Tru3Talent VS Oracle - Both POVs, Survivor & Killer

Since y'all wanted a Survivor POV, there u go.
I'm surprised they kept it professional in their comms and didn't ridicule Tru3. Talk about sportsmanship.
Seems pretty obvious I mean. At the tippity top against a team like Oracle, you will probably a very strong killer like spirit or nurse.
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There are more on Justyn's channel.
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The issue is only spirit and nurse can compete at this level.
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*sad bing bong noises* 😭
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I think they are cool people tbh from what I have seen. People attack them for stretched res ignoring their skill in general. Their callouts are impressive and they are really organised, responding fast to every situation.
I mean, yeah swf is an advantage but that doesn't mean they aren't good and experienced at the game without it. They do well solo too, and without stretched res.
They said they will play normal res in their next games btw.
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Could Blight compete with them on Coal tower? I feel like even him with no addons could do very well in this situation.
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Fair and balanced.
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I don't even think Spirit can compete on this level. She's really overrated against this level.
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Has BHVR mentioned anything about fixing the stretched res exploit?
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I am not sure how good is this guy because I never watched him, but he played spirit against them recently. Twins too. Similar outcome.
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Dowsey is a very good killer. Def top 10
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It's obvious to see what side is more unbalanced. What beats a god killer is simple. It's gen speed lmao. Spirit is really overrated.
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This again? Something which will never happen in an actual game?
Like, tru3 does not want to do a 1v1 against Spirit because he knows that she is busted. But he wants to show something that proofs his opinion, so he plays Wraith (who is a decent Killer) against a highly skilled tournament team (again - people you will never see in public games) and he knew the result already, he is not stupid.
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I wouldn't say she's overrated. She earns her spot as second best. Yet like every other killer, there is a certain ceiling she cannot pass. This is it.
Which is why Almo was bonked for his statement about Nurse not being the top killer. I really would be curious as to see what the devs thoughts are against matchups like these. Not for balance sake, you can't/shouldn't balance against the top !%. bit kist om general. Matches like these gives a good idea of how a map is played.
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Going to say right now, because I know many are going to get this wrong: 99.9% of SWFs do not have comms even approaching Oracle's level. Remove that thought from your mind. Those comms are refined through years of constant practice. Those comms are elite for a competitive team. The average pub SWF isn't comm'ing at that level on a Friday night in between mouthfuls of food.
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Almo thinks Huntress Lullaby is OP.
I don't think he deserves a spot for an opinion.
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For general variety streamers? Sure. Definitely. He and TricksterShadow are the only big ones who don't get rolled in comp. Honestly, Zubat could probably hang.
Top 10 for comp though? Not a knock on him at all, but he's not top 10. The best comp killers are unreal.
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What is oracle? Cant watch right now.
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Took a small look. Of course they use stretched res.
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Caveat with the PH 4k was an unhook grab due to Brazil to Romania ping. Match was kind of a mess.
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I have to admit that I had bad assumptions about tourney playstyles because I watched the wrong stuff.
I am actually very impressed by oracle and some of the killers I never even heard about before. People bash and brush them off but imo they are a lot better than your average popular streamer.
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Why wouldn't they? When you're playing something competitively, as in tourney level, you'll do everything you can do to get any form of advantage that isn't against the rules.
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yeah, they should fix it.
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They should just add an FOV slider and call it a day, or ban people for doing this. It gives an unfair advantage from something you can't do inside the normal settings.
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Almo, you know, 50% of a DbDs balance team? He said on stream before they nerfed freddy that they don't know WHY freddy has a high kill rate, just that he does, and that's why they need to adjust him.
They literally don't know why things are broken and then just "nerf" freddy by "nerfing" the thing that isn't the reason he is strong.
Not that i think freddy was actually broken, he's not, at the highest level only nurse and spirit can compete so in my mind every killer needs buffs.
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Some people are forced to play stretched even if they'd rather not due to this game's terrible performance issues.
I play at 800 by 600 and still sometimes dip below 30 fps.
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It just looks better bro! I Swear! Its just for performance bro!
Yeah, i'm gonna go ahead and go with a fat "no" on that one.
If you can't play this game on 60 FPS on low settings, it's time to stop playing the game on your toaster, go to BestBuy during black friday, and buy a new toaster.
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Wa wa what? Are you implying Spirit requires skill sir??!!!
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So every console player should quit the game?
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Those survivors are a bunch of cheaters.
With stretched you gain additional FOV and can look over tiles you normally can't. Any good survivor/killer knows that this is a huge advantage, loops where the survivor can see above/through means that the killer can't mindgame.
It really annoys me when people defend this obvious cheating (they fiddle with the game files to gain an unfair advantage over everyone else that plays fair). They should receive a temporary ban imo.
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Has literally nothing to do with changing game files in any way. Create a custom desktop resolution in Nvidia Control Panel and launch game. And while stretched res does give a slight FOV increase, the result would have been exactly the same had they been on native.
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It doesn't matter what the result is, there are rules and they are cheating by gaining additional fov, that can make the difference if they can see the killer at some higher tiles or not.
People like you that defend cheaters are really annoying.
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Can't wait for all the people that uncapped their fps to get banned for tinkering with the game files.
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What advantage do these people gain by uncapping their fps ?
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lol you dont even need to have comms at oracle level most players aren't playing at Dowsey lvl so if you compare an average SWF using their comms and an avg killer the outcome is the same it looks just like this but the match might be extended by 1-2 mins
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This has definitely happened to me in an actual game. Just because it’s rare does not mean we should ignore it. Tru also is going to face them with spirit, so idk where that conspiracy comes from.
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Why would they uncap their fps if there wasn't an advantage? I'm sure the game was intended to be capped at 60 fps for a reason.
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Wow good argument, really. So you dont know and write comments just for the sake of it.
I ll tell you the problem with stretched. As killer, you know some tiles the survivor can't see through and above. The killer can try a mindgame (doubleback, moonwalk) to get a hit or get them to drop the pallet earlier. Now, if you play against a cheater that streches his res to gain additional fov, he may be able to see your head where he normally should not be able to.
If the killer tries to mindgame at a loop where he can't. because the survivor sees him, he will just waste a lot of time.
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Who are your top comp kiĺler list?
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And I'll tell you the problem with uncapping fps. Getting better performance than the game allows must be as bad as stretched. If BHVR wanted players to have good frames based on their hardware, there wouldn't be a cap. So many players carried by their cheating just because they have good hardware.
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I'm probably going to forget somebody, but in no particular order off the top of my head: Xeno, Card, Shix, Knightlight, FallenArt, Volga, Disco, Wizzle, Hunter uwu, Ultra, Alf, the killers on Unbroken whose names escape me, a lot more. There are a lot of insanely talented killers on the scene.
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I know some of them. I'll check the others. Thanks.
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I watched all 5 games and was not surprised. Anyone remember marth88 and his depip squad? Lol.. The game will always be unbalanced.
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If tru3 refuses to play differently he will lose no matter which killer he plays I think. That doesn't mean that he is bad or that oracle is unbeatable.
It just means that tournament players play this game very differently and seriously. There are no rulebooks, everything goes. And planning ahead is important.
That is what I think after watching some of the tournament stuff.
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Dude you just set your desktop resolution to anything you want. People do this for all games that don't have resolution in options (mostly older games). You want to start banning people who get 144 fps too?
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"so in my mind, every killer needs buffs". that is like never happening. definately not with Almo around. his latest changes are were that demo is too strong. I'd like to see him play vs oracle as demo with add-on that got changed. Surely it should be an instant win. Freddy and Billy changes are basically the classic dbd of 1 step forward, 2 step back.
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This is why it's so difficult to balance DBD, you have things like Sweat With Friends then you have solo queue which can barely keep up with a half-decent killer.
With that said, I enjoy seeing competitive games since they are often interesting. It truly shows what works and doesn't work in DBD; pro-players literally focus on the smallest of details, something that the majority of the community seem to miss. That means they often find the most optimal strategies and use it to win. Always refreshing to see what pro-players are up to with the current game build.
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Uncapping the fps doesn't let you do gens faster, doesn't make you run faster and make your chases longer. Altering the resolution to something the game and devs didn't intend to (isn't in the options) increases your fov and has a direct effect during chases, as you can see the killer on some higher tiles where you normally can't.
Is that really so hard to understand?
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Please explain what advantage extra fps grants, compared to stretched resolution that allows breaking mindgames on loops.