DBD current meta: Learn to play with only two perks!

The game is balanced around Ruin being up, regardless of how fast it can be destroyed. Ruin is high risk, high reward or a coin flip so now high levels (us) are resorting to using a perk slot for Undying with the hopes of Ruin staying up a bit longer. Heres the problem... In more than a few games i had within a day Undying/Ruin got destroyed within the first minute of the match and notice i didnt say Ruin got destroyed, no BOTH Undying and Ruin have been getting destroyed in my games rather fast and back to back too which is discouraging because you only have two perks to use ( and in my case at rank 2 i play Freddy to get back to rank 1 and i have to power through teams with BBQ/Pop). I know some people will say just run Corupt/Pop but honestly i dont like Corrupt because it sometimes conflicts with my 3 gen strat so i prefer BBQ for a little more consistency.
Bottom line, as fun and or challenging killer can be it is in no way easy and because other perks dont really slow down gens too much (Thanatophobia, Dying Light) they are virtually useless against strong survivors who just power through the gens anyway, gens just go way too fast at high level.. So what im getting at is the very title of the thread. Expect your Undying/Ruin to get destroyed early and learn to play two perks. I think this is only the case because all other perks do very little without Ruin to win you the game or draw (2k and Brutal Killer), even Pig who has her own in game slowdown can lose or struggle with teams because of this so there you go. It would be nice to see at least 70% of killer perks to get buffed or do something with the gens, i dont know, something
People still rely on Ruin / Undying?
you don't need that. just rely on your skill and you'll get the kills my guy, lol
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Yeeee the one killer i bother with Ruin on is Hag (and i prolly want Rusty Shackles that game to). Totems are just to stupid easy to break and as we've "seen" recently (ba-dum-tish) with Lethal Pursuer Totems Spawns and Survivor spawns tends to overlap..... ALOT.
You'll see alot of people prolly in the thread parrot "hurr durr you're not applying enough pressure so ofc ruin is getting popped!" ... no ruin is getting popped because a survivor spawned looking at it... i swear if bhvr doesn't wana fix spawns ca totems at least be immune / "phased out" for the first minute of the match or something? So at least you can get a down and give even survivors who KNOW where the totem is a decision to make?
And even if survivor spawns wern't bad , the totem spawns on most maps or horribad. Pretty much the only maps your totems have a chance of making it are Larry's, Hawkin's and Midwich.... and hell even on those i've had totems pop instantly. Red ranks can find totems on McMillan / Coldwin with a blindfold, on Swamp and Ormund there's like 2 totem spawns in the middle of the map , in the open, might as well have a neon sign, Dead Dawg's to tiny of a map to matter....
So yeah i've switched allmost exclusively off Ruin / Undying to Corrupt / Pop and lately Corrupt / Pop / Eruption / Thrilling is my Go-to on most of the roster. Corrupt / Pop / Tinkerer on killers with mobility.
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Run Ruin+Pop, not Ruin+Undying, so you'll lose only one perk and still have gen regression.
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I play without Ruin and i "do" win. The problem is that i will win more with Ruin builds as opposed to having 4 perks and no Ruin or Undying/Ruin and i can potentially lose depending on what killer i have.
Yuck? lol There are many, many people that still play with Undying/Ruin because the gens go very fast against a optimal team and sometimes they dont even need to be fully optimal for you to lose. Im very good at DBD so i dont need you telling me about skill etc, im actually great at the game and wish there were tournaments for it but anyway with that said like i mentioned above i win without it but the % of me winning with Undying/Ruin is considerably greater and noticeable as opposed to me playing 4 (no gen reduction perks) perks. Pop sometimes is not enough... Do you even main killer? Try playing Clown or Trapper 3 consecutive games without any Ruin and see how well that goes. Oh yeah play him at rank 1 btw to increase your chances of going against stronger survivors. Once you do that "then" come talk to me about Undying/Ruin being overrated or whatever it is your trying to get at
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Didnt you read my post? I said i use Undying/Ruin/BBQ/Pop with Freddy so im gonna have Pop regardless. Once again the problem is it going in the first 30 seconds and having 2-3 perks per game. It can last the entire game or it can go really fast, thats why i said (In the title) its best to learn how to play with 2 perks. You really have to assume that they'll go down quick.
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Maybe learn to not rely on those 2 perks? You know they have a high chance of being removed early on, if you insist on using them it's on you.
other perks [...] are virtually useless against strong survivors who just power through the gens anyway
Not to be that guy, but Ruin+Undying do nothing against those survivors.
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Right now, there have been a lot of anti-hex perks on the survivor side that have been added or buffed. You have to really consider how easy it is for survivors to get totems, even if they are hidden in the absolute best spot in the map. The meta has shifted away from hex perks, so you have to adjust.
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Everyone saying the same thing lol. Play a weaker killer at rank 1 without it and see how you do (consistently) versus efficient survivors at rank. Your gonna lose a little more than you win and its not because your not that good or whatever, its because the gens will go too fast.
If the meta has shifted than why do so many people run Ruin in their games if it wasnt so bad? I play killer at rank 1 and at rank 1 i play multiple killers with non-ruin builds (except Clown) and i definetely notice the difference. At rank 2 i'll play my main(s) like Freddy and get back to rank 1. I played Freddy at rank 2 one time and i actually lost which is very rare. Those games i had no Ruin/Undying and had just other perks Sloppy Butcher etc. The moment i use Undying/Ruin theres an automatic difference. Survivors struggle all of a sudden and this is the case because Ruin (Undying) takes them out of they're comfort zone which is to sit on a gen until its done or at worst if the killer comes to that gen another survivor can just finish it although this is mostly the case for swf or aware survivors. I adjust very well but the problems still remain and imho you need to learn how to play 2 or 3 perks as the meta.
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Imma be real if your ruin + undying is going that fast use a different perk combo.
Also, Ruin + Undying + Pop on Freddy and you still can't prevent gens being done? Maybe the issue lies elsewhere.
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After playing without Ruin for so long, playing with Ruin is such a relief and I can understand why people use it. You pretty much have to do nothing except holding W towards a gen and that's it.
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Pop? Corrupt? Surveillance? You are guaranteed to get value out of these perks. Ruin and undying is unreliable
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Better to just drop Undying and take Tinkerer instead then. Or STBFTL. It really isn't worth it IMO. More info or chase power is more valuable than some additional Ruin reliability.
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I stream this game everyday my guy. xD
You can come request a trapper game or any killers whatsoever,
I already did Grandmaster challenge on em and got it 3rd try, so nice try buttercup..
7k+ hours and still countin'.
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Once again people are oblivious to what is being said or they're just skimming through what i said without really looking/pondering on it... I dont lose with Freddy when i have Undying/Ruin/BBQ/Pop unless on extremely rare occasions at rank 2. I "said" the games where i dont use Undying/Ruin with a variety of killers and use non meta or non conventional builds is when i struggle because once again, the gens go too fast! Yes I can have bad games but i rarely have bad games when i have Undying/Ruin if at all so for the umpteenth time the problem is the gen speeds. If you lose with Ruin up that means that you didnt apply good enough pressure period. Once again i main killer and mess around at rank 1 because theres no point going hard at rank 1 (for me) so i like to have fun and use gimmic or non meta builds. Have you read the initial post at all!? lol
Ok you stream the game every day, what's your point? What is the point or relevance to anything you just said in regards to what i said!?...
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That i'd put you to shame. 100% with trapper. legion and Clown, and to show you why they're not F tier as you call em,
Because you SERIOUSLY doubt a good killer main that can do well with said killers,
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Man you must be a fun one to verse
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I don't run hex perks because I favor perks with guaranteed value.
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People still rely on Ruin / Undying?
You'd be surprised
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those be the people that can't rely on their own killer Skills =D
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Ruin/undying goes too fast IMO. I’ll stick with pop.
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When or where did i ever say Trapper, Legion or Clown was F tier? Your mistaken. You don't even know what my tier list is but feel free to ask if you want
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Please. It's like saying
People still rely on Deadhard/ Unbreakable/ Prove Thyself/ Decisive Strike.
You don't need that. Just Hold m1 the entire game and 5 minutes later you can spam the CTRL button on the exit gates, lol
Ruin/Undying is mandatory on certain Killers with no Pressure/Mobility. Corrupt and Pop is more reliable but kicking Gens already hurts the no mobility Killers like Myers, Clown and Legion.
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You could always run Ruin/Pop. Use the Ruin in the early game, and Pop when Ruin is eventually cleansed.
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Not at rank 2 no. At rank 1 i use non meta builds on various killers i play and Ruin & or Undying/Ruin on my weaker killers. I've gotten a number of messages from players thanking me for playing unconventional builds against them and how fun the game was as opposed to Pop, Tinkerer etc. and it makes the game fun for me because running full meta perk builds is boring to me so i play a wide variety of builds and type (theme) of builds. Again your right im not a good killer to run into when i have rank 2, nor is it fun for those involved.
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Problem is Devs don't think that Totems are bad. They keep buffing/encouraging survivors to find totems with the recent perks, but fail to notice that most totems are right in the open, next to a Gen or even next to a survivors at the start of the match.
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First three games i played today as survivor, i ran into two Undying/Ruin killers and one Ruin only killer! Just saying.
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They "can" go fast.
Totem placements were changed at some point. I think Totem spawns should be revisited.
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With Freddy i like to run pop + eruption + discordance + thrilling when im in try hard mode, its a great build and ive beat some good teams with it already. With freds teleport ruin + undying isnt totally necessary. OR you can flip eruption into stbfl if youre comfortable ignoring the obsession, as it makes mid to late game chases faster so more pops.
I hate relying on hex perks for the exact reason youre talking about.
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I thought this was going to be around the needed DS/BT because of the trash killers most of the time.
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Honestly, just stop using gen slowdown perks. The devs don't see a problem with the gen speed and even want to prevent synergy between slowdown perks.
So just play how the devs want: without those perks.
Will you lose a ton of matches, because survivors won't change their playstyle and rush gens? Sure! But it's the only way to give the devs their valuable data. Once they see that the majority of matches end with 3 or 4 hooks by the time the gates are powered, they'll have to start addressing the issue.
That is, IF that hook counter actually does something.
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Yeah, I feel that.
I do not enjoy using Ruin on Killers where it does not fit their image. As an example I dislike running Ruin on Ghostface, Bubba, Freddy and Myers. However when I use Ruin (+Pop) I get far better results.
I tried playing Myers without any slowdown and I enjoy the build much more (Monitor, Bamboozle, Infectious, Safe the Best). However the results are clear: Unless I get lucky with the spawn of the survivors (all together, 2:2) I am in for a match with 3/4 hooks at best. With ruin this number goes up quiet a bit.
I wish I could run build without any slowdown more often and to a greater effect. But I have the feeling that it is not even skill dependet if I can get away with this, it is spawn dependet.
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I play every killer at rank 1 without those perks (I generally don't like Ruin) and I do ok.
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You can 4k as killer very easily without a slowdown perk. You can run any style of perks, end game, etc. and have fun trying it out.
Survivors basically require DS, BT and Unbreakable to play the game without having to deal with [BAD WORD] killer playstyles... Survivors get to play with one perk if they actually just want to play the game.
(I know this probably read as "survivor main" but I actually play more killer than survivor these days)
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I play without Ruin and i "do" win. The problem is that i will win more with Ruin builds as opposed to having 4 perks and no Ruin or Undying/Ruin and i can potentially lose depending on what killer i have.
If you're winning more with Ruin than without, that means it is still outperforming all the other perks. I don't think it's fair to complain about it getting destroyed when it is evidently that oppressive.
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Thats why i love pop on high tier killers. and low tier killers too..
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What's that rank 2 rant all about? It takes nothing to get to rank 1
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Go back to your statement and "think" about it then you'll "understand" why i replied in that way
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I use pop / corrupt on alot of killers... including clown legion and mikey..
Not everyone plays them to their fullest potential and that sucks,
Just play them for a while and get good with said killers =D
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Go read your own post.
"try playing Clown or Trapper 3 games ina row without ruin" Been there. done that. got adept,
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Ruin is terrible as a perk as it can outright carry you through a match and into high ranks as it's nothing but a coin toss on the position of the totem and if anyone is running a totem build.
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Ruin's a great perk, but it's not a one-size-fits-all perk. It's great on virtually every killer, but just like other perks, there are some killers on which it holds the limelight, some killers on which it takes a backseat. Blight and high mobility killers are gonna have a field day, Pig's niche will bring her decent value, but on killers like Spirit or Huntress, who can both end chases pretty quickly in the first place, stridor and iron Maiden can just be a lot more useful.