Should dead hard be at survivors base kit?
Basically, DH is a must in the survivors kit. It almost obscures other perks.
90% of the times you play as killer, you probably will have to deal with at least 3 dead hards.
It is one of the mostly popular perks by survivors, alongside with iron will, BT, Adrenaline, Sprint burst...
So, why do i think it should be at the base kit? Well... it is a necessary perk and extremely indispensable for any survivor at any experience level. I don't think it would be unfair for killers, nor they should get any perk in base kit. i am saying this as a killer main. I think we could try to implement it in the PTB.
this is why i think it wouldn't just be unfair to the killers.
1- It should keep the exaustion effect
2- David king could get another perk as a substitute (why not a complete rework?
Dead Hard should be in the base kit for survivors since basically you need it to have GREATER chances of surviving.
If you play both, just choose wich one you play most... i ######### up again by pressing enter.
Should dead hard be at survivors base kit? 89 votes
Yes (Killer main)
Why not. Every survivor uses it anyway and it'll help reduce the grind by at least a little bit.
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Yes (Killer main)
As a killer main, i really don't mind dealing with dead hards. It is different from a decisive strike, sprint burst... stuff like that in main kit would be frustrating as hell to deal with.
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No (Killer main)
No, thank you
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Yes (Killer main)
Why? just curious.
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No (Killer main)
Because its a strong perk with big impact and i dont understand why it should be free for survivors
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[ ] No (plays both sides)
Its not necessary. I dont use any meta perks at all and am usually the one who gets the gates open or am the last alive against DS UB BT DH
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Yes (Killer main)
I don't think it is that strong that it couldn't be added. But i do respect your opinion.
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No (Survivor main)
Why not give every survivor dead hard and 4 other meta perks? Great idea!
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Yes (Killer main)
read again
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No (Survivor main)
If a survivor brings Dead Hard, they bring Dead Hard. I don't see why it'd be a good idea to allow a perk as strong as that be base kit.
If you know a Survivor has it, you know they only have 3 other perks and that's what makes it somewhat fair, you can avoid it as killer. While as survivor, you know they might not know and that's how DH works.
If a Killer knew EVERY survivor used DH they could counter it.
If there had to be a basekit perk it should be for actual issues of the game and not just a perk everyone uses. Say BT to counter Camping a bit, I don't see why DH should be Basekit over BT which actually addresses an issue this game has
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[ ] No (Play both sides)
It is definitely not a necessary perk. It works fine as a perk. If you want it, bring it. If not, don’t bring it.
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No (Survivor main)
I did read it moron. The #########? What the hell do you want me to read again? You literally said to make dead hard basekit... idk what your smoking but I want some of that too
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No, also why did you only give us the options of being a killer or survivor main?
Survivors already have a high chance of escaping with other perks, giving them dead hard at base would nerf all killers in general. The game is already survivor sided, no need to tip the balance in favor of them any more.
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No (Killer main)
If DH was a base kit, what would you do with all other exhaustion perks?
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No (Survivor main)
oh hell no, as if enough players didn't run it already
Dead Hard is a second-chance perk that allows survivors to screw up and still be able to extend chase by making it to another loop regardless of how the killer plays. As much as I like to run it myself, promoting it to more people sounds like an awful idea.
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No (Killer main)
If it is automatically taking up a perk slot then whatever, I run into it a ton anyway. If not then hell no. Survivors do not need the ability to run a 5th meta perk.
Also this would eliminate all other exhaustion perks, which would suck as someone who runs lithe all the time.
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No (Killer main)
1) I play both sides
2) No, that's BIG no.
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No (Survivor main)
(I play both sides)
No, Dead Hard should not be base kit. It would make all other exhaustion perks unusable and it just rewards bad plays. It's ran quite frequently already and very annoying to go against, anyway.
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No (Killer main)
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No (Killer main)
as survivor:
i like meme builds as survivor so just having 3 perks lessens the combos
and sometimes i just dont wanna use dead hard
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No (Killer main)
it would be like adding a third health state to the game for free, its just not a balanced perk as shown by its prevalence why anyone would want it to be basekit is beyond me especially since it counters well over half the roster and erases mistakes made against them
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No (Survivor main)
No thanks, it's broken perk anyway.
But maybe default gen regression as base kit for Killer, so you need to stay on generator, you can't tap to fix and run away over and over again. Everybody is crying about how fast gens are done and it's true on red ranks and I'm playing mostly solo, in squad it's like rocket pop pop pop.
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No (both sides) This is a joke right? Someone has no idea how strong DH is.
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No (Survivor main)
absolutely not
also I play both sides
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No (Killer main)
Is there a "aw heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell no" option?
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No (Killer main)
Everyone else was already harsh on you. So I'll just say that if they were already given this for free, then it would be like they have 5 perks. It would make toxic SWF a lot less manageable. Still a reasonable question though.
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I play both sides. And I think it's a terrible, terrible idea.
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No (Survivor main)
Its not necessary
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No (Killer main)
Good meme and no.