What was this Hotfix for?

The game is still filled with frame rate issues and lag spikes that make it unplayable. The hotfix did nothing, but fix a cosmetic glitch, and try and say they fixed clowns bottle which is not true his power still doesnt work.
To all who say their working on smaller bugs first I have to say that is the dumbest thing they can do when their game is unplayable. We waited a week for a fix and it didnt come. Any other company would have fixed it within a few days. The map is still not back which I have no issue with, but others definitely want it back in rotation because its apart of the chapter, and it makes the chapter just feel like your getting just more cosmetics for survivors with Jill and Leon with legendary skins.
I'm going to end my rant here before I take it to far. I would like to see your thoughts on the situation.
just a few things but the biggest one of note for people is that you can no longer do the linked cosmetic glitch
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they said the first hotfix after a major update is mainly to address bugs that got reported and therefor earlier worked on from PTB feedback that couldn’t get fixed for the initial update.
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I'm sorry, but when the game is nearly unplayable and has been for over a week the primary focus should be to fix that issue not a cosmetic glitch that does nothing. They didnt fix Clown his bottles still do nothing to survivors, Nemis tentacle still freezes the game. Instead of fixing meaningless bugs they should fix the major ones that are plaguing the game at the moment.
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So you think they deliberately stopped trying to fix this stuff in favor of the cosmetic bug fix?
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Yeah, kinda feels like everyone is just making stuff up about what's going on behind the scenes. So having been in the software industry for, oh, I don't know, 30 years, I'll make up my version.
Sure, they're working on the noisiest issues and bugs but they don't have those done. Some people on the dev staff are working on other items because everyone can't all work on the same issue. So they put out what they can or what is done and keep working on the main priority issues that didn't make it into this one. The other option, I would guess, would be to release nothing. They are continuing to work on the biggest issues, then using staff to work on other issues by priority all the time and releasing what they can that's made it past process.
Why is this so hard for the average gamer to understand? I think at some point, we're verging on conspiracy theory in assuming that the people who work on a piece of software wouldn't absolutely love to fix whatever thing users are massively complaining about in any given week.
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Game is broken. Let's fix thr PTB bug that let's people mix cosmetics instead. Because priorities.
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I think it would have been best to not release anything because the stuff they did release was rubbish. It only made people sigh when they saw it. They should've fixed one of the major bugs with the patch within this update to at least show that things are going well.
I get it their are different people working on different things that's fine, but when your game always has a game breaking bug every single update it rubs people the wrong way and shows that your experience isnt the greatest.
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Devs have different priorities as long as the game can be played it makes money especially from cosmetics but when their precious creations are being mixed with other things it ruins the game for them. Stupid dev priorities
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The thing is that the game isnt playable without a really good pc at the moment. They're lucky people are playing this mess right now.
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It doesnt preserve the identity though. People know the identity of it and just want to wear cosmetic that look good with the character and not be looked behind a set. The glitch would actually bring more money to the license because people were buying multiple skins from the license characters in order to do it.
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Tell me about it the only reason I still play is to laugh at how bad it's gotten since I first joined
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I will never understand the cult like defense these devs have achieved. It's actually scary.
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Jill can wear Claire's outfit in Resistance, why can't she wear it here?
If Leon's RE4 outfit wanted to preserve the identity of licensed characters, shouldn't Leon be older in that skin?