Is there a counter to Nemesis + SWF?

I haven't found it.
The easy dodge of the tentacle plus the triple hit and speed boost extend chases so long that I am down to 2 gens with three hooks in most games. I am leaning towards tunneling more any time I see obvious swf behavior. Solo queue games are much more balanced.
I am not the best. But I have seen even Otz struggle with nemesis which means something is up here.
Answer: Me.
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You are the counter? OK.
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Nemesis is mediocre, what's new? You have to be careful using streamers as anecdotal data. Their main agenda is to maintain and grow viewership so what they say is never as simple as the truth.
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i'm just built different.
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Only use the tentacle when you cannot get a hit. Other than that he is just an m1 killer that gives an extra life for the majority of the game.
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Forget the streamer reference, then. I would like to see a Nemesis stream destroy a well playing SWF as an example though, and I haven't really seen that.
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in all honesty, since a swf is likely the most "optimized" only tentacle whack them at moment of vulnerability (unhooking, healing, vaulting) and focus on 2 hitting. eventually you'll be able to contam and have an easier game without slowing down and without them having so much spEEd. meaning big slug strats to hook and then keep slugging that one poor guy.
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One time I ate a swf team.
Joking aside, it's difficult. He's not S tier like Spirit or Nurse, yeah he's gonna struggle a bit against them. But, to me he feels pretty decent, but.... if Bhvr wants to be a homie and remove the contamination sprint burst, I'd be happy..
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This makes sense. It does suck to be in late game and not have level 2 though to break pallets faster. Thx for the tips.
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Seeing the survivors purposefully go for the contamination is just sad. Just had it in a game.
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Like they take a protection hit for an already contaminated survivor or use a zombie as a free sprint burst?
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if your like me, you ignore zombies and get tier 3 and just demolish the most altruistic teams.
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So play him like a pyramid head exept you need to give a free sprint burst to the survivor before you can injure them
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BrokenSoul kinda hit the nail on the head as to how to play as him. Being too reliant can be detrimental to him, try to do it when you believe it's safe, pallets, windows, holes, you get the idea.
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The zombie for the free sprint burst.. Yeah. That's the latest rage. Didn't take long for it to get abused.
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Ah, that's the issue. I did that day one. It can get annoying. Personally I can understand zombies giving a sprint burst or otherwise you'll eat a second hit rather quickly if you're unlucky. But, that's really luck or a survivor being stupid. Really, the biggest buff he can get is to remove the contamination sprint burst effect
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Nemesis is like Deathslinger. If you're a good aim, the survivor can't do much. If you're bad, it seems like the survivor is dodging you but in reality it was always on you to miss.
However, unlike other killers like that his range is much shorter and so looping is still a possibility even against a good Nemesis.
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Right now i think Nemesis have a lot of potentiel but it will take too long for the dev to fix is issue because they dont do weekly patch. Player who came for nemesis will go away because its not fun starting a match and be behind and when he will get fix it will be too late those player will leave before that specially with the amount of bug this game have this does not help
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Landing hits with his M2 is not the problem (its your job to predict the survivors location it takes 0.35sec to charge and then 0.25 to come out - you can also correct the hitbox of the tentacle mid animation to some degree).
The ONLY buff he needs is the removal of the free speed boost on first infection.
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I have STBFL on him and it is really works. Never use m1 on obsession. Hunt obsession with m2. And never lose your tokens.
And survivors kinda feeling confused when i try m1 them. So many times they thinking i will use tentacle on them and when i turn m1 on them, they gives me free hits.
But speed boost has to go for infect hit. That is makes Nemesis weak.
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Nemesis was and is still grossly over rated.
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I do not think that new players will leave because Nemesis is too weak.
Because new players will not feel that weakness early on. At low ranks Killers get more viability because you get worse survivors. People do not manage their time efficiently. As such they will have fun matches until they get a bit higher and then they will feel the difference in experience mostly and not the lag in the power.
I think we should wait a bit and then give Nemesis a buff if he needs to. PTB is not realy a good test as people lack perks and there are not enough players there. However I personaly think that he needs a buff: Either the Speedbost from infection should go away or T3 should have more impact.
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This. I think Nemesis would be a very solid killer once the infection speed boost is gone. Not too OP and not too UP.
Currently Nemesis is oppressive vs. your "average to bad" survivor but against semi-competent survivors who know how to hold Shift W he's wasting too much time on chasing 4 Sonic the Hedgehogs.
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Otz has currently a 25 Win Streak with nemesis with no add-ons. 25 wins in a row.
Check it here:
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Otz has insane winstreaks with every killer (he also did zero hit runs on dark souls). So you cant compare him to normal players ^^.
We dont expect normal survivor players to perform the same as top streamer survivor mains right?
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I didn´t compare him to the average players.You mentioned that he is struggling with nemesis and I found it funny.
On what is he struggling exactly when he wins 25 / 26 games ? On not kicking survivors asses so hard so they´d dc and uninstall the game? xD
Don´t try to be disrespectful. Idk if Nemesis needs a buff or not.
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Uh i think you got the wrong person :D i never said otz is struggeling.
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Oops. You are right. It was another member.