Pay 2 Win in this game

So I've just realized. Spirit is the only pay 2 win killer in this game. just buy her, use headphones, learn how to phase in 2 minutes, add stridor cause ofc she's not strong enough without it, add broken add ons and there you go, let your boosting to rank 1 begin.(don't forget about ruin, undying and corrupt). have fun :D
You can get her free with shards…
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Grind 2 win then.
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spirit is free with game time.
it's not pay 2 win.
also nurse is the best killer and literally on the base game
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For nurse you need skill and put many of hours while losing many games. with spirit you can be a bot with 5 fingers broken, as long as you have stidor and headphones u can compete against survivors that are way better than you.
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You still need experience and game sense.
And grind 2 win maybe somewhat true. But then again.. it’s not that hard to get 9K shards and grind also means you gain experience and play the game.
i think it’s a Good thing that the 3 strongest killers are original (Nurse, Spirit, Blight) with one being even base game. And with enough skill you can get consistent wins with any killer.
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isn't that every game?
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Too bad Nurse and Blight are much less effective & harder to control in console, and hardly seen. Spirit is only one very strong no matter the platform.
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There's no pay to win in this game. Get gud to win
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Yes like every single game in the world you have to play a lot to get good at the game.
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Console optimization and bringing controller to the same level as M&K input are two things that really need to be addressed.
but at least for Nurse, you can still do fine on controller/console. Not sure how Blight actually controls with the latest changes..
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Yeah but it you play spirit just to win you should feel bad about yourself.
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Spirit isnt as easy as you think. Have you heard good spirits talk about how they find people? Theyre looking for blades of flippin grass that move. If you arent a good killer you wont automatically be good with killer. The only difference between nurse and spirit is spirit doesnt require a masters degree to get good with
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You can play without addons or perks and steamroll if you're good or a little lucky.
It takes time to know how to treat each killer and recognize when they're using certain perks. I don't like to be like this but get gud bro. Learn how to treat the different tiles and mind game. Accept they won't always fall for those mind games. Accept that when you adjust your perks you'll get matched up with the worst possible killer for your choices. If you are having trouble perk up to make up for your weak spots.
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I'm guessing someone got rekt by a Spirit....
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Nurse exists as free to play so your argument is automatically invalid
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This game is pay 2 lose. Now excuse me while I run my survivor around in neon flashing clothing.