To killer mains

After playing killer for 6 rounds I realized just how hard being killer is. I am so sorry for ever doubting what you killers say. I have learned my lesson. Much love from a survivor main. This concludes the killer/ survivor meeting for today😜
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Was not expecting this
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Finally, some good ######### wholesome content that can be ruined with us-vs-them arguments.
[Insert Gordon Ramsay gif here.]
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Well I figured instead of complaining about killers I would give it some rounds to see how bad it is. I got decimated. I think I maybe hit 1 person then got flashlighted like crazy. I even went around the outside of the map and looked behind walls and still got killed for lack of better words. I figured playing survivor all the time I would have an advantage since i know where most people hide but I was wrong.
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The same can be said about playing survivor. Let's just all agree that the game is always terrible unless you play it full time
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Very wise decision to play the other side instead of complaining.
I'm very glad that wholesome discussions like these can still exist on the forums!
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Good for you to play the other side and see how it is to make your own judgement. Those that play one side and never walk a mile on the other side, do not know how it is.
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I am glad you understand :) And try to play on high ranks.
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If you play killer more youll become a better survivor and vice versa. I recommend sticking with it for awhile and when you go back to survivor youll be able to think like the killer better
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both sides are really hard in their own respective ways. this was refreshing to see
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Killer is hard because of swf and map.
Survivor is hard because of teamate.
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Who did you play?
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And for context, Killer has been the easiest it’s ever been, and that’s still not easy.
That should give you an idea of just how hard (and sometimes broken) the game used to be for killers.
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Same. It’s nice to see some solidarity for a change.
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Any advice on how to effectively play demogorgon? Not sure if it's me but he seems really weak.
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Lol now that is bait! And really bad bait at that.
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Its a matter of getting really good with his shred attack, which takes a lot of practice
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teammates are the real killer
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It can be absolutely horrible, but I still believe that most people are decent, the vocal minority dominate the narrative of this game.
SWF red ranks is just an unenjoyable experience, taunting, clicking, and the rest, then they whine about queue times.
Really nice to see someone trying it, I wish more people played at least a bit of both sides for perspective. This can be a great game and the division, whilst understandable, is unnecessary.
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It's not bait. I really honestly believed killers were OP. Since my son plays killer he told me to try out killer myself so I could see why he was always getting angry. So I took his advice. Nothing wrong with me wanting to try and get some perspective from the opposing side. Why do people feel the need to go off on anyone who tries something different.
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Killers tend to boil down to one of two groups. Killers that are strong but survivors can learn to counter their power and killers that become strong the more that the killer learns to use their power.
Killers in the first category seem OP in low ranks and the latter tend to be the strongest at high ranks.
Examples of killers that fit into the first category are Leatherface, Freddy, and Doctor
Examples of killers that fit into the second category are Nurse, Blight, and Huntress
Demo is definitely in the second category but he's a bit weaker than Nurse, Blight, and Huntress so he doesn't see a whole lot of play because he's both hard to use and comparatively weak. That being said I would still put Demo into A tier, so he's still one of the strongest killers in the game, if you've learned how to use him.
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Really it's bait because I decided to try the other side to see for myself if it was over exaggerated? My son mains killer and told me to try so i could see why he was always getting angry. Excuse me for trying to get the other sides perspective.🤦
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Demogorgon, as others have already stated, is all about the Shred. With it you can shut down some otherwise safe loops, catch people off guard and minimize the time a pallet slows you down. Teleporting and being undetectable for a few seconds is also nice. :)
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I kept getting the teleport creator mixed up with his attack. It was funny to say the least. I was a baby demogorgon😂
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Practice the Shred. A lot of Survivors are conditioned for the ritualistic loops at the Shack and T Intersection Jungle Gyms. Once you get going with them change your claw position and prepare for the Shred and when they come out with the head start you instantly close it and hit them. I've taken down more Survivors going for the window or the pallet than I can count. Rote behaviors are hard to break, even though they KNOW you have the Shred.
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Whoever played both sides enough know that both have their problems.
Now you will be less biased towards one side and that is a great thing. You made community better by a little today. Love ya. :)
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As someone who play Demogorgon regular at red ranks, I'll impart what I can.
Portal Strategy:
There's two schools of though on this, portal next to generators for map pressure, or portals slightly away from generators for surprise attacks, I'm in the latter group. Try to place a portal behind a rock or wall near a generator since you get undetectable emerging from a portal and can land a lot of cheeky first hits this way. It also lessens the chances of survivors finding and sealing up your portals which keeps your map pressure as good as it can be.
Shred Strategy:
Shred works best in loops when the survivor can't see you charging it, when you charge shred the survivor can see you drop your hands into position and Demogorgon opens it's mouth (I guess?) so they can get ready to dodge. If you're coming around a corner it's hard to see it coming.
Best time for this is when you're running a Double L or T-Wall and you can charge as you come around the corner to spring as the survivor goes for a window. Another good time is when they are running for a pallet and aren't looking behind them.
Perk Recommendations:
Demogorgon needs setup time for portals, so corrupt intervention when starting out is a godsend. With his map pressure, he can also make good use out of both BBQ and Chili for Location and Pop Goes the Weasel for Generator Regression. You don't really need brutal strength or bamboozle since Demogorgon can handle most loops pretty well but one perk that's GREAT on him is Save the Best for Last. As Demogorgon can shred the obsession instead of M1, you can keep 8 stacks pretty much the whole game.
There's a lot more to it than this but hopefully these few down and dirty tips can help, best of luck!
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Thanks Which killer has Pop goes the weasel
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That would be the Clown :^)
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My Bad:
Corrupt Intervention = Plague Teachable.
Pop Goes the Weasel = Clown Teachable.
BBQ and Chili = Cannibal Teachable (and on the shrine of secrets right now)
Save the Best for Last = Michael Myers Teachable.
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Ok I have all killers but clown and cannibal. Bought BBQ already. So all I need to do is buy clown.
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*ding ding* it's the wraiths job to call the meeting to a close *ding ding*
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why close it rn
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fun little fact, devour hope is killer on demo
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They said 'this concludes the survivor/killer meeting for today' which means they ended the meeting at the end of the post *ding ding*
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Thanks for your honesty. Of course there are always going to be a few easy matches as killer especially in lower ranked when you play against solo potatoes. But if you go up against competent survivors, it can be quite stressful and at times not enjoyable at all. Now we just have to get all the other survivors who talk about how easy killers have it to also try it at least once!
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Contrary to what people on here want everyone to believe, I still have fun and don't think the game is terrible. I mainly play solo and dabble in killer only to get the cosmetics in the free rift and I still find it enjoyable except for the token sweaty matches.
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Clown. :) It might be better to wait for it to show up for it on the Shrine unless you enjoy playing the coughing, fat man. Of course you could play something else, and just pour whatever BP you earn into Clown's Blood Web until you unlock his Perks. Bamboozle is pretty good, Pop is awesome.
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I 100% agree! I'm also a survivor main but after playing killer a bit I realized how hard it is! When your survivor you have your team to depend on but as killer you rely on your own skill alone. One good survivor can reck the whole game for the killer so I do truly think killer is harder.
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Is it impossible for you to not be completely horrible to other people for more than thirty minutes?
It's completely possible that someone had a experience that isn't exactly the same as yours and taught them a different lesson. If that lesson happens to be that a good deal of the people they interact with deserve more respect, then that's a good thing.
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Place portals in areas you want to control, and use grass and LOS blockers to your advantage.
Portals make noises that survivors can hear when within 8m of one, keep that in mind.
Use shred on windows and pallets if you're certain the survivor will vault, but also use it to make the survivor dodge and thus lose distance.
Finally, consider when you use shred to break pallets. If you get stunned, it's actually quicker to break the pallet regularly if you don't have the pallet shredding addon.
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Sorry didn't see your post. I played as demogorgon.
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I used to be a demo main before I became spirit main so I've been where you are atm
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Yeah, I like survivor a lot more just because everything about it is less stressful because, well, it's not really in your control.
Also, you can have wierd experiences like somehow juggling a brown medkit through 6 trials.
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Ignore that person who replied to you -- they're constantly reguritating the same nonsense about "every killer bad" over and over. They're clearly biased in everything they post, and their credibility is zero as a result, so I wouldn't pay them any attention.
From someone who plays both role about 50/50, I can say that doing so will help you be better at both. Playing killer has helped me become a better survivor and vice-versa. As you already learned, it will also give you persepctive on issues of game balance that people who don't play both won't get.
As others have said, getting practice with the Shred attack for Demo is paramount. With the updates to some of his add-ons (Barb's Glasses and Black Heart, an uncommon and a common respectively), Demo is very good at loops now -- you can shred pallets with very little recovery needed and recover quickly after Shred attacks (basically, a mini Save The Best For Last on his Shred) with those add-ons. As was pointed out, STBFL is a great perk on him (since you can save your stacks by using your Shred on the Obsession). Some slowdown -- whether it be Ruin, Corrupt, or Pop -- is almost a necessity on nearly every killer, Demo no exception.
Demo is not a top-tier killer per say, but he's a LOT of fun to play with. Good luck with him!
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I had a lucky medkit once it was a brown one I survived 6 games in a row then I dropped it to franklins and died never switched it during the six trials
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So i presume you’re using your son’s account to play killer?
It’s generally not a good idea because survivors tend to bully killers in high ranks, especially when they’re facing a new killer.
That being said, nice for you to try out killers and understands what killer players gone through since the beginning..
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No I am using mine. We both have our own accounts