Crossplay Text Chat - Overwatch even has this now!

Overwatch launched crossplay today with PC/PS/Xbox/Switch - And now there's a text chat for all players. Which used to not be a thing on console.
What's DBD's excuse?
People actually want post game chat? But why
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It’s a different game?
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Pre game chat... There's 0 coordination between console and PC players.
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Doesnt matter we should have a text chat
Why not? would be a better question.
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For me its to say gg lol. If im worried the end game chat will be bad ill just leave right away problems solved. That or just make it a option because im fine for getting called a toxic tryhard.
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True, that would helped solo a lot, or at least let survivors see their perks before game starts. So you know that cheryl is running Head on and play around it for example
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Op asked what DbD’s excuse for not having crossplay chat was. Different games have different priorities on what features they implement. So please read that more carefully next time.
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Coordination pre-match for survivors can be massively game changing for solos. I don't understand why they're not implementing this. SWF's are on com's already, PC & Console solo's have no way of communicating / socializing at all. It's a big missed opportunity in my eyes.
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I hope it never happens. At least not while the game is in this state. Most toxic survivors I encounter are console players. I am relieved when the game ends and they cannot say anything to me but then again everyone should have the possibility of chatting post-game.
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It would take like 10 years to type anything though.
But i guess you can tell your teammates that you got certain perks (e.g DS,Unbreakable,BT etc.)
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I would love post game chat, has been surprisingly positive with same system people recently.
Mostly I just want to explain something and it’s not people being toxic to each other.
Should definitely be a thing
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As a console player, no thanks. PC folks seem unhinged in the post game chat from what I've seen. Though I will just leave and not read it, which seems like most PC players are incapable of doing?
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Puhleez. You can't even curse anymore with the annoying ass chat filter they added. Chat is EXTREMELY tame now.