Distortion Buff

Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions



You start the Trial with 3 Tokens.

Whenever the Killer attempts to read your Aura, Distortion activates and a Token is consumed:

  • Your Aura will not be shown to the Killer and you will not leave any Scratch Marks for the next  6/8/10 seconds.

Distortion does not activate when you are in the Dying State or in a Killer Trap.

"'Death Fooled by the Cloak of Falcon Feathers.'

Sketch inspired by a few sleepless nights during winter. Exploration of Norse mythology: bravery can conceal your flaws, even when you are at your most vulnerable." — Jeff, pencil on tone paper, 12x12



You start the Trial with 3 Tokens.

Each time you are chased for a total of 30 seconds, Distortion gains a token.

Whenever the Killer attempts to read your Aura, Distortion activates and a Token is consumed:

  • Your Aura will not be shown to the Killer 8/10/12 seconds.

Distortion does not activate when you are in the Dying State or in a Killer Trap.

"'Death Fooled by the Cloak of Falcon Feathers.'

Sketch inspired by a few sleepless nights during winter. Exploration of Norse mythology: bravery can conceal your flaws, even when you are at your most vulnerable." — Jeff, pencil on tone paper, 12x12


There are many ideas out there to buff distortion from simply increasing the base number of tokens to adding ways to regain said tokens. Though personally, I prefer the regaining method. Within which, there are also a multitude of different ideas. However, one which I have never seen yet was intrigued the most with was based around chase.

For one, it contrasts the more stealthy nature of the perk and forces the user to have both a immersed and runner/agressive play style to get maximum value. Additionally, it rewards strong loopers by giving them a large quantity of tokens for when they are more vulnerable or performing dire actions that are best not interrupted.

This new distortion, loses its scratch mark portion to better balance with the ability to regain tokens and longer duration.


  • STARS_truck
    STARS_truck Member Posts: 74

    I don't actually think Distortion needs changed. It's a great newcomer perk where they can, for a time, avoid the immediate attention of the killer and get used to the game mechanics. That's certainly how I used it when I first started playing.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Wow, this is a first. Someone who doesn't want it buffed.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    That is fair. However, IMO, it’s far too weak to justify having it beyond the beginner level. While it helps with its stealth capabilities, there are far more viable and/or reliable alternatives. Such as lockers, off the record, and even sole survivor (despite it still being a terrible perk in general).

    Distortion needs something to make it more appealing to run besides other perks and there are so few perks that are dedicated to simply aura suppression.

  • STARS_truck
    STARS_truck Member Posts: 74

    I don't think getting chased by the killer to activate it would count as a buff to the people that need it. The only buff i'd give it would be earning extra tokens as the player completes Gens or does Totems.

  • STARS_truck
    STARS_truck Member Posts: 74

    Hiding in lockers doesn't do anything for your team or objective. That's why I think distortion should encourage objective play. Complete a Gen? Earn a token. Cleanse a totem? Get a token. I do think you need to keep beginner perks but also encourage new players to do objectives. Solo queue has too many immersed players beyond early ranks. They need to be encouraged to play the game. That mild distortion change would encourage that. They don't know tiles or looping yet so objectives is a decent place to start imho.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    There already enough perks that incentivize (+side) objectives: dark sense, adrenaline, flash bang, blast mine, inner strength, etc. There aren’t as many that incentivize chases though, there are some that make escaping /prolonging chases easier, but none that directly reward lasting in one.

    Even then, incentivizing chases will get new players to be more bold, improve though practice, and possibly extend the play time of their teammates.

    As staying on objectives, hidden by distortion; without engaging with the killer, will force the killer to go after other survivors who may or may not be closer to death; not a team friendly strategy. Fine if you’re trying to escape by yourself, not if you not though.

  • STARS_truck
    STARS_truck Member Posts: 74

    It's a fine team friendly strategy as strong players loop the killer while weaker ones do gens/bones. It's how I learned to play the game. There are plenty of chase perks. Your change completely deconstructs the point of the distortion perk. The reward from being chased is being chased. It's the distraction.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    I like the idea of gaining tokens with chases. I think though that, considering Distrortion has a pretty strong effect, the timer should increase from 30 to 60, and tokens should have a limit of 3.

  • Idontknowtbh
    Idontknowtbh Member Posts: 472

    It depends. I see it as a heads up perk, you know how to counter it or be aware when you lose the first token and I think it's alright the way it is.

    Yes, I would love more tokens but that would just be unfair, so 3 is OK.

    I started using it again recently after rancor was being used more and I find it really useful except for a wraith with the aura seeing addon while cloaked in midwich, 3 tokens went out in 10 seconds.