I don't know how to feel about this

I can understand if they are licensed but, this? I don't know if the Twitter guy is joking or they are being for real, because this is for real, this will piss me off
That better [BAD WORD] be sarcasm.
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I don't think it is
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The hell? If that ain't a joke...
Edit: Just realized that this ins't Behavior's actual account.
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THere is gonna be hell to pay
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Yeah, "DeadByBHWR" LUL
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Seriously. I don’t know how I feel about how people can’t tell a W from a V. They should never click any links in their email I think.
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Well, whoever's running that Twitter account is about to be doing anything but.
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he is clearly joking
edit: some of people acciuse them to be money hungry so they go with the folw and joke about that
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They must be legally blind or something, like c'mon, this is so obvious, i really don't understand how people believe this.
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Is he though, cause this isn't funny, not in the slightest
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he is i play this game for 4 years and they wouldnt be so unsmart to hit themself in the knee
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I'm surprised BHVR doesn't report these accounts for pretending to be them. They do enough to piss off the fan base with real things they do, they don't need fake accounts help fueling the flames.
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it's a fake account my man
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Good to have humour on aspects of the game, this doesn’t play, I’m all for humour but this does cross that line and kind of disappoints.
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Well, do you, because let me ask you this. It's understandable to do it to licensed characters preserving their characters I get that, but why do it to non-liscensed, the best part about cosmetics is mixing and matching
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Hmmm, I dunno about that.
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Wait is it?
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the account @ is "DeadByBHWR", the legit one is with a V not a W "DeadByBHVR"
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Oh sure they'd never do that * cough * cough, Binding of Kin, and RE chapter *cough *cough
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He actually might. If it's serious then that's not good PR and if it is sarcasm then they're basically poking fun at the company they work for, lol.
Wait nvm, it's a fake account.
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Body is 1 character too short.
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God damn it, how did I not see that. For a second I thought they legit confirmed it, but still though, the guy has a point
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yeah a didnt notice that small difference in name
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Also the official DBD twitter account is verified w/ a checkmark so you'll know it's them.
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I am so glad that it is a fake account. If it wasn't, who knows what would've happened?
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At least ask a mod to delete the post or something since people actually believe this
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let's play spot the difference.
How many differences can you see? Let's go through it!
If I missed one, be sure to let me know!
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At least they've kept the "Now available everywhere".
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Oh gee I just noticed
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dbd killer mains believing this? kek does not surprise me
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how does this have anything to do with killer mains and survivor mains, also why the hell did you comment after my edit, just leave it be.
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If you don't take the care to ensure the information you're reading is true, especially when it's so clearly different, then it's closer to a you problem. Several BHVR employees have already said to be on the lookout for parody accounts and actively have condemned them.
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brb gunna go believe a parody account lol.
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Can you just please drop it the discussion is getting closed anyway
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This post has absolutely nothing to do with killer mains. Also leave 'em alone, he made a mistake and realized that.
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Someone responded to me so I responded in turn. Take it up with literally everyone else too that's continuing this thread too.
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Can you do me a favor and read the front of the post please and thank you
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Closed per the OP's request. Also a quick reminder, the official Twitter account is here at https://twitter.com/DeadByBHVR