Is stretched resolution against terms?

I came across a streamer who is openly using stretched resolution and it looks extremely unfair. They can see over things you normally cant, and they can seemingly see the entire map in their FOV.
I think it is.. or at least it's scummy
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I don't think it's against the rules but it's definitely a "cheap" way to play considering you have a huge advantage from it.
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It is, but they can't really ban you for it so they don't enforce it even on blatantly cheating streamers.
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I never hear or saw someone getting banned for this... However I would not recommend doing this because it gives advantage and it feels unfair for the rest of the people who don't do it.
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Yeah, I came across a spirit who was advertising their stream in their name, and decided to pop in and was immediately disappointed to be greeted with stretch res. Just seems so scummy and cheaty...
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Yeah.. it's the same thing when people make their game brighter, like why play if you're just going to be on easy mode?
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cant make laws you cant enforce, but I wish they did something with the code that locked the aspect ratio etc so this would be impossible to do.
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Oh boi it's another stretch res discussion...
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I mean bhvrs kinda asking for it for constantly saying "don't do it its against the rules as it is a exploit" but then they don't actually do anything about it. Either lock the aspect ratio or just make it you can't edit the file.
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It seems like such an easy fix.
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I could not care less about this problem tbh.
I don't expect anything to be fixed.
Too much trouble for BHVR to fix this as they'll have to deal with Nvidia settings, steam launch parameters, and the thousands of commands that can be used in the UserGameSettings.ini file, Engine & Scalability...
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Bro, the game just looks better that way, you don't understand!!!!!!
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Locking the file won't do anything. Nvidia control panel changes the layout of your monitor and you then just set it to full screen and it comes out looking like this in recordings. Very stretched
(I really hated playing with that res but without it the game wouldn't let me keep a stable framerate since 5.0.0. Native keeps freezing on me and this somehow doesn't and its really frustrating because I don't want to be forced to play with that much advantage just to get a stable damn framerate.)
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It looks awful. I will say it feels nicer to play like that because running feels faster (still hated the advantage I got from it) but it looks so much worse lmao
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Woah what resolution is that? It almost looks like your FOV is way higher.
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BHVR uses an insidious method to punish players using Stretched Res.
It's called Stretched Res.
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Yeah I agree that it genuinely looks better. I've never used stretched res but I love my FOV really high in games so that makes it look amazing to me.
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I really thought six exclamation marks would make the sarcasm obvious. It's trash. It shouldn't be in the game and the people who excuse it need to go.
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Feels nicer, looks worse, imo. I like feeling fast, I don't like having my characters squished horribly.
Cause this is what it's like on the recordings but rmemeber that 1440 is then stretched to 1920 and makes it look... Awful
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Devs don't want you to do it and at the same time they can't ban you for doing it.
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I was agreeing with your sarcasm but please go off
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Talk about a Bamboozle.
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Ya know if their so unable to disable stretched. Just make a fov slider. "But that can give a advantage!?" So? Pc players can already get that advantage themselves. And mclean said the main problem with j-flick was it was a pc only advantage. When everyone can have that stretched resolution and they balance accordingly there is no advantage then. Also im tired of running shadowborne on some killers because i feel sick otherwise.
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they could most def do something about it on their end, there is extra information that this stretched res gives, that extra information should not be an option, those extra pixels, and they can most def take that away.
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I agree they can definitely fix resolution scaling on their end. My point was that locking the config file wouldn't do anything + nothing more
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I don't how hard it is for BHVR to finally get to the point of this. We do all understand they want to keep the compatibility with 2001 hardware, but at least implement certain limitations, christ.
Either add a hard cap on VERTICAL field of view, which in turn makes stretched res a hinderence due to limited horizontal FoV, which isn't a big deal tbh and won't affect ANYONE but that one guy who still tries to launch dbd on his GameBoy color, as he is the lady survivor of 4:3 era.
Another (bad) solution is to move point of view drastically lower, limiting the "view over things" advantage but would introduce new issues with killer pov and other stuff, which makes this idea obsolete already without further changes.
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Just to show how powerful stretches is. Look how much more its possible to see.. And this isnt even extreme stretching. 3440*1440 vs 1920*1080. Not sure if it adds up, but i use a 34" ultrawide monitor..
Edit - Forgot to say, i get around 20-30 fps more, depending on the map. (i tried in all maps to see the difference, indoor map gave me most fps boost).
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Brightening the screen is not that big of an issue in my opinion. Instead of everything fading into black it will just fade into gray. If there is a lot of light in your room the reflections on the screen can make it difficult to play if the screen is black.
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It definitely shouldn’t be allowed, we don’t need more sweat lords
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Can someone explain to me how is stretched res possible? If I have my tv set on original aspect ratio shouldn't I be already seeing everything on the screen?
Why is there a part of the screen that we only see when it is stretched like that? Is it bhvr's fault? Can they fix it?
Is this common in other video games?
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the only reason why I could see someone making it brighter is when a game is too damn dark. Like I dont do it but I had a few matches against Freddy and when I was in the dream world I could barely see in some maps like mothers dwelling. Then again I'm blind and have to wear glasses XD
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I watched a few games of that stretched Res streamer that looks like they're playing on a Gameboy Color, it was hilarious
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If anything it's all advantages/cheating vs. console players with crossplay. We have to deal with that while we can't even change graphics to get better fps. We have to play the game as intended, which would be fine if that would count for everyone. And no, turning crossplay off isn't an option, the que times take ages.
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Don't know if it's against ToS or not. Were they doing comp scrims? Or just playing regular games? If they're aying comp on stretched res, people should understand they're playing against players doing the same. There's no advantage gained. I know a lot of people like myself who only play stretched in that setting and switch back to native for normal play.
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Don't think so.
But everyone especially content creators I see with streched res and graphics so bright I need lightborn irl, I think
"prob can't win without these, and they're likely the people to hack if they could"
If you use this, you are trash.
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While I can understand both of your points, brightening the game pretty much renders hiding spots to be useless & therefore creates an unfair aspect. You'll always find the survivors because they wouldn't blend into the dark anymore.
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It was a regular game and they openly admit they are a "captain" of a comp team.
If it's the same person, yeah. It's hilarious. Colors are all kinds of whack, everything is squashed and super stretched. It's wild.
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This is honestly one of the reasons I, as a console player, dreaded the PC crossplay. So much BS you can pull off to get an advantage or worse that isn't possible on consoles
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its not banable but its the smoll pp move
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This is actually fairly common. It's called Vert+/- or Hor+/-, and refers to the fact that if you change the aspect ratio of a picture, naturally the proportions of said picture change as well, which you have to account for. This can be achieved by either increasing/decreasing the vertical or the horizontal "content" (FoV in games) of the picture accordingly. DbD uses Vert+/- by default.
However, there are other solutions. You can increase/decrease both the vertical and horizontal FoV simultaneously to account for the proportional difference, which would mean that at least there is a trade-off for either (i. e. if you go with a narrower aspect ratio, you gain vertical FoV but lose the same amount of horizontal FoV, and vice versa if you have a wider aspect). You can also simply render black bars into the picture to account for the difference, rather than change the actual FoV. Or you can stretch the base FoV to match the new proportions, which will make the image look disproportionate but allegedly the people that play with non-native aspect ratios enjoy this "stretched" look anyway.
I don't think the increase in vFoV is a huge issue, but there are definitely benefits to it, for both killer and survivor gameplay. Also, ultrawide monitor users suffer from the game being Vert+/- since their vFoV just gets cut off. It should definitely be something BHVR addresses, but then again, it's been in the game for ages and the game does not even have proper in-game graphics settings such as true fullscreen, distinct resolution, VSync, etc., in 2021, so don't count on BHVR to do anything, the most they seem capable of doing is re-organize and slightly visually change the menu, that's all that has happened in these past years anyway.
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It should be tbh
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Thanks for answering my question. I was curious.
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question, is it possible to do a reverse stretch res for killers? get less vertical information in favour of more horizontal information? (aka shadow born without needing the perk)
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What BHVR must do is to force to play in a fixed resolution, as a lot of games do. And games that stretched doesn't mean a thing. Try MTGA. No matter your screen resolution, you only may play at 16:9. That's what BHVR must do!
Nowadays, I don't own a 16:9 monitor but a 4:3. DbD expands to the resolution and then... i have natural stretched! In fact if i rotate my monitor 90 degrees, I would have a 3:4 resolution. And you may try to rotate your monitors to have a 9:16 resolution... a great great natural stretched without any type of 'hacks'.
BHVR, make a fixed resolution for all kind of monitor and problem solved.
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Stretch res will further boost their MMR and they will get harder matches, so stretch res will not give them so much advantage anymore...
I predict we will see a lot of stretch res survivors complaining about facing only nurse spirit blight all the time :D
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I mean, when you stretch to 1920x1080 you're actually playing the intended resolution aspect, because the game isn't supported for ultrawide monitors, you should actually stretch your screen to play normally because you're supposed to see all that, but if you prefer to play with the normal wide aspect missing resolution you should have that's fine.
Just dont say that phrase of "look how powerful stretched res is" because that isn't really stretched resolution, but the actual aspect that the developers intended and everyone plays with