Can we please fix scratch marks already?

I'm not even talking about how broken they are, that they sometimes just show up 12m away from where the survivor is. I'm talking about on the new maps, whether they are bright as hell like Farm or dark as crap like Autohaven. So many people have so much difficulty sometimes, scratch marks will just suddenly disappear, and you'll have no clue where the survivor went until you see them, still running mind you, 32m away as the scratch marks are all dim, barely lit up and hidden by heaps of grass and debris and crap.

It's super obnoxious, sometimes a survivor will be running around the main building or shack on the new bright ass Farm map and I will actually lose them because the scratch marks are impossibly dim at times. I've seen a lot of big shot streamers say the same, this really needs to be addressed. It's a massive quality of life issue for killers.


  • van9684
    van9684 Member Posts: 433

    Lol. Maybe they should make hot survivors auras visible from any distance so it’s easier for you.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177
    edited June 2021

    They do seem weirdly finnicky sometimes where there'll just be....empty spots. Usually at places where they can turn (which really sucks since you don't know which way they went now).

    I've never paid close enough attention to it since I always figured they may have just done something cheeky like crouched once they hit the corner or something. But it might just be Dead by Daylight doing Dead by Daylight things and not working properly 😂

  • Drekathar
    Drekathar Member Posts: 61

    Keep in mind that sometimes survivors will stop running and walk for a few seconds and then start running again in another direction so as to confuse you.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Lol ya its pretty easy to confuse a killer with scratch marks thats the point of them they are a guide not a solution

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 616

    They disappeared because the survivor had Fixated or Urban Evasion, so they walk/sneak faster and leave no scratchmarks, or they had Poised, which stop leaving scratch marks when a gen is finished for a time. I think there are one or two more, but the most likely culprit is Poised.

  • justalilbit123
    justalilbit123 Member Posts: 190

    No offense but I check for those perks and I haven't seen anyone use those at red ranks in months.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Everything is incredibly dark on Autohaven. I'm still not sure why the devs had to ruin that map. No one can see anything. I wish they could balance the darkness of Autohaven with the blinding new corn maps.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759


    i am seeing this so often now. It is like it is hard coded to do this if the killers cone isn't looking at it because most of the time if you just continue to walk where you suspect they would go the scratches start up again like normal.

    Repairing generators also seems to hide scratches for the duration of the bubble. I have had many games where a gen is done out in the open, i am already walking towards it and i see the survivors run away with bbq or just by eye and the scratches will suddenly fade in when i arrive at the generator.

  • DrJohn
    DrJohn Member Posts: 223

    I can't believe how killer sided this game is and you're still complaining. Like scratch marks should just be taken out of the game. Like you don't need them. Like for real git gud baby killer

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 616

    No offense, but I use Fixated all the time and I'm often in the red ranks, as is my son, though we are admittedly in the minority on that. There are also a lot of challenges in the tomes for specific perks, and I remember a couple with Poised specifically. More than enough reason to believe that the survivors had one of those.

    I try to check what people had at the end card whenever there is anything hinky. Cheating is not impossible, after all. Besides that, even in red you still face a myriad of survivor ranks. I myself have had gray rank survivors in an otherwise red rank match.

  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317

    They've been broken for months now lol.