Do you think we will see a Resident Evil chapter 2?

So do you think it is a possibility we will get a Resident Evil Chapter 2? I honestly think we will eventually. There is just too much money they could make off of multiple characters. And some characters that won't work at all as skins such as Mr. X or Jack or whoever. They would have to be their own separate character and I think they would probably end up doing it. Like imagine it. It'd still make a ton of money, be very exciting, and just isn't a bad idea. and if we did what do you think it would be based on? And don't tell me Ethan Winters because he's not a possibility unless they wanna make a character with a blacked out face.
I don't myself, though we could still get a few more skins. They've covered the mains, but we're still missing Barry and Wesker. I also love (LOVE) RE7 so I think it would be great to have Jack and Marguerite as killers but I also think that it would be difficult to find a place for them. Without spoiling the game for anyone who hasn't played it Jack's most logical role as killer would be one that's already the same as some other killers and Marguerite has specific gameplay elements that make her threatening which couldn't really be pulled off well in this game (in the practical sense).
I'm surprised that I've never seen anyone else mention Mia, I'd like having her as a survivor. Same with the other guy, what's his name? The brother? Joe Don Baker of the swamp? Lol punchy grizzly man. Can't recall his name.
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Joe probably won't make it since he was a DLC character. But yeah Mia would be a better pick than Ethan and actually possible. And Marguerite probably wouldn't fit or just be super repeat mechanics. There would be no need for Candy man if Marguerite was added.
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Was his name actually Joe? Lol I was just making a joke. If it was Joe Baker then wow, Capcom really WAS aping Joe Don Baker after all!
But yeah I agree with you, and I'd really like to see Candyman as a killer. I remember hearing that they were working on that, maybe they still are.
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Why would anyone want mia shes just a scared lil Ethan help lol
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They should just rework Nemesis into his original self.The 1999 version would be able to grab you with his hand and go into small sprints and hit you with a dash attack.The infection could work as is along with the tentacle, but also you should be able to mori a survivor when there infected on final hook as a secondary mori.
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Here's a few examples of what, I mean
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I'm completely fine with characters just being skins (except the fact that they're $15...) I don't really care that Mr. X doesn't have a tentacle, he could easily be made a skin and most people wouldn't bat an eye. It would be very easy for the survivors though and I would probably buy skins like Sheva, Ada, and maybe Barry.
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What's impossible?
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Maybe in another 4 years or so.
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So a mix of already used character designs
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Nope, not after the devs dropped the ball with rcpd map.
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Who hath summoned me?
Jokes aside, yeah, I have to disagree. Jack Baker could make for a very interesting killer.
Have you even played 7 or 8? Because Mia does not act like that. Hell, the start of 7 was her telling Ethan to stay away and not save her.
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ya know i was totally thinking of ashley not mia from re4 sorry
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The RCPD map was disabled so fast I barely had time to download the update. Plus from what I have seen, everyone agrees its way too big of a map and most want it to stay disabled. It seems obvious it should have been an indoor map and a second outdoor map.
Or first floor second floor.
Capcom cant be happy.
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Oh, well yeah, that'd make more sense.
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Isn't that what he is already ? Me and a few other would rather have the original 1999 Nemesis
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Yeah as QwQw said Mia has agency. (RE7 SPOILERS) She basically dominated the third quarter of the game and, if not for her, the bioweapon would have spread and Ethan wouldn't be alive. She's a good character.
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I love Jack and would like to see him in the game but if they represented him properly (again, spoilers for those who for some reason haven't played RE7 yet) he would either be an old man who chases you with a freaky garden implement (cool), a chainsaw type of weapon (already have two killers that fit this mold), or a completely impractical giant mutated abomination. I don't really see a lot of people being excited for the first option, even though I'd enjoy it.
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Mia knows how to survive herself, she can handle Machine Guns and Handguns.
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I hope if they do, they test it a bit more and we don’t have a repeat of this release.
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(Stage spoilers). An RE7 chapter has to happen. Jack had and still has many more creative possibilities than Nemesis. Just a variant of the swamp with the layout of the Bayou would be enough.
The only core thing Jack needs to do to be popular is to be able to talk in and out of chases, just like an advanced version of Trickster. It’s what would ultimately make him... unique.
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Well, the way I see it, Jack has three different options for a power.
- Lot's of Weaponry: Jack uses a lot of different weapons, such as shovels, axes, a spiked paint roller, and of course his double bladed chainsaw. This option for a power would see him make use of these different weapons, along with his insane strength to brute force his way through things. However, this to me seems like it'd be the worst option for a power out of these three, as it's kind of already been done with a lot of other killers, and is just rather dull.
- Molded Mayhem: With this option, Jack would fine himself aided by the molded that wander the halls of the Baker Estate. Just like with Nemesis's zombies, they would be ai controlled, except unlike with Nemesis they'd be the main focus of his power. My idea for this is Jack would be able to create different types of molded that would each have their own strengths and weaknesses.
- Family's all that Matters: Last if not least, this would be the more interesting option for a power. With this option, the player would be able to swap between the three different family members Jack, Marguerite, and Lucas. Each one would have their own ability's and the like. Now, this is somewhat similar to The Twins, but I think it would be different enough to the point of still being interesting.
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If so i was hoping for something from village, if not i would say Jack but i played re7 last week and found him really boring.
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The game couldn't even handle the first chapter from Resident Evil, who knows what will happen with another
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Not after the travesty that's been this patch.
Besides, a Stranger Things 2 Chapter would be more likely and WAY more fun.
Think of it, Starcourt Mall as the new map.
Will and Eleven as Survivors.
Will's perks could center around aura-reading since he's connected to a Entity-like being already.
Eleven's perks could center around moving pallets and rage.
Killer could be the Demo-dog.
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I would love to play on the Baker estate (indoor or outdoor version) against a talkative Jack.
Ah can smell youuuuuuuuuuuu...
These are some good ideas, I hadn't really thought about Jack being able to harness the molded power on a smaller scale. Changing into the rest of the family members would be...really weird, but if it hypothetically meant that he could be in the game I'd be down for it.
A spiked paint roller? Is that what it is? I always assumed that it was one of those manual grass trimmer things.
I like all of these ideas (and would LOVE a mall map in this game. Profoundly.) but the only problem I see is that Eleven is only a teenager, so I couldn't see the developers or garden-variety finger-waggers being okay with the idea of her being hooked.
(I haven't seen the third season yet so if her age wouldn't be the issue that I think it would, I'm not yet aware).
Is this your first time playing RE7? If so, stick with it. It's a really great game. Loses steam toward the end but that seems to be an RE trademark.
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Nancy is 15 in S1, which is her default outfit.
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No, at least not for any survivors. They'll just replace jill/leon with skins like chris.
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She's only supposed to be 15 in the first season? Holy #########, I guess I missed that. The actress looked like she was 20. She and Steve looked like they were about to start college.
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Steve is 17 in S1.
He graduates after S2 ends and is 18 in S3.
Nancy is 17 in S3, so is Jonathan.
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I've already finished, the gameplay was cool but the characters were really boring for me the only one I liked was Mia.
Edit: the reason why I don't like him it's because in his base form he's just a crazy old dude and I'm not fan of regular looking killers, if he looked mutated I would be more okay with it.
As for survivor I would like Mia, I've found Ethan REALLY boring.
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After this broken disaster why would Capcom let them touch anything else?
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I hope not.
I love RE and all, but that would be overkill. No need to clutter up the roster with 5-6 characters from the same franchise.
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Oh you mean where he uses a rocket launcher and such, yeah no thanks. If Nemesis ever came into this game with a Rocket Launcher, it would literally break what the standards for what this game started out as. I just can't imagine a survivor surviving a rocket launcher period.
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In a few years when the lisences are starting to run dry, perhaps.
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Id say any chapters that had 2 survivors could get another killer for fairness. So stranger things and resident evil both couls get another killer to match the 2 survivors.
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How would a Stranger Things 2 chapter be way more fun? What would they bring that would be more fun than any of the RE possibilities?
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I don't see the problem in doing that. That just sounds incredible. Who wouldn't want that unless someone just doesn't like RE or something.
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I don't think ST will ever get any other killers because... Well what would they choose? They already have Demogorgon all there is no need. RE is different. Many more possibilities and uniqueness out of the RE things.
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Yeah, I could see Mia in here. And I'd like to have her. I'd also like Ethan, of course, as RE8 was a fcking amazing game, but Capcom seems to be fixated on not showing his face (even though there are models to show it, on the net).
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No. But I expect extra skins in the future.
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No the sprint's and grabbing survivors would be unique to him unless you want to compare it to pig's dash or oni then yes,and using the rocket launcher would only take one health state, it's not that powerful ,but I wasn't really referring to that.You can look at the zombies as his map pressure but ,I was thinking more to cover short distances maybe to much.I just want classic Nemesis all in all.
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I get that, that would be fine but maybe not to where he constantly can do it like blight or Oni. I don't think his tentacles that are used to catch survivors should be a thing, because we have Deathslinger, and I'd rather see something unique
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Honestly, leaving Chris and Claire for a RE DLC 2 was the logic in my head, but either 1) Capcom wanted them as skins, or 2) Behaviour don't see DBD lasting that long for a RE 2 dlc to be wanted
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Its more unique than his tentacle basically being Pyramid Head 2 when he shouldn't be like PH at all.
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Capcom probably would have went either way. I doubt we'll see anything RE for a long time though because I bet Capcom is upset with how bad this chapter was
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Because RE isn't really that interesting.
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I mean if RE isn't then Stranger Things is just boring. Its odd to say its no interesting. I mean just look at the lickers or ivy and tell me its not interesting. Its fine if its not your thing. It is interesting for those who do though.