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Is it possible to perform well at purple/red ranks without gen slowdown?

Member Posts: 995

I keep getting mostly SWF and while one chased the other 3 on gens, unfortunately I dont have unlocked any slowdown, kicking gens arent worth the time, regression doing nothing, and honestly gens are so fast, that I keep being destroyed games after games. Really the only thing that I can try to bank on, is NOED, if at least I get one SWF can be exploited because they dont want to leave behind anyone so that way I might get one or two kill or hooks. But honestly the game balance is horrible, also playing as a M1 killer so easily get looped, chasing one around 30-45 sec and I just have thrown the game. Really depressing how unbalanced the game is for killers.


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  • Member Posts: 2,193

    No, if you're not nurse or spirit

  • Member Posts: 142

    It’s only possible if you are significantly better than your opponents.

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    Yes... If your playing a hyper snowball build and go for mass slugging every single game.

    Its extremely inconsistent but technically viable on some killers, however generator slowdown is always more reliable.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Possible if your skill level is higher than survivors.

    Everything is possible but not everything is consistent

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    If you don't mind slugging and defending hooks when needed yes it is.

    Playing well and making the right strategic decisions will slowdown the game more then any perk will.

    Slowdown perks are kinda overrated tbh

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    I play in red ranks. My mains are Clown (not playing him lately because of the bugs), Plague, Doc, and Twins. I mostly win, and very rarely are my loses really bad, embarrassing loses. I’m very anti meta.

    Here are some of my most used builds;

    Clown -

    Coulrophobia, Deathbound, Forced Penance, Sloppy Butcher.

    Doc -

    Distressing, Coulrophobia, Overwhelming Presence, Unnerving Presence.

    M&A, Dark Devotion, Overcharge, Dragon’s Grip. (Double Calm add ons)

    Plague -

    Corrupt Intervention, Dark Devotion, Infectious Fright, Blood Echo.

    Twins -

    Coup De Grace, Hoarder, Oppression, Zanshin Tactics.

    As you see here, other than Corrupt on Plague, and Sloppy on Clown, there’s nothing very meta here. Game slow down is more than equipping gen slow down perks. That will only get you so far. Gen slow down is also about thinking about strategies you can use with your chosen killers that keep as many survivors off if gens as often as possible. This includes figuring out ways to trick and outwit survivors both within chases, and out of them.

  • Member Posts: 800

    I really wish you made some sort of Google doc or something with your build on every killer similar to like otz or something lmao I freaking love your thought process and builds mate.

  • Member Posts: 800

    Of course you don't have to use the meta in red ranks to do well, just have to do other things that give yourself pressure like more slugging but don't just slug for the sake of it, gotta do it intelligently when the situation calls for it.

  • Member Posts: 1,456

    Yeah it's possible but it depends alot on who you face and usually which killer you play.

    It's not perfect or guaranteed but definetly possible.

    Oh yeah your own skill also matters alot on top of everything else.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Yes of course but you need to play to win, so no anti tunneling/slugging/camping thoughts or anything like that.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Yes, it is possible. Gen Slowdown perks are powerful, but they cannot hold the gens forever. Your skill is important too.

  • Member Posts: 309

    It´s possible but unlikely. You would need to massively outskill the team while also playing a strong killer. It´s like asking whether you could beat Mayweather in a boxing match - you (hopefull) have 2 hands and 2 legs, so it´s technically possible, but don´t expect it to work :)

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    I hovered around all purple ranks for years without any slowdown as Wraith.

    Whether that's fun to do or not is up to you, i just prefer Perks that grant me power instead.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    I like your clown build but wouldn’t death bound kinda conflict with the other perks?

  • Member Posts: 133

    Mark my words, Sloppy / Coulorophia is gona BE meta someday once bhvr finishes "adjusting" all the slowdown perks, it's stupid OP vs survivors that can't loop for 5 minutes on one health state....

    @OP yes it's possible depending on the survivors calliber, USUALLY it's easier to win vs very altruistic survivors but if survivors split on gens then all they really need is like 2 minutes / person, hell 1 minute is wasted just between pick -> hook -> wait thill the last possible second to rescue

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    My personal feelings are that people invest too much reliance on their perk load outs.

    It’s not that perks aren’t important. What’s more important is that they’re used with purpose and intent. HOW the players chooses to play or approach a match is WAY more important than the perks that are actually equipped.

    For example: this one’s a nice obvious one. Ruin does nothing if survivors aren’t regularly pushed off of gens.

    A killer needs to preplan their approach to a match, BUT also be quick enough on their feet to reformulate different approaches when plan A isn’t working.

    And at the end of the day, despite our best efforts loses will be had. That’s the game. The survivors can’t always win. And neither can the killers.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    I don’t expect synergy with Deathbound. It’s just information that lets me know when survivors are starting to waste more of their own time ensuring they’re always travelling outside of Coulrophobia range before healing. And if I’m not preoccupied then I can also go other and irritate the heck out of them by injuring them again.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    its possible.

    however, you will need to rely on the game matching you with players far below your own skill level for it to happen.

    DbD, as it currently is, is mostly balanced around having gen defense Perks equipped, so not doing so is a huge handicap for you

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Is it possible? Sure!

    Is it fun? Hell no!

    The game is balanced around the killer taking gen slowdown perks. Current gen rush meta made it painfully obvious that killers which don´t stack gen slowdown perks, will get gen rushed.

    Ironically devs don´t want the killers to stack gen slowdown perks. So we might see a killer nerf in that regard.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Yeah I guess that makes sense. I use death bound on my slinger a lot and the info is quite useful

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    Depends if the survivors do their only objective or not, like seriously if lead on chases 5mins plus for 1 gen to get done... gen defense or not those survivors didnt care for objectives

  • Member Posts: 919

    Yes, but I can only do that with fast killers, or with nurse but I wouldn't really call her fast, she just teleports.

    Currently I am playing as nurse with bbq, starstruck, nurses & Infectious. People keep dc but I have no gen slowdowns or anything so they have a chance at winning if I mess up with my blinks.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    She actually does have a travel speed while blinking; it's not instantaneous.

  • Member Posts: 919

    Yeah, I guess I just simplified it to teleporting.

    Although if they were to rework her I wouldn't mind it to be changed into an instant teleporting.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    That would remove her counterplay during a chase. I'd be heavily against such a chance.

  • Member Posts: 1,236

    Sometimes for fun I like to run bbq + stbfl + noed + bloodwarden on freddy. Im r1 so typically play against reds. Its a fun build. Some games ill kill everyone before last gen pops, most games 2 are alive when last gen pops, some games i get nobody.

    Who are you playing as? What killer? What build are you running? Are you using any strategy at all or are you just chasing?

  • Member Posts: 919

    Oh, nice to know. I'd like it, I believe that she should be changed in a way that makes her more accessible to people, so I am trying to think of a way of changing her while still preserving her original power in a way.

    Perhaps that's not it.

  • Member Posts: 995


    My perks are: BBQ+Discordance+Endurance+Thanatophobia

    Trying to injure as much as possible with feral frenzy, and going for weaker player if possible.

    Thats all

  • Member Posts: 1,210

    You don't really need gen defense vs. a bad team.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    If we are talking about good teams and not red ranks, then the answer is "no". Skill doesn't serve anyone well when it's good teams Vs a good killer. They predrop pallets and slam gens, you camp someone in the middle of a cluster of remaining generators and stall the game with regression because it's only been 2 minutes since the trial started and this is your first hook. Skill isn't involved and trying to show off just makes you lose.

    However, this isn't the case in most regions. Unless you're regularly dealing with 3-minute gens, slowdown isn't needed. However, screw anyone who tells you not to use it, killer is already insanely difficult and a little breathing room goes a long way. Plus, unlike second chance perks or Exhaustion, just using slowdown doesn't suddenly make the game play itself unless you're going against people far below your level.

  • Member Posts: 1,236

    Alright, i love legion, i do, i play with him all the time, but yeah they are weak so the game is going to be hard.

    That said, pick either bbq or discordance and get rid of it, switch it for sloppy butcher. You cant down people with your power so sloppy I BELIEVE will be applied when they do down. It also pairs well with thantaphobia. These perks combined create a sticky situation for the survivors. If they dont heal gens are slowed by thanta (not by much, but still), if they do it takes longer because of sloppy.

    With this try and run the green duration add on (makes your FF last longer so you can hit more people) and the yellow button (this is sloppy but for your feral frenzy). This way even the survivors you dont hit with a basic attack will not want to heal.

    One of the biggest mistakes i still make is overestimating how quickly i can get to the next person. If you FF hit someone thats not near anything goid, dont be afraid to cancel FF to down them.

    With this build your strength has to come from everyone being and staying injured, so that hopefully your actual chases are shorter since everyone is injured.

    If you can get a three gen that helps a lot in late game, if you get someone hooked in the middle of your 3 gen theres not much point in traveling super far from the hook. With this in mind getting rid of pallets around a 3 gen is important.

    You wont win every game, things wont always work out, but thats ok. Youre playing a tough killer. Hope this helps

  • Member Posts: 433

    If yours good at the game yes. There is a ton of red rank killers with no skill who complain and blame the game, when it’s them. Just focus and try and not use crutch perks. You got this.

  • Member Posts: 320

    Totally viable and my go to. I find gen slowdown builds boring, so I use tracking a chase perks. You just have to be efficient with your time and slug on occasion.

    It’s totally doable on most killers, the only two I really feel you need slowdown for is Hag and Trapper, and even then only Corrupt is really what I’d use.

    The crux of it working is the killer having game knowledge, and good game sense. It’s not as easy to make work as a gen slowdown build, so if you don’t know what you’re doing, things can go poorly.

  • Member Posts: 25

    if u knew how the game worked it is impossible unless u are nurse or spirit

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Its possible but its more consistent to win with slowdown then without slowdown

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