

If Killers Could be Banned, Who Would You Choose?

Member Posts: 439

Killers, one half of the most integral parts of the game. There's a wide arrange of Killers, such as the defense-heavy Trapper, the setup machine Pyramid Head and the ever-menacing stalker, Michael Myers.

But some Killers well, they aren't so well-received as others and are considered a little too powerful or toxic for the health of the game. This is what I want to get a poll from, and I'll be giving only three specific options of Killers to choose from; three Killers whom are considered to be some of the best of the best.

These Killers are:

  • The Nurse
  • The Spirit
  • The Blight

If a Killer could be banned from play, who would you choose and why?

Of course, I've added the option of "other" and "Killers shouldn't be Banned", in which you'll need to explain why in either case, as it stands.

If Killers Could be Banned, Who Would You Choose? 158 votes

The Nurse
7 votes
The Spirit
59 votes
The Blight
5 votes
Other (Explain Why)
36 votes
No Killer Should be Banned (Explain Why)
51 votes

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  • Member Posts: 882
    Other (Explain Why)


    I know I probably should put "No Killer Should be Banned" but I just hate Hag too much to pick it, she's not only unfun to play against but she isn't even fun to play as and doesn't have any good lore or cosmetics (at least Spirit is fun to play as, has good lore, and good cosmetics)

  • Member Posts: 8,330
    Other (Explain Why)

    Twins. They feel like a waste of time due to lack of scoring events as survivor. Loop Victor for 5 gens, 0 points because being in chase Victor doesn't count as being in a chase so game just thinks you ran around doing nothing all match. Other choice is be slugged, camped, tunneled for pretty much no points. If they adjusted the scoring events it wouldn't be so bad but until then the Twins are the one killer I truly hate getting matched against in this game.

  • Member Posts: 19
    Other (Explain Why)

    Trapper, He is weak/Easy to beat but I find it mad annoying to keep looking for traps while you move..I cant play the game unless Im looking at the ground every second

  • Member Posts: 2,785
    The Spirit

    Although I don't think any killer should actually be banned, I'd be much happier if Spirit didnt exist.

  • Member Posts: 913
    Other (Explain Why)


    Every time I see him, I cringe and have to ask myself what the hell the developers were thinking.

  • Member Posts: 987
    The Blight

    My answer isn’t that serious but those flick videos that are going around scare me LMAOOOO

  • Member Posts: 72
    The Spirit

    She is actually very fun to play as, just needs practice. But it's horrible when you play solo or with teammates that can't even crouch against her

  • Member Posts: 11,763
    Other (Explain Why)

    I know I should choose this option, but I can't stand Ghostface.

  • Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2021
    Other (Explain Why)

    Twins for sure cuz they just slug by daylight

  • Member Posts: 882
    Other (Explain Why)

    Eh, I guess that's where we disagree. Aside from the 4 killers I don't have yet so I wouldn't know (Blight, Twins, Plague, and Trickster) she is the only one I don't have fun with.

    I don't like setting up traps, I like chases. And when I play a trap killer, The Trapper feels more rewarding to me when I get it off in a chase (still not fun, but I get satisfaction of pulling off a win as a low tier killer).

    Hag just doesn't feel as satisfying as winning with a low tier (she's extremely high tier, arguably S-Tier), yet Hag also doesn't allow me to have fun in chases (earlier I said Trappers traps in chases we rewarding, I never said fun. If I don't have fun with a Trapper's Traps how would I have fun with Hag's).

    I'm happy you enjoy Hag enough to have her as you pfp, but I just can't name a single thing I like about her other than her plant outfit.

  • Member Posts: 294
    No Killer Should be Banned (Explain Why)

    Your name is awesome and I completely agree with you on Trickster. F***ing why? Lofl.

  • Member Posts: 108
    The Nurse

    Blight is the most well designed killer in the entire game. The only issue are the people who abuse a high dpi to flick around corners. You can see him enough to react, and he can't magically teleport through walls.

  • Member Posts: 3
    Other (Explain Why)

    Black doctor with ICE eyes because he Is too strong

  • Member Posts: 4,458
    No Killer Should be Banned (Explain Why)

    No Killer needs to be banned, although a few of them could use a nip and a tuck here and there.

  • Member Posts: 305
    edited June 2021
    Other (Explain Why)


    The ones on the list, although strong, do at least have fun counterplay for the most part (ignoring top add on Stridor Spirit). Versing Deathslinger is just a game of luck and frustration every chase. Obviously he's not overpowered or anything, but I still find him incredibly boring.

  • Member Posts: 72
    The Spirit

    Well it makes sense if you like chases more, i just enjoy mindgaming people with those traps :)

  • Member Posts: 10,910
    Other (Explain Why)

    Get rid of Hag. She has no place in DBD.

  • Member Posts: 2,193
    Other (Explain Why)


    With these killers at least you know they overpowered. Huntresses hitboxes(latency hits) are just broken

  • Member Posts: 3,546
    Other (Explain Why)

    I agree wholeheartedly.

    Hag needs to exit.

  • Member Posts: 517
    Other (Explain Why)

    Ghostface. Would be an upgrade if the reveal mechanic actually worked 10% of the time

  • Member Posts: 672
    Other (Explain Why)

    Hag. She's frustrating to play as and go against.

  • Member Posts: 3,479
    No Killer Should be Banned (Explain Why)

    Since the game is very survivor sided it would be stupid to ban any killer.

  • Member Posts: 79
    The Spirit

    Do survivors not get points for running from victor? Really? I never play against them so I never knew that thats messed up.

  • Member Posts: 1,960
    edited June 2021
    Other (Explain Why)

    i would ban killers who are bugged, because bugged things are not good.

  • Member Posts: 8,330
    Other (Explain Why)

    Nope, I guess it's because he's not considered the killer he's considered her power so while you're in a chase it's not counting as a chase.

  • Member Posts: 192
    Other (Explain Why)

    Wraith - I simply hate him.

  • Member Posts: 18
    Other (Explain Why)

    Completely agree. I got tunneled almost everytime playing against him, and most wraith will bring noed which is super annoying

  • Member Posts: 952
    No Killer Should be Banned (Explain Why)

    Survivors should learn to adapt thats why

  • Member Posts: 1,146
    edited June 2021
    Other (Explain Why)


    Terror radius too low for a mid ranged killer and can't find the counter to him when he shoots you. How some people fast move left and right to get behind cover is beyond me.

  • Member Posts: 440
    Other (Explain Why)


    Great killer for camping, tunneling, slugging and you don't get any boldness points from getting chased by Victor whose hitbox is massive by the way.

  • Member Posts: 439

    You all make some interesting arguments, some more compelling than others.

    I've also looked at the results and I'm surprised on how unfavorable The Spirit is versus The Nurse. In fact, I'm surprised that The Spirit's got more votes (at the time of writing this) than "no bans".

    While this is a small sample size, I assume that the community just commonly dislikes The Spirit. And I can see why; high mobility and too much unpredictability with little to no counter. But I was thinking that The Nurse would be in a similar vein, considering she has high mobility and swift chase ending potential.

    Keep going, guys. I'm interested to see what more comes out from this.

  • Member Posts: 1,864
    No Killer Should be Banned (Explain Why)

    In any game where a character is bannable, people never learn to play around them with a good team, & instead get stomped whenever they don't get banned. Games like that always have the worst balancing issues too.

  • Member Posts: 18
    Other (Explain Why)

    Yes Victor not only he can move very fast, his hitbox is insane.

  • Member Posts: 4,092
    No Killer Should be Banned (Explain Why)

    yeah that ######### up a lot. You wanna pounce on this survivor? sorry this box you didn't even touch is going to block you also pounced on the area right behind them your attached.

  • Member Posts: 61
    Other (Explain Why)

    ######### plague

  • Member Posts: 439

    Sometimes there are games out there where one character is far too oppressive to the point where no one else but a select couple of characters could be feasibly playable otherwise.

    One major example is that of Meta Knight in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the character that killed the game. In a sense, Nurse is this game's Meta Knight (while Spirit is this game's Ice Climbers). An extremely oppressive character that can be very unfun to play against at almost any level and is practically what you'll need to run at top level to gain favorable results.

    This is also the reason I made this poll in the first place; to gauge whether or not the community would even be up for potentially just banning a character in the first place. A willingness to ban a character for being oppressive or unfun to play against would be healthier for the game itself. In fact, that could happen for just about anything that could hinder this game's overall health from all points of view.

  • Member Posts: 8,814
    No Killer Should be Banned (Explain Why)

    A killer's design isn't the fault or problem of the people who play the killer and they shouldn't be prevented form having fun in a casual game because of it.

  • Member Posts: 561
    The Nurse

    I don't know how people can't see that nurse is a bigger problem than spirit, a good nurse can down everyone in a minute, at least with spirit you can pre drop pallets and somehow make it to the end game, a good nurse can literally slug you in less than a minute and you cant even use pallets against her.

  • Member Posts: 1,864
    No Killer Should be Banned (Explain Why)

    I see your point, but imagine buying a game & you can't even play a character bcuz of how unbalanced they've been since launch. Obviously this only effects a minority of the players, but it still sucks when you feel like playing them & you can't bcuz their banned.

  • Member Posts: 1,862
    The Spirit

    I selected too quickly because I didn't see the "no killers should be banned" option- so just switch my vote over there.

  • Member Posts: 640
    edited June 2021
    No Killer Should be Banned (Explain Why)

    I chose no killer should be banned because while I understand spirit is really hard to play against and she needs a bit of counter play but people should be able to play who they want no matter what. I think banning certain killers is ridiculous and besides if survivors had that option then killers should also be able to ban certain survivors too. I also know what allowing people to ban each other would destroy the game. Basically what I’m saying is again people should play who they want to play as killer or survivor.

  • Member Posts: 5,735
    Other (Explain Why)


    50% chance that my teammates will be downed within 20 sec after chase starts

    30% chance it is Basement Bubba

    25% it will be camping / tunning Bubba

    5% it will be normal Bubba and I have decent players who can at least loop

  • Member Posts: 773
    Other (Explain Why)


    FBI open up.

  • Member Posts: 488
    Other (Explain Why)

    I voted other. Any killer is fine, but I find some boring to play against in most circumstances. Hag and unfortunately Nemesis spring to mind. There are killers that I hate because I don't like their abilities but they're still engaging to play against, like Doctor.

    But for instance, the hag has too many traps. They will hook someone and lay like 10 of those things around the hooked person. It's too much.

    Also the Jokester or Joker or Tricker or Trickster or whatever. Running while they throw their dumb million little PP knives at me is irritating and boring AF. I think it's the animation that I am forced to go through spastically.

    I usually am fine with most killers, but once I find out it's one of these, I just want to get to the next match with a fun killer/player opponent.

  • Member Posts: 445
    The Spirit

    Not anymore. Blights peak was when his pov got changed, but not his flick. Before you would run and turn kinda like billy, easy fun killer thats balanced. Now you do this kinda side run curve that wacks it all up.

  • Member Posts: 24
    Other (Explain Why)

    Doctor and Wraith.

    Why? Simple - NOTHING BUT DEATH. Unless you somehow pull off some crazy mindgame or have some insane amount of luck (not in game, but, you know), you'll be seeing three hooks before the third gen is even started on.

  • Member Posts: 229
    Other (Explain Why)

    Bubba I really have to explain why

  • Member Posts: 91
    Other (Explain Why)

    Leon, Bill & David I would probably ban since they sporadically can decide to blind you when you're in a chase or to get you strung up on the hook and farmed.

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  • Member Posts: 99
    No Killer Should be Banned (Explain Why)

    Learn to adapt to the killer powers and start countering them instead of removing them because you're too lazy to learn new playstyles.

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