamers act like children. In fact, I can think of one very famous streamer that loves creating his own narrative and his viewers just eat it up and spew it back onto the forums.
2 -
If Pyramidhead trails dissolve when they are close to a hook why shouldn’t hags?
2 -
Believing streamers have complete, total, unyielding influence on what does and doesn’t get put in a game.
The amount of posts I've seen where people put a certain streamer's videos in their thread and go "this is what x said about the game" thinking it will have an impact or it's true because someone with a huge following said it.
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1 -
I think you need to reread the post lmao
1 -
Shhhhhh youre in jail.
2 -
You literally invalidated all that. Dismissed it.
And you are wrong. Proof: ZERO attempt at proving it wrong for five years. None. In fact, as Mathieu Cote famously quoted: "Play something else for a week. try Civilization or something."
In response to 'Killer is getting a lot less fun'.
So yeah. We're mad for a lot of good reasons.
1 -
People have a right to complain. Obviously, some people take it too far. Plenty of fair criticism out there. And even the unfair criticism could be debunked if bhvr communicated better.
2 -
Bro ur just jealous
0 -
You make it sound like old syptic/syringe/brand new parts/toolboxes haven't been changed. Like the new killers dont counter looping, and dont encourage the hold w + slam gens meta. They do change things, and they do listen, it just takes near forever for them to impliment it.
4 -
Thank you for highlighting the problem.
They take forever to fix anything. Unless it's on a Killer. That gets nerfed instantly.
1 -
You mean like that month or so where tinkerer was bugged and permanently erased TR + red stain? Or pallets not stunning ?
1 -
I mean i can make a long list from the last five years, issues which took years (vacuum pallets) or even LONGER (Decisive Strike) to get fixed and even then remained strong (Borrowed Time) and in some cases have never been touched at all (Haddonfield).
I can pull up the full list if you'd like?
Edit: I forgot my favorite ones - instablinds and permanent sabotage.
2 -
The point is that everyone gets BHVR'd. How long did it take them to think "maybe killing someone the moment they get downed isn't a good idea", or the classic forever build back when you could pop a gen while ruin was still In play, and under thanata + sloppy. Or machine gun STBFL + Unrelenting.
DBD has come along way in terms of balancing. And sure, it still needs some ways to go, but it hasn't been the total annihilation of one side and not the other, despite some believing so.
That is what i think was one of the things the OP was trying to point out.
2 -
Too many people throw around phrases like “X ruins the game” or “the game is completely unplayable now”. To paraphrase a line from the Princess Bride: “I don’t think ruin and unplayable mean what you think they mean.”
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That comment about just playing something else really has some merit to it. Lots of people need to stop taking the game so seriously and try to have fun with it again.