this is NOT fair! SWF!! Mikes are killing his game for the community!!!! Thanky ou good night!
Lord Tony is that you?
19 -
That was literally the first person that came to my mind when I read this.
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The pfp, the post count, the name and the fact that it does nothing except think swf ruin the game. It's literally a perfect match.
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I hate a SWF deathsquad same as any killer, but jesus man.
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Yeah I think op was referring to himself as Jesus. Kinda weird
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to be clear, I am NOT Jesus! I am a man at the end of his rope! Jesus was both man and divine!!
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*mice sorry
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I.. your post confuses and scares me...
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Lord Tony's soul did like 5 lines and came back to life for just long enough to make this post.
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Well that's another forum rule broken I wouldn't expect this to last very long.
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Then sleep?
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YEAH how bout you try sleeping after only getting 2 kills every match
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Literally what I do. Close dbd because its gonna make my mood worse, breathe in and out, go to bed.
Also 2 kills is balance so idm why you're complaining.
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I explicitly stated that I am NOT Jesus, as was asserted earlier.
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As both a Mike AND a fan of domesticated rodents I take umbrage with this thread.
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I don't believe you.
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"Jesus was both man and divine!!"
Bestie I'd learn to re-read your own comments
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Why not? Lmao
Also if I had work the next day I wouldn't play dbd that late anyway. I have insomnia so I'd lay in bed but I definitely wouldn't be playing dbd, I'd read or something and hope I fall asleep
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yes I may have forgotten that the science IS STILL out on whether he was divine or not but thankfully ignorance is not only acceptable, but a teachable moment
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Uhhh, I got no words for this.
You okay, mate?
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Because you're the chosen one.
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Hey bestie I'd really read the rules
Then stop complaining and just go to sleep? Or stop playing for the dau? If it's that bothering you then take a break??
It's not difficult???
2 -
Well this is escalating in a way I did not expect it.
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Okay. I see we have another person that wants the free wins of dumping on solo que.
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Why would anyone be upset with a 2k against a swf? Either they were competent, in which case a 2k is an entirely fair and balanced result, or they were not, in which case there is no reason to complain either.
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Take a break and go to bed my friend
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Legends say he broke his keyboard in anger and can't post anymore, beause we all know swf is everywhere.
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at the very least Tony was coherent and capable of speaking English, all i'm seeing are the ravings of a madman
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Oh this is a refreshing thread, gonna grab some popcorn, hopefully it’s not over
pretty sure it was an SWF squad that broke the keyboard
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That one got me really good, ngl
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You're playing poorly because you're sleep deprived. Go to bed.
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T h e r a p y
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First you blame it on all the Mikes, then those poor animals. That's just....not fair!
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He went to the local McDonalds to cool off.. only to see 3 people sitting together and talking. NOT AGAIN!! he shouted, NO MORE SWIFFS!!! as he threw his lukewarm burger in the direction of the group, but it only travelled a few feet.
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You don't have to do anything, and no, you aren't the only person that makes this complaint. We all know there is a disparity (a vast one) between Solo Queue Players and SWF. That disparity is what makes this game very difficult to balance and probably creates most of the issues facing us that are not of a technical standpoint. We are aware of it. The DEV are aware of it. One would assume they are always trying to think of something. Many of us (myself included) have given suggestions on how to mitigate the problem and create an equitable balance that does not ruin the option of playing with one's friends. I'm sure, in time, the DEV will do something about it.
In the meantime, you will just have to get better. I fight SWF all the time and at my current Rank (and I'm sure my Skill based rating with my favorite Killer) my opponents are usually seasoned sharks. We rise to the challenge or we cry off. Those are your options, stark as they may be. This is the realm we live in now. I assure you that you don't need to keep posting about it. We all know and someone else will if you don't.
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so becayse you aren’t good at playing killer, you want devs to literally remove an entire feature of the game that allows friends to enjoy playing a game together? If that isn’t the pinnacle of killer main mentality, I don’t know what is. Thank you for being so transparent.
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This is obviously a joke thread, hope they don't delete this, cause its gold :D This probably falls under parody law, what is always acceptable.
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I've shared a forum space with Lord Tony and Sluzzy, nothing is beyond being 100% serious anymore.
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You'd think the same with Tony and Sluzzy and yet
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For some reason, I was reminded of this by your comment (minus the added meme at the end):
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Y'all need to stop I just can't
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Mikes aren't too bad. It's the Karens you have to worry about. Imagine what they'd sound like with mics
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Imagine this guy is really jesus and he is complaining about the state of the world in form of DbD.