
Haven't been on in a long time even though said would check back in with community. It feels like i put dbd 100% behind me and feel good about it. Really enjoying deathgarden and its good grind and the forum is fun cause can make polls. Sure wish it had big community but fine with small community cause alot of passionate people in community around game. Met a really good friend that also quit dbd and connected in other games as well. We enjoyed dbd from the start but we didn't like the direction they started taking. Specially glad he quit sooner than me and didn't have to see an incoming battlepass in paid game. I knew if you gave bhvr overpriced cosmetics they would push farther. Wish people would understand the story if you give a mouse a cookie he would want some more. (but guess not all had that book as kid) But i feel like that dbd community gave them overpriced cosmetics then gave allowed being redshell used on us as fine. Even though think privacy should be peoples concern. When saw they were getting battlepass and saw people going well its called something else. Knew people had to endleslly defend a game they love and i was out of touch with that. If anyone knows of a way to play dbd year 1 or year 2 build let me know cause would love that game. Much appreciate great people on dbd community and hopefullly get to enjoy it years to come <3 If come to deathgarden community hope to see you in the gardens ^^ Also behaviour doubt will come by but hope you revive naughty bear ip cause it be enjoyable to play him. Could also port current two naughty bear games in a full game. That would be cool and very fun to enjoy. Don't know how the series sold but on switch might sell well in digital store.


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