Punishments for camping and tunneling?

Killers should lose points for tunneling and camping. I just watched a Wraith bully a Feng so hard, that she only got 3400 bloodpoints. Camped her while invisible, and ran around everyone just to hook her and camp her again. Thoughts?
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instead of punishing the killer for camping and tunneling it would probably be more healthy for the game to reward not camping and tunneling
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They lose emblem points
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You would think it’s a simple concept to grasp
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I agree, but I just find survivors had alot taken away for being toxic. (Turned the brightness up, made it so we can't hide in bushes anymore). I play killer, and being killer is way too easy in this game now. Feels very killer favoured.
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To put it simply with the games current state the killer has nothing on their side to make tunneling a bad option. Sure you could penalize the killer for doing it. But in some situations tunneling is just the right play to winning the game even if it’s unpleasant. And that’s an easy way to piss people off. But if the devs introduced mechanics that reward the killer for not tunneling then it would give the killer a genuine reason to go after a new target. Without completely removing the option.
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Aaaah I see your point now. Thank you for explaining and not putting me down lol.
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Yeah no problem. I definitely agree getting tunneled and camped is very unpleasant but punishment for a strategy isn’t the way to go.
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It's not as simple as that. Hardcore camping and tunnelling are basically BM, anyone that thinks otherwise either has a very generous definition of "hardcore" or isn't going against the kind of survivors they think they are. But, there's also plenty of moments where tunneling or camping are the right play, mostly camping because I can't think of a single moment where tunneling someone out of the trial was time efficient except against potatoes, but they can pop up.
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No, as others have stated. There should be more incentive to not tunnel and camp. But people shouldn't be punished for playing within the rules.
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I highly doubt that the devs can create a system that's both easy to read and accurately determines whether or not camping or tunnelling are required or not, also tunnelling in most instances are caused by somebody doing a poor play, which would make a system that punishes tunnelling even more impossible.
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There’s no real way to implement it. They tried doing something for camping in the past, I believe, and it was just abused.
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As others have said there should be more to incentivize not tunneling and camping. Although admittedly that's going to be pretty hard. It'd the equivalent of giving survivors a reason not to finish a gen and instead go work on another one that's at 0%.
Additionally, if part of the concern is the person on the receiving end not getting their fair share for their contribution of taking up the killers time, I suggest we should rate the survivors as a team and not individually. So even if you're getting camped/tunneled you would earn points by your teammates doing things with the time you're giving them. Would incentivize people not to sacrifice themselves when camped as well.
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Punishments for doing the goal but in another way?
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If we're gonna do that, also add punishments for 99ing the gates and bodyblocking.
Don't want to give up valid tactics that are unfun for killers? Then they shouldn't have to give up valid tactics that are unfun for you.
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That's actually a really good idea, I like that
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But we did lol. The game got brightened and we can't hide in bushes anymore. Also had window looping nerfed. Talking and discussing things gets results instead of trying to argue and demean. If you go through comments, others have made very productive comments on how things could be changed, which I wholly agree with. Do you have anything productive to contribute, or are you here for other reasons?
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I'm sorry, but that doesn't actually prove your point.
Everyone disliked how dark the maps were, and hiding in bushes is very much still a thing. It just isn't 100% reliable, and a good killer would find you pretty much no matter what anyway.
The nerf to windows only happened because of how easy, safe, and brainless it was to just find a window in a long wall and vault it over and over forever. Plus, god windows are still a thing even after the nerf, even if you have to eventually leave the loop.
Plus, the devs have already said that camping and tunneling are valid tactics with counters that don't require perks.
99ing the gates has no counter other than opening the gates for the survivors, which is, you know, the exact opposite of what the killer wants to do. I guess Blood Warden kinda works, but it's so situational it barely ever triggers if the survivors know what they're doing.
Bodyblocking pretty much always does what it's supposed to (slow down and/or impede the killer), and there isn't a way to counter it unless you've specifically prepared for it, and even then most of the perks that deal with it are worthless. The only exception is Starstruck.
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I literally never met a survivor who complained about how dark the map is, idk who you're talking about? And how is looping windows not a valid tactic but camping and tunneling is? Idk that argument is silly imo. And nah, I used to be able to hide in any bush now the killer can see right into them and grab people. I know this because I've done this. I play both killer and survivor, and I can get 4ks with just 1 perk. I don't even need to camp or tunnel. Killing isn't really any skill anymore where surviving has been constantly crippled. Survivors get punished for doing survivor things while killers get awarded and praised for doing killer type things. Idk, your argument just seems incorrect.
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All voting no are probably campers tbh. While I don't think they should lose points, I think they should stop earning points after staying in the area for a certain time or something.
EDIT: I don't think this should be implemented ASAP or anything like that, BHVR should start by bringing fair matchmaking, and like the post below says, they should incentivize it first. My bad for not understanding the original message.
Post edited by twinpeaksonsteam on0 -
They should incentivize not camping or tunneling. But, not punish it.
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No it'd just be a disaster we don't want to see
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BT UB DS say hello.
On a more serios note i play something like 70 - 30 Killer - Survivor split and i've been facecamped and most of the time i'm happy to be tbh.
Either i have competent teammates that can save me and even DC the freakin killer sometimes, or i have competent teammates that stay on gens, open the door then all 3 bumrush me and rescue.
The only time facecamping is frustrating is your playing with Immersed teammates who just creep around from locker to locker.... tho in fairness you'd have lost that game anyway, just being on the hooks gives you the full gravity of your situation....
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that will be abuse by survivors so hard
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Wasn't pausing the hook timer tryed for like a week or two and survivors INSTANTLY abused it by looping around the hook?
Bhvr need to get it into their head allready that survivors arn't scared of killers , in fact some only play for the chase.
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yep the survivors abused as #########
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no i am a survivor main
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That's how I feel.
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Get Gud