Queue times have been long for killer since RE chapter was released.

before the new chapter came out killer queue times in the morning were maybe 2 minutes but now they're like 5 minutes at least. It doesn't get much shorter until evening hours, it's been a lot faster for survivor probably because of the new players coming in and wanting to play Nemesis.
How's it been for everyone else?
They've always been long for me, it's the only reason I don't play killer more often honestly.
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Killer queues are usually very fast.
They're slower now because:
- Everyone is trying Nemesis, still.
- Game is a bit buggy, so lots of players are taking a break, and the majority of players are survivors.
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yeah that 2nd point is true too.
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Same for me. And its frustrating since I want to grind BP with killer to P3 Jill but queue times are nightmarish
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Wouldn't it result in faster Killer queues if the majority is playing Survivor? I think it's probably mostly because of people trying out Nemmy.
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Yes it would. My point suggested fewer people are playing survivor, because the survivors aren't playing the game right now.
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Oh now after re-reading it I know how you meant it. I was confused by the wording.