I think we should nerf the new killers zombies.

The new killer the nemesis in my opinion needs his zombies nerfed because when i play against them they just seem to appear out of no where and there is no reliable way to get rid of them which makes them a moving r n g trappers trap and even if you pallet stun them they respawn at the nearest hook in what feels like 5 seconds and not to mention what they do in the chase (if r n g lets them of course) to just shut down any loop instantly just by being there.so this is why i think they should be nerfed.
Just... walk around them? Everyones ######### acting like they all have the power to instantly down you or some #########, just look ahead of you now and then and you'll be fine.
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We should nerf your ability to type.
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Instead of crying for a nerf, why don't you try changing up your strategy?
You can't loop against nurse as you would against trapper.
You can't loop a bubba like a spirit etc..
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I mean, you cannot really do anything against a Zombie which pops up around a Corner in an Indoor-Map. Especially not during a chase, because you dont even hear them.
That you dont lose collision with them is also stupid.
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Completely disagree. In fact, BHVR needs to buff them. Add 3 or 4 zombies at the least. And buff Leon's flashbang to 2 instead of 1. Addon for them to kill off zombies with a flashbang. And speaking of buffs, make tier 3 a Exposed, one-shot downs like Myers's and extend reach.
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That's hardly op or gamebreaking though. On a small percentage of the total maps, they can have a meaningful impact on the game, as intended. On the rest of the maps, they are pretty much anonymous.
Nevermind that you need to be infected before they can even do you any damage.
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I wish they were this good.
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Neither did I call them OP nor gamebreaking. They are in fact only annoying and IMO they should have only a very little impact, because they are AI-Characters after all and the Killer should not benefit from them in a big way, because the player should do the work.
And, lets be honest - if an original Killer with the exact same power would have been released, we would not have had any Zombies, they only exist because of Resident Evil.
I guess there will be more complaints about the Zombies in the future, not because they are strong or anything, but they just provide cheap RNG-Hits.
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I wasn't referring to you calling them op, that was in reference to the tone of the OP.
Why shouldn't they impact the game? They are a part of the killers power. To have powerless zombies, for aesthetic purposes only would be pointless.
In terms of the RNG factor, almost every facet of this game is dominated by RNG. Why shouldn't that also apply to a killers power? The pig already falls under that category.
If they aren't strong, then why should they be needed?
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They can't down you unless you are:
- Not paying attention to your surroundings
- Already infected
- Already injured
If a zombie downs you, you deserve it. Always.
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The zombies nemesis has are so unreliable that if you nerf them I am positive people wouldn’t even notice that they exist
They are in dire need of a buff due to the fact that they get stuck on everything in existence and if they get suck for some reason they just stop patrolling
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They're so slow it's a joke to get hit by them. They're only guaranteed to be truly good on indoor maps.
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I've been abusing this so hard by jamming zombies into corners with their ai and then just doing a gen 10m behind them lmao
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You monster
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you know how many times that happens? and they can FORCE you off of gens without you being able to do ANYTHING about it so if the killer is running lets say a pretty popular killer perk hex ruin you have to play loopty loop with the zombie while your gen regresses with out you being able to do anything if you dont want to throw down a random pallet just to have it respawn within 45 seconds to do it all over again.
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I know this gives away my position but I love hitting zombies with pallets
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Wrong. Flashlight or flashbang them and they'll stand there for a good thirty seconds being useless.
Counterplay exists; use it.
Ruin is in the game? Do totems. You have three totem perks. You can give up your Dead Hard, Decisive Strike or Borrowed Time for one if Killers can make hard perk choices; especially since there are four survivors with a total of 16 perks for the Killer to try to counter.
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bruh, if you can't loop a literal AI zombie, you are braindead yourself.
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why dont you just walk around them is not that hard
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yeah just bring an item to counter the killer you have no idea is it.it could be the new killer or it could be clown,wraith,hillbilly,doctor.so you can take that gamble but its highly unlikly that it will see use.its just like saying bring calm spirit to counter doctor.
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its not that you cant loop them its that you cant deal with them in any consistent way so it makes them better than a trappers trap and they can walk.
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yeah just walk around them and keep healing or doing the gen yeah.
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Definitely need a buff, needs to be a lot more of them in tiers with nemesis power, and they should be more aggressive based on those tiers.
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sucks to suck, crazy tuff
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sucks to suck
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well ok then i mean next time a zombie forces you off the gen or kills you bc of r n g then you will see.
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in my experience the problem with zombies is both destroying loops against a killer that is already excellent at attacking over/through loops, and preventing gens from getting done. I've lost rounds due to zombies slowing gen progression excessively at end of the round to the point where killer got a 4k when it would've been a 2k, simply due to not being able to get gens done quickly enough. It's like having a giant gen slowdown perk built in to a killer that's already great at breaking loops and has range attack.