What perks do you rely on as a crutch?

I mean perks that you run every single game on any or every killer, to the point where you feel cripped when playing without them.

Someone here recently mentioned to me that Shadowborn is not something they like to rely on as a crutch every game when playing Nurse because they want to remember how to win without it, and I realized that I rely on M&A with Michael, to the point where I can't remember what it was like to play without it.

I also run BBQ every game on every killer, and I'm starting to realize that, aside from the BP, it's not actually a good perk. I'll see maybe one aura, which will unfailingly be clear on the other side of the map (everyone else is running Distortion or hopped in a locker as soon as you picked the bastard up), and by the time I get there, there's nobody in the area and the person I just hooked is loose. It's not the absolute worst perk, but there are a dozen other things I'd honestly rather run if BP weren't a factor.

I also run Nurse's on most killers.

Far as survivor goes, I absolutely CAN'T play without Urban Evasion. I'm addicted. And I'm starting to rely on Self-Care and (to a lesser degree) Botany Knowledge almost as much.

What about you?


  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    Gotta have my Dead Hard or else I feel like I'm walking on eggshells.

    For killer, I wouldn't say I have a crutch perk but I loooove using Survellience because it punishes the sneaky sneks that hop right on the gen as soon as I leave.

  • BronzeHandModel
    BronzeHandModel Member Posts: 116
    edited June 2021

    As a Killer i must have Pop. Only on trapper i run Surge instead. Without Gen defence im highly struggling. Maybe someday im good enough for a fun build.

    As for survivor i run botany aswell and bt the most time. My exhaustion perks change every once and a while.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Lightborn ᕦ(ಠ_ಠ)ᕤ

  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737

    Windows of opportunity on survivor for obvious reasons and Monitor on Deathslinger to allow for some hits that really shouldnt have happened

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Probably adrenaline. Though I'm getting close to the end of my rope with solo queue and thinking of just slapping on Kindred and Windwos of Opportunity permanently.

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    BBQ/WGLF, otherwise I just feel like I'm not getting "paid enough" to deal with this game's grindy system.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    non, I dont know if I could looky myself in the mirror if I wasnt able to play without certain aid.

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    Blood Warden >:D

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,213

    Kindred for survivor, and sometimes Inner Strength.

    Maybe Corrupt and/or Surge for killer. Some passive gen defence so I'm not constantly playing catch up for kicking gens. BBQ for the bloodpoints.

  • xXCAM3R0NXx
    xXCAM3R0NXx Member Posts: 387

    Windows of opportunity. I cannot tell you the amount of time I've been in a chase without it and died when there has been a pallet on the other side of me.

    It is just so useful to know where to go, what's left, dead zones, identify the loops from certain windows.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Bond and Iron will

    On every killer I run BBQ not really as crutch but for BP and also corrupt/pop is very common in my builds

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    I'm 46 webs past level 50 on a killer and have yet to come across Whispers. The grind is just too much anymore.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited June 2021

    Iron Will. It complements well my playstyle and it's just too good. I'm honestly surprised it's not used more.

  • Nina_Pants
    Nina_Pants Member Posts: 184

    Spine chill, I now cannot live without it because since I started using it a couple years ago, I've started being less attentive during the game and not looking around me at all while on a generator. It's a bad habit I cant kick.

  • ryseterion
    ryseterion Member Posts: 445

    Save the best for last on demo, wraith, trapper, deathslinger, hag (sometimes), doctor, and trickster

  • aroell
    aroell Member Posts: 477

    Iron will

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    BBQ for me, to the point where playing without it feels bad.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    BBQ, I feel way too lost whenever I don't have it.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    Dead hard.

    I was very addicted to spin chill, not any more (Thank God)

    Bamboozle on chainsaw killer.

    STBL on Demo.

    Infectious on Oni.

  • PlantCollector
    PlantCollector Member Posts: 344

    I always run DS on survivor, even though i pretty much never use it, because i just don't want to let others ruin my fun by tunneling me out. I just want to have this in the back just in case.

  • Forrestgump
    Forrestgump Member Posts: 60
    edited June 2021

    Perks i never take off:

    Discordance on Ghostface, the amount of grabs i got with it is unreal.

    Infectious fright on Oni, gives me at least 2 or 3 downs with the power.

    Doctor and safe the best for last, thanks to his static blast i can always ignore the obsession to keep the stacks.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Survivor: Iron Will because it's always good and ignoring BT and DS probably the best survivor perk in the game.

    Killer: Agitation because I mostly play Trapper, Hag and Twins and well..basement.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    On killer it must be BBQ : just doesn't feel right not having the extra BP for the amount of frustration you can get playing this side.

    On survivor i would say Iron Will. Because let's face it, it's the last counter to a really good at tracking killer. Basically i think it's the most powerful perk in the game.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    BBQ so that I dont lose my mind because of the insane bp farm other then that I dunno whispers or pop I guess

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    For Survivor, probably Spine chill. I really do not enjoy playing against stealth Killers and Spine chill is a godsend against them. Especially since most players don't bother to try and sidestep or moonwalk to avoid it.

    For Killer: I don't really crutch on anything. Although, I suppose it's very difficult to play Killers I'm unfamiliar with without ruindying so I guess that's kind of a crutch.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Monstrous shrine.

    I know, i know.... I'm so sweaty!

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    Survivor side i hate removing bt and ds. I know the most efficient strats for killer so i like to be prepared 😂

    Killer side i always have bbq, thrilling or discordance. Bbq for the bps, thrilling and discordance for try hard mode, sometimes both.

  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672

    For Survivor, Sprint Burst because I feel like I can't last long enough in a chase without it.

    For Killer, BBQ because of the extra BP.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,570

    BBQ and WGLF are a necessity, obviously, but the one perk which is a must for me happens to be Brutal Strength. It feels so slow without it.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Well that stinks your only seeing one aura I play at rank 1 most of the month once I get back there from rank 5 each time and I see aura's almost every time. Only thing I can say about your experience is it's a good thing. yes no aura's but they are going out of there way (stop repair) to hop in a locker, get within 40m, hide behind a gen, or go back and forth, all to counter that one perk slot.

    To the question - My pig I play M&A always but don't have the feeling of needing it with my style though. Just like having it for situations.

    All killers - BBQ/WGLF for sure. Really starting to love the enduring/brutal combo though.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    Devour Hope because HOLY ######### THAT PERK IS SO AMAZING WHEN IT WORKS both for my fun and killing the survivors

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    I'm gonna say NOED even though it literally only ever comes into play 1/20 games and thats only to 1 shot the last survivor or something. It just feels reassuring that ill probably have redemption if something bad happens.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    As killer, BBQ and Ruin. I'm fine subbing BBQ's tracking effect for other perks like Discordance or Surveillance, but bloodpoints, man. I hate playing without Ruin and can't make myself like Pop as a more reliable substitute. Playing without STBFL also feels bad, but I'm a little less addicted to it.

    As survivor, We'll Make It. Being able to out-heal a killer coming back to a hook is fantastic and this perk never leaves my builds.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175

    Rely on it..ehhh. But if I had to pick one, it'd be Adrenaline.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    Probably ruin, feels so weird to play without it.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Noed is a crutch, but I don't rely on it.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    Balanced landing makes being in areas with drops downs a thousand times safe then without

  • Itslat3ncy
    Itslat3ncy Member Posts: 353

    Spine chill and resilence. Cant go without spine chill. I take it off and it's a stealth killer always. Resilence just so I have a higher chance of making it through a vault.