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Does teamwork exist in solo queue?

Member Posts: 66

So many games today people will not even attempt to go for hooks or rescues.

if you see someone slugged whilst someones being carried to a hook why aren’t you going to rescue one of them? especially if you haven’t been hooked or even injured the entire game because you’ve been hiding in a bush!

literally don’t understand people’s thought process (or lack thereof).

if you want to be selfish, why not just go play killer & stop ruining other people’s games.

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  • Member Posts: 290

    the lack of communication is the cause of many problems with solo que.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Solo q is like killer. It's 1v4.

    Okay I am joking but sometimes it can feel like that. Other times you get some really nice teammates.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Not really. Which is why many opt to play with friends. Because even if they didn’t have comms they would be reliable.

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    I've had games where I and my fellow survivors just gelled like SWF (maybe they were SWF and I was the only solo or all were solo). If I were killer, I'd assume we were SWF (like the time myself and another survivor sabo'ed two hooks around the killer, forcing them to dump the downed man; you'd never convince me if I were the killer that that happened by pure chance :D)

    Unfortunately that isn't something that happens often as you need other solos who REALLY know what they're doing and are also willing to do things for the team, even if it's to their detriment. It's just not something you run into very often as a solo player.

  • Member Posts: 2,203

    Today is the worst for me too. Just because each match so far, I've got DC early game or three people being downed in the same time by Bubba.

    I didn't play a lot of matches yet, but already deranked to purple because of this. I don't even know what is team work at this point. 😹

    It'll be better tomorrow.

  • Member Posts: 1,236

    Absolutely it does, heres me playing solo:

    Stuff like this isnt uncommon in reds at least 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 919

    Rarely, but when the mmr test was on it was nearly every game for me. Although sometimes people would leave me on hook for a gen so... at least they were being useful and not just hiding behind a tree miles away from the killer.

  • Member Posts: 789

    I infrequently SWF and I know very well that feeling when solo queueing and the team gels. It's amazing.

  • Member Posts: 789

    Not this solo queuer, I do my part and will, without question, sacrifice myself to rescue a hooked gamer during end game. LIVE FOR ME!!!

  • Member Posts: 789

    What gets under my skin is when SWFs neglect the rando like they're not a part of the team

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Rudimentarily, but nobody has any idea what the other players are doing or want to happen, so it's not very effective. One player's idea of helping is often another player's "oh, god, for the love of Clown's luscious man gut, stop!"

    And then you get teammates that are just entirely uninterested in anyone else's survival.

  • Member Posts: 1,050
    edited June 2021

    It exists, you just need to realize that your needs aren’t going to be the highest priority. If I’m more than halfway done with a gen and your downed but not in the near proximity and another person is being chased, do I stop what I’m doing or hope that the fourth person is already en route to you? It’s a judgement call that can be hard to make. There is no real communication in solo queue unless you’re using something like bond. I can’t tell you how much time is wasted running to somebody’s aid only to have another player get there first. In the meantime that is one less gen that is repaired.

    But generally speaking in the situation you describe I wouldn’t go for the downed person, I’d go for the hook save. If I see the person being carried to the hook I figure I won’t be able to get the downed person up in time before the killer returns and all that will do is put the killer on my radar and then we have potentially one on hook and two downed. It’s a domino of saves with zero gens getting repaired. It’s better imo to let the second person get hooked and unhook and escape and heal the first person.

  • Member Posts: 789

    What could significantly help with survivor communication, particularly for we solo queuers, is having prompts that show up by the survivor icon. Things like "Going for rescue" or "Working on generator" or "Heal me" and so forth.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Well, yeah. It is chaotic at times but it exists.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    Best thing I could tell you is to run Kindred. It's still disappointing sometimes when you still go into phase 2, but often it really helps the survivors know when a good time to unhook is.

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    Only when you're killer.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    There is teamwork but it going to with players with experience and can read situations.

  • Member Posts: 66

    I do usually run kindred for exactly that. But trying to level up a new character, I haven’t been fortunate to get it on the blood web even at level 39. Bad rng I guess lol

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    It definitely does, but I think solo queue suffers from a skill problem at times.

    Players who are looking to optimize will likely become frustrated with teammates who are, for lack of a better word, bad. In response, they SWF with like-minded players.

    I don't think solo players are usually bad *because* they're in solo queue. It's that really good players are unlikely to solo queue in the first place. I get accused of being in a SWF a few times each week despite being solo on PC crossplay off. Solos are definitely able to compete. It's just highly unlikely to get 3 good teammates who make good decisions.

  • Member Posts: 28
    edited June 2021

    This is why most of the games that killers/streamers start end up with 4K, because they are against people who are either inexperienced, playing solo, and/or lacking communication. And this is why most killers/streamers literally get destroyed by SWFs/random skilled survivors, and don't stop complaining about it, because it's so easy to be strong against weak people. Teamwork works if you are up against three other good survivors who know exactly what to do in DbD, otherwise welcome to hell.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    Uhhh. Yes. I've had many games where my team has healed at the gate, we all point at the survivor on hook and go save them and take hits during EGC. Honestly considering that every survivor is an extremely dedicated mime, teamwork happens way more often than you'd think.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Yes, not a lot but some players do. A lot of players won't take protection hits and a few still unsafe unhook.

    I ll leave the last gen when its at 65% to get a headstart on the exit gate is one example, or if im near an exit gate with 1 gen left I ll stand right in front of it to get it opened fast.

  • Member Posts: 1,050

    It may be an unpopular opinion but I don’t think that most swf players are as good as they think they are. It’s an illusion brought on by always having backup. There’s probably no real difference between swf and solo, it’s experience that counts.

  • Member Posts: 348
    edited June 2021

    In theory Kindred would solve some of these issues for solo queues. But in practice it doesn't work.

    1) If you have kindred and are hooked and it shows the killer is camping you, you will still get 3 of the survivors trying to unhook you so that they farm you for points.

    2) No one comes to your rescue until after you reach 2nd hook stage, and then they come in for an unsafe hook and they don't try to body block which leads you to die again.

  • Member Posts: 628

    Sabo hook could be their daily. As a survivor you only get 18k-22k in most matches, so getting a guaranteed 30k is better than hoping for an okay match.

    I usually bring tool box with add on that makes Sabo quiet. If possible I do 1 gen first and then do my Sabo far away.

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    Mechanically, no. There's not a huge difference between solo and SWF until you get to really high levels of play. The big difference is in game sense/decision making. A lot of players have no idea where they should be or when to be there IMO. It's a very often overlooked part of survivor play. Solos can have those skills, but they usually don't either due to lack of information or just not knowing optimal positioning in the first place. SWF makes it a whole lot easier because those things can be communicated.

  • Member Posts: 258

    There is, yeah. I do tend to be left on hooks more often when it's solo survs because they're more concerned about their own neck. I'm also not great and don't find endlessly looping a rock or window fun, so they tend to see whomever gets caught (especially first) as a weak link. But I do find quite a few that will unhook and will heal or stop healing you if you interrupt it due to spine chill or because you have resilience

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