is it safe to download mods for dbd

What type of mods are you talking about?
If you're talking texture mods for perks, killer/survivor portraits, etc. that stuff is fine and BHVR has even said as much.
If you're talking something to do with gameplay.....not so much.
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i want to get shirtless steve.
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Anything that messes with the game that is not intended by the developers can be classified as unsafe.
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No what they have said is: No one has been banned for this action, but if EAC ever flags an account that does this - they will not help you recover your account. Using perk image modifiers is something you do at your own risk and if it is ever flagged and your account banned - that's that.
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Perk/Offering/Addon/Power image replacers are typically fine and EAC shouldn't care about those (but still might on some occasions).
But anything that changes a characters model or anything to do with textures will likely get caught by EAC. Best advice is just stick to perk packs and don't get anything that changes in-game textures.