Is game more on killer side?

Survanza Member Posts: 26


I just want to ask you, do you also think that game is more on killer side?

I am not new at this game, so I see how game is changing by years:

  • maps are smaller than in past
  • pallets are less
  • now after last gen we have a time to escape.

What about killers? Does they had some nerfs last time?

I don't realize any nerf on killers or their abilities.

I remember times when DS was working all time, not only for few seconds after being unhooked.

My friend is a new player in that game, and he makes 8 rank in a week. He just play without perks and he saying that he don't really need them (he play as Nemesis). All the time he have 4 kills or 3 if he decided last survivor escape - "if he decided".

Last killers:

  • Twins - who can control both gates at the same time - I know that cause I was playing with them a lot.
  • Trickster - who is actually like a boosted Huntress, but not that strong like Twins
  • Nemesis - he is like a motorbike, very quick and even windows or pallets are not a problem for his tentacle

I don't want you to get me wrong, I am not a guy who after bad game is came to forums to cry, this is all what i noticed by years playing this game.

Cause killers was always quickly than survivors, that why survivors had pallets and windows, but now... we have a lot of killers for who pallets are not a problem - Nurse, Huntress, Legion, Deathslinger, Executioner, Nemesis, Trickster, even Doctor can turn off your ability to drop the pallet. I think that is kinda unfair, cause we - as a survivors - even when we take a Sprint we can run only some seconds and then we have perk on cooldown and we will have to stop running from killer to reset it.

We have a lot of perks what are actually not used in game, cause they are not worth.

Distortion - ok, very nice perk to counter Legion power or BBQ but it have only 3 tokens, why? Does killer's BBQ have only 3 tokens? No. So why perk what counter it have to be less powerfull?

Killer have 4 perks and a power - me 4 perks only.

If he take BBQ for see me and I counter it with Disortion what would be working without tokens - still we both have 3 perks + he have the power.

Ofc. I can hide in a locker but then - killer still is walking on map and he is doing his role, my role then is stopped, cause I can't do my role in a locker.


  • maps are smaller
  • pallets are less
  • we have to escape in some seconds after last gen
  • killer is quickly than we
  • we can slow killer with pallet or window but actually more killers counter that
  • killer have the same number of perks like survivor + he have a power
  • killer perks works all the time, survivors not all + survivor can't trully counter killer

I noticed that killers have problem to win only when play vs full 4 SWF - but not every survivior player is playing in a group, maybe making a 2 queues would be fix that problem with killer-survivor game side?


  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    neither sided.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    In the casual play it's not grossly unbalanced.

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 555

    It depends, who is more experienced says that the game is favorable for survivors, I think it all depends, if you play in swf or with unbalanced matchmaking, everything influences the game, I'm the type who thinks it needs to be fun for the two sides, as both killers and survivors need each other for the game to continue to exist

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,581

    Survivors have the advantage when it comes to the highest level of play. Everything else is relatively balanced.


  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317

    Competitive play, it's grossly survivor sided.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    If you play with the current matchmaking the chance is high that you play 1vs3vs1 as survivor. There are many survivors out there who are advanced masters in killing their team.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    When it comes to Solo Q killers have the advantage, especially if they run every slow down perk they can on a killer like Blight or Spirit.

    If SWF starts getting into the mix killers become at a pretty big disadvantage. Communication is a REALLY strong tool

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    Honestly we can't tell if the game is killer or survivor sided considering the matchmaking is bad and on top of that ranks themselves are completely meaningless.

    However if the game was balanced it would mean survivors escape an average of 1 game out of 2 and killers get an average of 2 kills per game (and not a 4K one game out of two like many seem to believe) and clearly that's not the case as killers think they did badly unless they get 3ks at least.

    Based on that we can say the game is currently killer sided for average players, maybe the mechanics themselves aren't killer sided as we can see in competitive DBD survivors seem to have the advantage but with the current matchmaking if you're a solo queue survivor you're basically playing a 1 v 3 v 1 game and won't come close to escaping a game out of 2, it's more nuanced for SWF depending on wether they're playing for fun or if they're tryharding, in which case we can't tell which side has the advantage.

    In conclusion the game's balance can't be determined or fixed properly before ranks & matchmaking make sense, the only sure thing is that solo survivor queue is the most difficult role at the moment (and by quite a bit tbh).

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    The game is killer sided when you start playing. Once you start going against survivors that are better you realize that most killers lack the tools to do much if survivors are a little bit efficient and if they know how to last more than a few seconds in a chase.

    -Some maps are smaller and some maps have fewer pallets because before they used to be a very significant issue. Maps being too big allow survivors who know what they're doing to just hold W and waste a ton of the killer's time by doing nothing. Also maps being big, means gens are even safer than they currently are. The amount of pallets there used to be in some maps was just ridiculous, tons of relatively safe loops everywhere. now you sort of need to know where you are going to be more efficient.

    -You can stay in the game as long as you want after the last gen is done, as long as the gates are not open. Unfortunately before the End Game Collapse, survivors would just hide forever and just take the game hostage indefinitely. Now, there is an end to the game, and it slows if a survivor is downed or hooked. There's plenty of time to do whatever you need.

    -Killers are 0.4 or 0.6 m/s faster than survivors. To put it into perspective, if both the killer and the survivor just move forward, if the survivor is just 20 meters in front of the killer, a slower killer takes 50 seconds JUST to catch up, and a normal killer takes 33 seconds. Its a huge amount of time, just to catch up in a straight line.

    -Pallets and windows are ultimately a gift from RNG. It is pure luck that determines what kind of set up you have as a survivor. Of course you need to know how to use it, but that's the problem with killers cannot do anything about pallets or windows. it broke the game when survivors actually properly learned how to use them because there's an overabundance of resources for good survivors. Now with killers that can do something about pallets and windows, survivors need to rely on more complicated stuff. They need to be confusing with their movement, they need to make the killer think they're gonna do something and do something else, they need to be good at dodging and predicting the killer. It's a different type of interaction. A lot of survivors don't like it because it's harder than what they had to do before.

    -Survivors have 3 teammates each, and they also have the only objective that does not require them to interact with the other side at all. Also survivors can bring 14 perks in total and 4 items. Some the perks survivors can bring are just there to give them a second chance after they've made a mistake, and all 4 survivors can have these perks at the same time.

    -Survivors can counter a lot of what killers do both with their perks and most importantly with their plays. You mention BBQ, which is a perk that ONLY rewards the killer IF they're doing well and hooking survivors, and only gives any proper value if the killer goes and does something with the info they get. Sure, killers have their problematic perks too, but a lot of killer perks have ridiculous conditions for mediocre effects, or are there just to reward the killer for doing well. Survivors have the largest assortment of perks that are there just to fix their mistakes or prevent them from being outplayed.

    When you actually start playing the game at a good level, you realize that at the moment, the tools survivors have to face the killer are a little too much when survivors know how to use them.

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 616

    The game is definitely balanced in favor of the killer, unless the survivors play with a four man team over comms.

    They ARE constantly nerfing survivors.

    All but one of our items were nerfed in the past year and killers are whining for the only one that hasn't been hit yet to be made useless next, keys.

    All of our very good perks have been made useless and no great new perks have come out since Metal of Man was nerfed.

    Pallets have been made to randomly generate in large bunches and the maps often have huge dead zones.

    Sabotage can no longer deal with hooks because there are at least three everywhere you go and Sabatuer/toolboxes were nerfed so the hooks respawn in less time than it takes to blink your eyes.

    Look at the challenges in the Tomes. Survivors have to win to achieve a lot of their challenges, while killers have nothing more difficult than doing what they were already doing and nobody can stop them from doing it. How is that challenging?!

    There is DEFINITIVE PROOF, the killers have been whining for years and BHVR listened to them. Making the game more and more killer sided.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943
    edited June 2021

    Dont lie survivors are not constantly being nerfing. And you dont need to be in a four man team to easily beat a killer

  • van9684
    van9684 Member Posts: 433

    100%, but all you’ll get here is excuses, weird insults, and told it’s you who is not good at the game. That or they’ll say you’re trolling if they cannot answer. This is killer main central and not good ones at that.

    you are right though, the game is killer sided and only getting worse.

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 616

    Don't lie, survivors lost EVERYTHING good. I listed a huge list of things that were nerfed recently. I think trolling is against the rules.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    It's overwhelmingly killer sided.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943
    edited June 2021

    Lol survivors did not lost everything good and just i dont agree with you. You think am trolling play more killer why dont ya

  • Survanza
    Survanza Member Posts: 26

    Good to know what you guys thinking about it, thanks.

    I was just curious about that.

    Hm... Still I don't get it, why BBQ don't have tokens and Distortion have 3. It's one of perks what can be very interesting, but in that way it is not worth. What means 3 tokens when BBQ can show my position 9 times (3 x 3 hooks) or what mean 3 tokens when Legion can use his power all the time?

    That's weird cause Feng have Technician what is very nice counter to play against Doctor, cause skillchecks goes crazy then or when you just bought game and start playing.

    About Jeff's Distortion I can't say the same.

    I don't know why it have 3 tokens, why it can't work all time? It cost me 1 perk slot, same as killer's BBQ.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    So in the end, you just want Distortion buffed? Why didn't you say so, I agree

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    edited June 2021

    Yeah absolutely, it's the same for survivors, you can hide all game and escape, statistics don't take into account the quality of the gameplay lol but that's an entirely different discussion about what strategies and gameplay should be viable to win, you should still get an average of 2Ks per game if DBD was balanced (and the matchmaking & ranks good)

    The average being 2Ks doesn't necessarily imply that the number of hooks sould be 6, unless the game was specifically designed to make tunneling / camping the only viable or the best killer strategy. If tunnelling / camping was punished or other gameplays encouraged we could get an average of 8 - 9 hooks but still 2 kills.

    Also tunnelling is the thing i hate the most in the game but people saying you need to hook everyone before hooking the same person again (and therefore needing 10 hooks for two kills) is bullsh*t lol as long as your strategy isn't hooking the same person three times in a row, even if that means camping them, downing them right off the hook, waiting out BT and DS, ignoring the survivor doing the unhook or dropping a chase just to go after the dude you just hooked I wouldn't consider it tunneling

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Even though we've had a lot of progress in the last year or 2 of giving killers some actual power, I still think the game is survivor sided. You just can't compete with survivors who know how to do the gens efficiently.

  • Joshwuhhh
    Joshwuhhh Member Posts: 17

    Yes, DBD is becoming more and more killer sided. I play both and killer is much more profitable easier to do challenges with and bp gains. Certain killers are meh yes, but a lot are good enough to get consistent kills with. I’m sure a lot of killer mains will disagree with me and that’s fine my opinion won’t change anything because at the core I think BHVR is purposefully killer sided. They know survivors will not stop playing so they continue make changes to things here and their to neuter survivors and give killers more power.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    That's not bias that is simply the devs being poor on perk designs. BBQ & Chili has 4 in game perk counters ask if you want. And in my opinion Legion is the worst killer in the game countered by survivor basics.

  • bibibib8
    bibibib8 Member Posts: 843

    The game is so killer side that when i play with my friend we trow pebble at the killer and we cant kill him so we all die

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    It isn't grossly unbalanced in Solo Q like you say it its in my opinion.

    1.Survivors items are still useful. Med-kits have great add-ons and great healing perk synergy. And can alleviate huge pressure. Maps are great for information. Toolboxes use at the right time can save the game, Flashlights obviously save a survivor from a hook state which could deny PGTW & BBQ good but not OP, and Keys we all know.

    2.Survivors still have great perks DS and OoO needed their changes and still have good value although DS can use a slight improvement. MoM can use a rebuff. But they still have SB, DH, UB, BT (buffed), PT, and others.

    3.Some new maps have created disgusting dead zones Shelter Woods still needs a survivor buff. But, there are crazy survivor maps like Badham, Game, Gas Heaven, and Groaning Storehouse. So these map changes haven't been biased like everyone makes them to be.

    4.Hook spawns are still inconsistent bot biased, but Saboteur can use a buff.

    5.Challenges don't prove anything

    So no in casual play this is a balanced game.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Survivors still have plenty of strong maps, perks, and items. killers have strong things also in casual this isn't a grossly unbalanced game.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    I don't believe so. Survivors and Killers both have plenty of resources for counter play and balance.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,236

    Mostly killer sided until you get to high levels of play if you're actually good at killer. Quite survivor sided in the highest levels of play.

  • Msterflex
    Msterflex Member Posts: 126

    Uhh no as soon you reach green ranks as killer you’ll know how survivor slanted this game is lol it’s bad for survivors at first. The biggest problem is how fast gen repair is you can’t even do anything before two gens are popped off at best you get a few pallets and one hook (and that’s without powerful tool box addions)

    ive been forced to run corrupt intervention as a clutch just to slow the game down

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306

    A BIG NO. Survivors have the power role at purple-red ranks. It takes only 2 good survivors to carry a whole team!!

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    survivor perks need buffs


    boil over

    Ds I would switch the deactivate when unhooking to deactivating wen opening the exit gate so more of a qol change then a buff. there are others but im too tired at the moment

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,147

    Rank 20 until 16 is the killer side. As you gradually get to reds, the game become survivor's side.