What buffs would the Cannibal get?

People talk about how he's like down there with Nightmare and Legion. He's biggest known weakness is that he has zero ability to map pressure or slow down the game but his ability to actually catch the survivors is still too weak. Leading him to get looped just as hard as any other killer.


  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    I wish i could find a gif of him holding his chainsaw up over his head and running. Cause in that chainsaw stance he doesn't attack just uses it to catch up.
  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    He needs rather trivial changes, really.
    -A smaller terror radius (a 26 meters TR should do the trick)
    -His acceleration during his chainsaw attack fixed (it's currently bugged) and increased slightly (115% -> 120%)
    -The speed penalty he gets when revving up his chainsaw reduced from -28% to -15%.

  • godren
    godren Member Posts: 120

    @Vietfox said:

    • Chainsaw charge should work like billy's one.
    • Reduce collision's time penalty.
    • Increase speed when using the chainsaw.
    • A fix/rework on most of his addons.

    Leatherface is a really fun killer with the right addons and i can't wait for him to get buffed.

    and make his purple addons for speed work.

  • godren
    godren Member Posts: 120

    @Acromio said:
    He needs rather trivial changes, really.
    -A smaller terror radius (a 26 meters TR should do the trick)
    -His acceleration during his chainsaw attack fixed (it's currently bugged) and increased slightly (115% -> 120%)
    -The speed penalty he gets when revving up his chainsaw reduced from -28% to -15%.

    true in his movie he is sneaky as hell. he should get a smaller terror radius.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    Not sure about the smaller tr his saw definitely needs to not have an obnoxious slow down. The base speed on his saw is trash with the reduction to his slow down he wont need a massive inprovement but a slight increase is needed. Add ons need to be looked at specfically noise mufflers. They are utterly useless and potentially could be replaced by

    A. Iridescent teeth. The saws teeth are imbued with the entities cruelty. Any survivours downed by bubbas saw bleed out 50% faster. Any deaths caused by bleed out awards a mori kill score event while this  addons is equiped.
    B. Common add on. Loose chain a chain that has seen extensive use it rocks uneasy on the saw. Bubbas saw has slighly increased range.
    C. Ultra rare add on. Modern quick start engine this engine screechs with an inhuman sound powered by a supernatural starved force. Tremendously reduces charge time of saw. Does not stack with other charge tine add ons. 

    I hope this post gets people thinking about new add on ideas some of these add ons i suggest are quite strong and i openly accept one would promote a very nasty slug build however i hope this gets people thinking about how to better fill out bubbas add ons so potentially his saw can be used in newer more interesting ways. 
  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    @mistar_z said:
    People talk about how he's like down there with Nightmare and Legion. He's biggest known weakness is that he has zero ability to map pressure or slow down the game but his ability to actually catch the survivors is still too weak. Leading him to get looped just as hard as any other killer.

    add insidious in his default power

  • apropos
    apropos Member Posts: 245

    It's like they slowed him down at the start of his saw attack to make his chili addons useful, but they still suck. I feel like hes generally ok with beasts marks and carburetor tuning guide, those addons are just so rare.

  • SpitfireOrMichina
    SpitfireOrMichina Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2018

    @Vietfox said:

    • Chainsaw charge should work like billy's one.
    • Reduce collision's time penalty.
    • Increase speed when using the chainsaw.
    • A fix/rework on most of his addons.

    Leatherface is a really fun killer with the right addons and i can't wait for him to get buffed.

    Exactly excepted the first one. That could be annoying

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    For his buffs to make his base viable,

    • Both his speed (while using chainsaw addons) become a part of his base (so that mental speed is his base and he is not nerfed in charge time)
    • Same charge time as Billy
    • Same speed when charging chainsaw as Billy
    • Make his chainsaw collide on less things
    • 24 meter terror radius
    • His chainsaw lasts much longer (he can cover 32 meters in 1 frenzy in about 5 seconds)
      And there ya go Spirit becomes 3rd best, Hag becomes 4th best and Billy becomes 5th best. Leatherface becomes 2nd best.
      That's how to make his base viable.
  • apropos
    apropos Member Posts: 245

    Why have two Billy's?

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    @apropos said:
    Why have two Billy's?

    If we buff him I'd love if the buff differentiates the two better.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    ... for now

  • Crizpen
    Crizpen Member Posts: 129
    mistar_z said:

    People talk about how he's like down there with Nightmare and Legion. He's biggest known weakness is that he has zero ability to map pressure or slow down the game but his ability to actually catch the survivors is still too weak. Leading him to get looped just as hard as any other killer.

    I would generally disagree that he gets looped as hard as other killers.

    In the first place, his ability to break pallets quickly isn’t to be scoffed at. Like Billy, he doesn’t have to wait until he’s at the pallet to start breaking it, like other killers do.

    Second, he only has to catch a survivor once to down them. Of course, M1 is better if they’re breaking for a window, but more generally speaking, he can one-shot fairly easily.

    Third, he does have base killer movement speed, unlike so many others.

    I am not saying he’s a top tier killer, but he’s far from Legion and Freddy. Certainly Freddy can’t fight back against a Borrowed Time hook save, yet Leatherface can not only down the saving player, but burn through Borrowed Time by colliding with the hook and forcing the tantrum. And without Borrowed Time, hook saves within his terror radius are a farming mission at best.

    A lot of killers play him defensively, and certainly he’s tremendous at defense, but I find him the most terrifying when he builds momentum downing one survivor after the next. Camping is easy to fight against by simply completing the generators, a chainsaw reving behind you, with a 45 degree kill zone is far less so.

    If I were to change one thing about him, it’d be how silly he looks running around. I mean really, he’s almost on tip toes.
  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    His biggest flaws right now are his chainsaw, his terror radius and his broken add-ons. Why would anyone choose LF over Billy? Their mechanics are almost exactly identical except LF is a scuffed version of Billy.

    For starts, most every killer with a 32m killer radius have a way to control their terror radius or mobility/powers to make up for it. Leatherface doesn't have this. He's big, tall and slow. You can hear him and see him coming for miles and either hide or loop him. To start, adjust his terror radius a little smaller would be a good start.

    Second, his chainsaw mechanic is very clunky. First and the worst thing about it is having to overcharge your chainsaw because so many times it has been 99%'d and you release the mouse just to lose your chainsaw kill. His chainsaw mechanic needs to be like Billy's! People who have put a reasonable amount of time into LF know exactly what I am talking about. Then his chainsaw "frustration" when he runs into objects needs to either be changed or removed. When Billy runs into objects, it just goes straight to cool down. Why not the same for LF? Instead, you sit there for years while your survivor runs away. Fix this. Finally, while charging his chainsaw he slows down. Why can't he just maintain his speed?

    Last, his add-ons. Self explanatory. He has broken add-ons that don't work. Just fix them.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @Crizpen said:

    If I were to change one thing about him, it’d be how silly he looks running around. I mean really, he’s almost on tip toes.

    That's how he ran in the movie though! - the original one - I think the artists/designers scored an ace by capturing that movement with near perfection.