Nerf Mother-Daughter Ring?

I honestly think the Spirit Add-on Mother-Daughter Ring should be nerfed or changed, at current state it is too strong, Spirit is already a top 3 killer, whether the spirit has counter plays or not is a different discussion, but this add-on is just too strong, you can't counter it, the spirit is so fast that you can't dodge or do anything against an experienced spirit with this add-on.
This Add-on is not about skill or anything, equip it with stridor and you should have a free win if you just remotely know how to play the killer.
I've wanted to make a thread about this for a long time, but a game i had this evening finally pushed me to make it. Feel free to post your opinions about this.
Mother-Daughter Ring combined with Rusty Flute here, this killer slugged everyone instantly and let everyone bleed out.
An iridescent addon that gives the killer a powerful advantage?! Outrage!!!
Lets get rid of the iridescent bulb and needle while we're at it! Yaaaarg!!!
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The addon itsself is not the problem its Stridor which makes it way too easy to track survivors for Spirits.
Ez solution, make sounds in Phasewalk not directional and maybe buff in return the duration of the Phasewalk.
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What do you mean? Spirit as well as that addon are absolutely fine.
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Can't say I'm surprised by a spirit players behavior when they have that for their gamertag unfortunately.
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its not just the add on spirit and stridor is the killer smol pp build, spirit is the problem.
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I agree.
While Iridescent addons are supposed to be powerful or power-changing, of all killers Spirit should be an exception to this (In a perfect world of course, currently most iridescent addons aren't that good). Not only is she a top tier killer, but her other addons are also extremely powerful.
On a killer like Myers, this isn't a problem, because Myers himself is not a very strong killer and both of his iridescent addons have a significant drawback.
Mother-Daughter Ring is the equivalent of old Iri head, but it doesn't need another addon to be effective and is on an even stronger killer. I have to assume that it is only talked about less because Spirit is already so oppressive.
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Shouldn't with this logic the old insta heal be balanced? "A iridescent addon that gives survivor a powerful advantage?! Outrage!!!" It's not about it being "powerful" it's about it being "TOO powerful". Iridescent King and Queen of Doctor are "powerful", but you don't see anyone complaining about that (at least no one who has an IQ over room temperature)
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Obviously iridescent add-ons should give a good advantage, but there is a difference between a good advantage and a completely overpowered add-on that changes the game completely. As Beningtin says here, IRI addons are powerful on many killers but this add-on on Spirit is just too good, combined with stridor at least.
Stridor does make this add-on overpowered indeed, if the add-on couldn't be combined with louder grunts of pain it could be fair enough.
Looks like you met the same killer as me, fun game.
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Anyone who defends mother daughter ring and or yakuyoke amulet is delusional.
Spirit is one of my favorite killers and even I have to agree that these two add ons need toned down.
You don't even need the combination to do well as Spirit that's what's so sad she's literally the best killer in the game (She takes nowhere near as much practice and effort as Nurse) and can do well without add ons. Havinv legitimately broken add ons isn't healthy on an already broken killer.
Literally you could slightly nerf these add ons and she will still be the best killer in the game it's hilarious that some of u want her to remain EXACTLY the way she is and claim she's fine like the bias really shows.
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oh #########. survivors easy mode. id been gone a while played recently it was laughable rank reset bare in mind. even vs a spirit you can only die to idiocy or if your team mates are incompetent lol. so no i dont agree to a nerf. considering even after months and months i know i come back to db and its going to be easy mode or laugh when i get a pallet stun or jump over my windows etc. or walls. solo survivor its still easy and its usually my team mates who shaft me or i make a mistake which ######### me ..... lol. or they just mess about with the killer resulting in death.
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My idea for an add-on pass would be have add-ons not stack so you can't stack mother daughter ring with another speed addon
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She need her addons nerfed BUT don't do it in the style of Billy.