The cannibal's power is too strong. Instant down is too much!



  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101

    Sounds to me like in this particular scenario there's a couple possibilities.

    1: there's a bug and you weren't getting terror radius or chainsaw revving sounds in which case let's find and fix that bug as a suggestion, not gut bubba

    2, He had stealth somehow, and chainsaw is bugged to be silent, let's fix that bug instead of gutting bubb

    3, he had stealth and stealth intentionally hides chainsaw revving sounds, in which case we can talk about if using stealth perks along with chainsaw revving needs to be adjusted

    4, you were just didn't hear the warning, in which case everything is working as intended, if you somehow don't hear bubba coming at you with a chainsaw that's on you.

  • Krunga
    Krunga Member Posts: 159

    Speed Limiter basekit for Leatherface's chainsaw would be the perfect nerf.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Oh man, that's EVEN WORSE. If you are standing in the exit gate just WAITING and the killer punishes you for not leaving, you deserve everything you get. I hate when survivors refuse to leave and just hang out in their nice, (normally) safe little exit gate and just bide their time with (normally) no risk whatsoever. It's like, just LEAVE and you would've been perfectly fine.

    And you want to nerf Cannibal because he punished you for doing that dumb thing survivors constantly do? I wish more killers could just obliterate survivors who hang out in that little booth instead of just leaving and getting the game over with.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Mandatory No Mither would be the perfect nerf for survivors.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I wasn't hiding in the exit gate. I was outside the exit gate by a wall. Get it right next time before replying to my post will ya? Some survivors actually do try to save their team in the end game even against all odds.

  • Avignon
    Avignon Member Posts: 133

    It's a one shot killer.... do you also go for saves vs an active Noed then complain about it?

    Honestly i kinda wish deep down all killers got noed if the game is in the ECG and within like 10m of a hook for 30+ seconds. The situations where you get a hook on 5 gens and 3 survivors just swarm and body block is.... wrong somehow. Technically speaking it's your "mistake" (even if trying to be nice and go for 12 hooks instead of 6 and 6 but that's another conversation) but yeah the fact the survivors give 0 ######### about bombing a hook in front of any M1 killer (and even most insta downers) is.... wrong in this "horror" (bhvr's words not mine) game.

    Like don't get me wrong i'm no potato killer i can identify WHY i could into a situation like that, hell sometimes i'll do it intentionally. During the game i'll take long chases on pourpouse just because i like how the survivor is running or something, it's fun, for both sides i'd imagine, the plays, the mindgames etc. but come endgame there's pretty much NOTHING you can do unless you're playing a onshotter.

    *angrilly waves wifle bat in an old gravilly mans voice* Dammit you kids, i'm a killeeeeeeer!!! Be scared!!!

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    No. I try to find the totem or distract the killer if someone else is there to help make a save. Noed saves are very tricky. I've had some work out well and some go very wrong. They're always intense plays and you never know what will happen. Personally though I think noed is one of those reward the killer even though they played poorly perks. I can try to find all of the totems every match, but often when I do that the killer gets ahead on hooks because I have spent too much time trying to find totems. Now I just cleanse them if I find them and take the chance at the end game. Noed can be stopped. The cannibal's power remains until the match is over.

  • Avignon
    Avignon Member Posts: 133

    Eh Noed is different can of worms, baby killers often use it cos it's a universal perk and they have nothing else / it sounds powerful. On the other hand there's stuff you can build that's endgame geared, Remember Me, No Way Out, Blood Warden, Noed. Is that also a reward for playing poorly or a playstyle sacrificing slowdown to focus on endgame?

    On topic tho, yes the cannibal has his power until the match is over sooooo what's your point? Do you want him to have like a 6 second rev up time and no speed up? That'd just encourage basement camping more.... I get he's frustrating but survivors REALLY REALLY refuse to just let a person die and get an easy 3 man most of the time and most of the time the killer can't really do anything about it.

    Bubba has no mobility he's just a 115 killer and depending on the map you can run him for a good long while by just feeding him pallets.... sure in a 5 minutes game SOMEONE will run out of resources and go down, the fact they they get less rank / points as opposed to someone doing gens and leaving is a problem with the game in general, the person that died won the entire game for the rest. Psychologycally it's bad he doesn't get rewarded but that's also kinda off - topic... (Unbroken kinda needs to die in a fire tbh, along with Malicious)

    But just like killers don't "win" unless it's a 4k guess survivors don't win unless it's a 4man escape?

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,645

    I never thought I would see someone asking for Bubba to get nerfed, especially when considering how his power used to work.

    I suppose I was wrong.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    you're not entitled to 4 man escapes every game

  • lkalin91
    lkalin91 Member Posts: 150

    Play bubba against good survivors and you might not think so anymore

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Never said I was. This post also isn't about feeling like more people should've escaped. Its my feedback on the cannibal's power and how I believe it is too powerful to play against in most situations. Try reading more than the subject line next time so you can give a more informed and substantive reply to what I'm talking about.

  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,184

    U totally just got destroyed by a bubba. Bubba is balanced hes fine and I hope nothing changes about him his gen pressure is also pretty bad

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Well your previous reply implied you didn't because you assumed I felt entitled to something so seeing your ignorance on the matter wasn't hard to do.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited June 2021

    Running to the exit gate and pressing your ability button isn't getting "destroyed." There was no outplayed loop. There was no mind game win. There was no read of decision making. It was just them checking the exit gate and pressing a button that takes me from full health state to dying state. No killer should have this much power the entire match. The things some people consider balanced here are very strange to me.

  • kingbojenbo
    kingbojenbo Member Posts: 130

    You've made your point a number of times and you shouldn't have to defend it. You're entitled to your opinion, nothing wrong with that. Constantly having to defend it will probably upset you if it hasn't already. I would like to have Bubba tweaked too but I wouldn't change much about him.

  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101

    well again, you are massively misrepresenting what happened. He did not press a button and kill you. Hi held a button for several seconds, moved slow for those seconds, and made a ton of noise giving you warning. I agree that what cannibal did probably didn't take a lot of skill, but it sounds like you messed up pretty bad, or the game bugged in someway(no terror radius and no chainsaw sound sounds like a bug or an oblivious survivor).

  • Miralis
    Miralis Member Posts: 171

    ever try to run around a tree? Works for me 50% of the time. But hey, 50% is better than 0%.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    If you pull a risky tactic, you can be severely punished for it.

    That is literally what a risk is.

    If you do something so insipid, you need to accept the consequences for your actions and learn from your mistakes.

    You screwed up. Bad. You can't just blame it on the killer, who can only win by punishing you for your mistakes.

    Play exclusively Bubba at higher ranks for a while. He's easy, but no where near as strong as you suggest.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Stepping right outside the exit gate to evaluate a situation is not "screwing up bad." The gate was open and I was in full health. No killer, unless NOED/haunted ground/devour hope is active or an earned power, should have the ability to instantly down a survivor. Its not all about the killers. If a survivor makes it through the match and is able to get the exit gate open with the killer nowhere in sight then the killer should not have so much power that they can negate the value of all of that by simply pressing a button for a power that is default for you because they're now at the exit gate too. Its too much reward for too little effort. What are killers going to want next? Exposed status for all survivors in the exit gate? Maybe this would have made more sense if I actually made it to the hooks and attempted a save. If I die there then of course that is my fault and it was a risk I took to try to save my team. That actually happens a lot to me but at least I tried. In this case though it didn't make sense to me to lose it all so quickly just for being right outside the exit gate and an instant down power killer was there. Sometimes killers just feel overly rewarded for not doing so much. I know a lot of that is situational but sometimes it feels unreasonable to me.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    How many seconds does it honestly take for cannibal to use the chainsaw because I have been in several situations where it felt like he downed me almost immediately after raising the chainsaw up. Often times it feels like it happens way too fast. I'm assuming there are addons that make it go faster?

  • awustzdn
    awustzdn Member Posts: 317

    Bubba main here. 2 second rev, there are none that reduce it, there are several that increase it.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    This is actually somewhat sickening.

    One hit downs have been in the game since the beginning. There are always obvious tells and counters (except NOED). If you can't deal with that, just don't play the game. They've always been here, and always will be here. There is no changing that.

    You waited at the gates instead of leaving like you should have, lacked the minimal situational awareness needed to realize that an obese 6' 8" man with a red spotlight coming out of his eyes and a heartbeat that can be heard from half a mile off was revving a chainsaw within six meters of you, and then blamed it on him?

    And you knew it was Bubba. Unless, of course, the nearly map-wide chainsaw and pig noises somehow didn't tip you off, in which case your opinions on this topic are actually completely worthless.

    I don't care what your intentions were, that was beyond stupid. That was the worst possible move you could've made. Almost no one would have done that. Saying that doing something that dumb when the risk was that high, and then failing to own up to it in the slightest, and then blaming the killer is the most vomit inducing entitlement I've actually encountered.

    The fact that you don't even bring a valid complaint that doesn't apply to six different killers that almost no one says are overpowered (and in fact, several of them are underpowered) just makes this that much worse.

    I'm not even gonna discuss the hypocrisy of the "killers just feel overly rewarded for not doing so much" line. The amount of second chances that require little to no input survivors have is insane, and there's no point in saying otherwise. When the killer relies on survivor mistakes to succeed, second chances are overwhelmingly powerful. Getting them almost for free with no effort is ludicrous.

    Just give up. He's a mid-tier killer. He's the same tier as Doc on most lists.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    If you think my opinion on this is entitlement then me saying several times here before that some of my most fun matches are ones I die in is kind of going against the supposed entitlement attitude you think I have. I don't have a problem with dying in this game. The happenings of the match aside I still think his power is too much. And why wouldn't a rework of the character be a good thing? What if he was given 2-3 different things he could do that don't involve instant downs? A killer who's only ability is 1 thing that does the same thing doesn't sound all that interesting to me. I think Nemesis is cool for example because he gains more power with the more he interacts with the survivors and environment.

  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101

    you so far have not been asking for a rework, you are trying to make him strictly and SIGNIFICANTLY worse.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Actually I did suggest a rework a few times already in this thread. You said so far I haven't, which isn't true so you'd do well to at least be a little more informed before hitting that reply button.

  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101

    i've read the entire thread, your reworks are just nerfs. Making him do something to power up to a one shot kill, and giving other status effects. That is a straight up nerf, all status effects are worse than "downed", downgrading his insta kills to broken or whatever isn't much of a rework. I have even replied to you in this thread about your "reworks", so i've pretty clearly been keeping up with it. The closest you ever got was saying "what if he didn't get to one shot but got more stuff to do" but the only time you've talked about "more stuff" it's applying debuffs with the chainsaw. Unless you are also removing the rev time or speeding him up instead of slowing him down while revving, "the same chainsaw attack as before but sometimes doesn't one shot down" is not a rework, it's a nerf, and it's a nerf to a killer who is already in fine. He's worse than a majority of killers you've mentioned being okay with, and one of your comparison points is "why does meyers have to work towards his instan down", A. Meyers gets stealth built in and faster vault speeds B. meyers is widely regarded as TRASH, he's consistently named one of the worst killers in the game.

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    Also not a fan of the cannibal but mostly bc I'm bad rather tha him being strong but I agree with the others, nefirng his instadown would kill him.

    If he had to get nerfed it would be better if it was a nerf to his camping potential, maybe not be able to instadown while being near hook's like someone said .

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    At the very least the cannibal should not start with an instant down power. It is a VERY rare occasion I get a good match against this killer. I also don't consider my suggestions as nerfs because I personally do not believe he should have the instant down power to begin with. Again, this is my OPINION and feedback on this killer. I am quite certain that I am not the only person who plays survivor in this game who thinks this killer has too much power. I see the most disconnects and hook give ups against this killer than all of the others. Why? Are you just going to say its the survivor's fault for not playing better or will you realize that a lot of people that play this game are just trying to have fun and find this killer to be an extremely unfun one to play against?

    As far as rework suggestions go, obviously the chainsaw is there to stay. How about this for an idea. What if the cannibal was able to take fuel from the generators to power his chainsaw and every time he does it the generator regresses or takes longer to repair? The cannibal can start with a full tank but will need to refuel the more he uses the chainsaw. That way the killer gains an extra way to apply gen pressure but also keeps the ability to use the chainsaw but at a consequence. You see that is my biggest problem with his power. Its the fact that he can use it the entire match. If at the very least he had to do something to be able to keep using it, but also gained an advantage against survivors by doing so, then I think that would be more fair than what he is able to do now. I personally do not like instant down abilities. I think they take away the fun of the game in many ways and just cause overall frustration.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    No, Bubba is fine

    and before you try to hit me with hours or something

    its literally over 2k hours

  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101

    See, that's an actual rework, you're taking away the thing you don't like about him but giving him other ways to apply pressure/win. I like that idea, if he's got fuel to fill up he gets a mini Pop effect and gains fuel back, also gives two axis to balance him on. he's got gen pressure and one shot down potential.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I think just removing the ability to chain insta-downs together would be fine. Leatherface moves plenty fast enough during an insta-down to also have the ability to go from one side of the map to the other side of the map while using an insta-down. Also, going through pallets with a chainsaw needs to be slower.

    Oni has a buildup before using his power and it takes a lot of skill to hit a survivor with his insta-down in a loop.

    Billy has an overheat mechanic and again, it takes a lot of skill to hit a survivor with an insta-down in a loop.

    Leatherface only has windows as a counter or an extremely exact pallet stun. He has no build up and no overheat mechanic and ignores loops.