Damn it BHVR (rant)

BHVR, you said you were doing less events than normal so that you could really focus on the Anniversary Event and the Halloween Event. Well, here we are at your 5 year anniversary and this is by far the WEAKEST, most UNDERWHELMING Anniversary event you've ever announced. I was all for you cutting out events so you can focus your attention on the big ones and make them even better but #########?!?!? This is not what's happening right now. You guys don't do double point weekends anymore, or Blood Hunts/Blood Feast, etc. And you think I'm going to play this event so I can get a freaking CROWN? A crown that I will NEVER wear because really, who needs the killer seeing my crown hovering above my hiding spot???
I mean, I've taken DAYS OFF OF WORK so I can play the event but this one? ######### THAT.
Raccoon City PD map is still not working either. OH! And and and LAST YEAR your freaking cakes wouldn't even stack for a whole week after the event started. And by the time you got around to fixing it, the hype had severely died down and there were WAY LESS trials starting with 5 cakes being offered.
Man, you guys seemed to put more effort into your game events when you were just the little horror game that could. Now that you OWN the horror market, it seems all you care about is obtaining huge licenses and selling skins. Bring back the old team cause there's no way these people are the same people with these ideas.
Please try this again.
The issue lied in the licenses.
The investors want to see money, so there can't be a focus on stuff that doesn't make it.
There's no excuse for the spaghetti code though, that's outrageous. but as for events and stuff, that's honestly something where we'd all be better off if the BIG licenses would run out and the devs would just turn the licensed characters into original ones, respectively remove bubba as a whole as we already have billy
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BHVR has made it very clear that it’s completely pointless to be excited about anything coming out for DBD.
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Can´t wait for the 5th anniversary cake that gives 105% bonus points (probably not stackable) and is bugged during the first week, by giving 5% bonus points (stackable)!
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I just think you guys need a bit of perspective:
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BHVR has Ubisoft Syndrome. Poor playerbase. All it took was one good idea, and then BOOM. Money is the only thing that matters. Greed is a cancer in the gaming industry.
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They stopped doing events a while ago. I don't count getting spooky flashlights or medkits an event. But this is coming from the same company who doesn't bother putting Christmas lights in game. Cuz thats too hard apparently.
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No thx.
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No thanks you don't care about perspective? :) You think you are "standing for something important" by screaming about not getting as many freebies as you wanted? How about instead of me offering you some perspective, let me tell you how these complaints look/sound:
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I mean, I hate to rain on the pity party, but I don't really see what the big deal is here. Anniversary events where they give us free stuff are just that, freebies. We didn't pay for them. We certainly didn't earn them by being polite and nice to the company. In fact, we make Dudley from the Potterverse look absolutely charming by comparison on most days. I'd love the events to be big affairs. Who doesn't like free stuff? But there is a difference between hopes and entitlement. They don't owe us anything, so anything they give us is above and beyond. Truth be told I could care less about the events and would much rather they spend time on optimization, fixing bugs, finding a way to balance Solo Queue versus SWF, and all that jazz. There is only so much time in the day and coin in the coffers.
On any given day, there are real tragedies in the world and there are proper things which should cause outrage and demand a reaction. Not getting enough free goodies from my video game isn't one of them. These are 1st World Problems in that they aren't really problems at all. Video games are diversions, and luxury items at that. When I see the outrage and energy poured into Dead by Daylight I have to kind of scratch my head and ask myself, "where are all these people when it is about something that actually matters?" I find righteous indignation about video games to be kind of a sick joke, particularly when it is about something that you didn't even pay for.
When I was six my family went to my grandmother's for the holidays. I had this expectation of what gift I wanted, and I didn't get it. I threw a huge tantrum. I behaved like a spoiled, ungrateful brat. I'm ashamed of it to this day and I REMEMBER it still. What shames me more is I still remember it because of how angry and let down I was that I didn't get what I wanted. Intellectually, I know how bad I was. Happily I can reconcile that with the fact I was six years old. What is your excuse here, today?
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Nope if BHVR were like Ubisoft then we would have been at DBD 4 by this time at least they don’t make sequels to milk every ounce of this game they try to focus on one to keep it alive
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Preach. I'm very grateful I only had to buy the game once, and now and then I have the option to buy DLC but no requirement.
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Recycled from last year.