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Freddy got killed.

Member Posts: 9

Really, it got killed. All the chains are completly useless now, there is nothing to do with him anymore. I think the addons should be reworked, what do you think about? Whats a good build for the current freddy in your opinion?

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  • Member Posts: 1,236

    Eruption + pop + discordance + thrilling + double dream projection add ons.

  • Member Posts: 2,495

    Eruption and Oppression are a good combo. Unfortunately it doesn't also affect the gens with Eruption, but it let's you know know what gen to kick next before a down

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    General IV's Freddy.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    He needs an add-on rework and a rework in general, but he's not dead. He doesn't need chains to be viable.

  • Member Posts: 995

    I think best thing to do to switch Wraith he is the new freddy in ease of use, granted not as good as him was, but still least effort to play well.

    Looking back Freddy addons was top tier before the nerf,probably devs against add-on slowdowns since its just too good.

  • Member Posts: 11,763
    edited June 2021

    Killed? Nah, he still is an A Tier killer. He is the bottom of said Tier.

    Sound add-ons are pretty useless, but you can still do some nice things with him. If you need a good build, you are lucky to be playing a very versatile killer.

    -BBQ and Pop or BBQ and Ruin are powerful combos by themselves.

    -You can also go for something to help you with chases, such as Brutal Strength or STBFL.

    -Maybe you would like some extra lethality, with Haunted Ground or Devour Hope. Edit: Forgot about MYC, which is also a good choice.

    -You can also go for extra slowdown, with perks such as Sloppy Butcher or Thanatophobia.

    To be honest, you can run whatever you want on him, with the sole exceptions of perks like Infectious Fright and Coulrophobia.

    That is what I like to hear, my friend! If only it was up to me, our favorite Dream Demon would've returned by now.

    I love you <3

    Thank you so much, my friend. I really appreciate the support. As I've said before, I aimed for a perfect power and it warms my heart to see that I might have succeeded.

    Post edited by GeneralV on
  • Member Posts: 3,195

    freddys new z block is neat.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Yeah I've watched nightmare on elm street, I know the backstory

  • Member Posts: 395

    What his one "nerf" he now slows down placing snares? Lmao he still has the best movemt in game "teleporting to gens"

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Did you read OP's comment? He was talking about his add-ons, which were literally gutted. Swing Chains, Jump Rope and Outdoor Rope have such weak effects that they are not worth running anymore.

  • Member Posts: 9

    Not really. For freddy i mean everything, the new dream system, addons, new traps number etc. so yeah FREDDY.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    yep, though some people don't realize it. what is that, a killer that can outplay people at loops and gets rewarded for hitting survivors through slower gens while punishing bodyblocking through anti-heal. broken!!! its funny survivors T-bag freddy like they did something impressive... post-changes.

    he honestly needs a revert to his old form as it current form is worse than pre-rework though it took 2 years for freddy to get a change, so you can wait for his next rework 2 year or like never.

  • Member Posts: 4,092

    omg no he did not

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    I literally got a 3k (and I gave the Claudette the gate) playing perkless Freddy yesterday, he's not dead lmao

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    I destroyed survivors without add-ons as freddy before his nerf and doing the same after his nerf. If you can't play without chains you just weak killer

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    "Maybe the weakest ever released"

    Not even close. His on-release version was stronger than every other mid-tier killer available at the time, and even after his initial nerf he never made to low tier. Freddy was always a mid-tier killer, if you knew what you were doing.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I honestly have no idea if that bug is still in the game or not. I don't use Snares.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Precisely. New Freddy is at the low end of the high tier, and he is a powerful killer. But at what cost? A generic power, which fails to provide the fun and uniqueness that his old power did, despite its weaknesses. Of course this is subjective, but the majority of the community (myself included, obviously) seems to think that way.

    I still remember the day he got reworked. That was my worst day of playing DBD. I don't even like to think about it. Giving us a toggle option between 2 powers doesn't take much, and it would make everyone happy. Such a simple solution.

  • Member Posts: 843

    He was already low A tier before the nerf now he is far weaker than that probably in the C tier. Honestly i think saying freddy is still a A tier killer is saying that Demogorgon is a A tier killer and Wraith is A tier as well but both those killer are in the B tier and both of them are far better compare to freddy

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    There is absolutely no way Demo and Wraith are better than Freddy.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    His add-ons need to stay gutted unless they plan to rework him entirely to be like the OG Freddy.

    Forever slowdown Freddy was awful because he pretty much got instant pressure and slowdown just from the oppressive add-ons. Ruin Undying and Pop were the cherries on top. Compared to a killer like Pig who has to actually down survivors to get her slowdown power going it was just unfair.

    I still think Freddy is absolutely a great killer. Pretty much every other killer wishes they could teleport to a generator lol

  • Member Posts: 843

    Hell yes lets just compare Demo with Freddy

    Demo can shred this give you a close gap and can dmg vs Freddy blood pool yoy slow yourself by 15% to slow the survivor by 15% so you gain no distance and this power cant injure

    Demo shred vs Freddy blood pallet survivor can just use their memory to counter that or be awake and its not like you can put the blood pallet everywhere.

    Demo portal, you can put the portal anywhere at the cost of some time and they remove demo terror radius vs Freddy teleport can only teleport on a gen ounce every minute after the first minute of play and give the survivor a notification because of the blood spitting out of the gen.

    Freddy power can be cancel by the survivor if they are awake vs demo that the only who can be remove is a use portal

  • Member Posts: 843

    Tge base kit nerf kill the killer slowing your ass by 15% to slow the survivor by 15% is a waste of time and dont change anything in a chase specially if the survivor is awake

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    The rope/chain addons needed to be changed, because I don't think they could ever really be in a good state. BHVR already balance slowdown perks with other slowdown perks so adding in a killer with slowdown addons is just another thing they would have to consider and I don't see them doing a good job handling both.

    However, his addons in general do need to be reworked as they are largely useless. With the OoO change the blindness addons are now even more niche than they were previously.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    let me correct that. freddy is dead vs "good" survivors. He isn't dead trash survivors as those can lose to perkless trickster and yes i have 4ked with perkless trickster...

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Nope. Freddy is much stronger than Demo. Always was, always will be.

    -Demo's shred has both an audio and visual warning, and can be dodged. Freddy's Snares can only be avoided if you leave the loop, which can result on a free hit. Or they will go through the Snare, which will also result on a free hit.

    -Dream Pallets can catch even an experienced survivor off-guard, because it is really difficult to keep tabs on every single pallet, not to mention that sometimes they were placed in an area where said survivor hasn't explored yet.

    -Demo's portals also have sound and visual warnings, and they can be removed after being used once. Freddy's teleport lasts until the last gen gets done, when it doesn't really matter if you can teleport or not.

    A survivor is not going to stay awake forever, and his teleport has very little correlation with how many survivors are asleep, and it can be used mid-chase. Freddy has a counter that won't be available forever, while Demo's counter is always there.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    go face oracle than with Freddy. if he is so good, he should be able to win, i.e get 3 kills or more. nobody whose actually good at survivor let's freddy place snares to slow them at pallets. its like playing vs clown. you put pallets down early when in dream world.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    that is correct. than what exactly is he viable vs? bad players? why would anyone talks about strength if its not vs good players. that's like going in league of legends and saying Garen is A-tier character..... in bronze tier. in only DBD do you get these type of conversations. anyhow, i am over it. you can think that he is great, but he just isn't.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    Freddy was never a threat against good survivors. It has been especially noticeable with the hold W meta, but it often feels like Freddy has no power since you don’t have to loop. The changes were horrendous.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    Do you not see the massive contradiction in what you just said? The changes didn’t affect him in any way….but the hold w meta hurts him and you play other killers now.

  • Member Posts: 4,889

    Freddy got killed in Patch 3.1.0.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Agreed, but I believe it was even before that. The moment Patch 1.8.1 released, things were destined to go downhill eventually.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited June 2021

    I'd say he has better chances than freddy and many people regard him as 3rd best. I think the reason why blight "might" have a chance is because he has this add-on called compound 33, it allows him to break pallets as quickly as leatherface and when you slam into a pallet, the survivor suffers 3 seconds of... 15% hindered(yes hard to believe that this add-on is better than clown and freddy entire power) and this hindered effect often prevent you from getting to next loop which is what blight's power is entirely about. he also objectively counter decisive strike because part of what makes decisive strike "strong" is ability to hold W for very long time post stun and blight simply doesn't care as he is masterful counter to that play style. so he is good vs people that drop pallets quickly and he can objectively tunnel people out of the game with very little effort with ability to hit people between loops and with certain techniques, he can play strong tiles if you learn special techniques like scoot surfing and flicking.

    so yeah blight is better than freddy... miles better. he might have a chance. freddy has zero chance and that isn't strong killer if your probability to win is 0%.

    he does have some short-comings though but I rather not discuss about them.

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    Nah, let’s just give him “a simple buff” like Wraith and increase his speed. Ain’t that right @Ruma ??

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited June 2021

    i do not think killers need to be at that level precisely, at least not base-kit for sure. they just need to have their own unique play style that functions without flaws.freddy doesn't really have an identity, his old identities were slowing down the game. his snares are now poor man clown bottles(whose is another killer that isn't particularly spectacular) and his gen teleport is just some generic ability that in retrospect is not that impactful in many situations. often mostly used to deliver pop goes weasel or to travel between large distances on huge maps(mother dwelling) or maps that have multiple floors(midwitch elementary school). its just not super impactful and other killers have better stuff.

    like i said, its not that the killers need to be able to beat the best, its that your suppose to be able to win mediocre players if your utilizing the kit to the full potential and current freddy just doesn't get any rewards for using his power correctly(even if he is not too mechanically complex). current freddy is probably beatable with most mediocre survivor teams or even just very average swf though i guess its kinda the same for a lot of bottom of barrel killers, so whatever.

  • Member Posts: 133

    Wraith isn't.... Demo, i dono, he got really good in 4.7.0, i'd place him above Freddy, like Lifeguard Whistle is basically gen teleport but with a shorter cooldown. Now they re-nerfed some of his buffed addon's and ######### knows anymore but they're veeeeery close.

  • Member Posts: 1,075

    Just stack slowdown perks, they will carry you enough don't worry

  • Member Posts: 222
    edited June 2021

    i don't get why there are Clocks and at the same time manual Wake Ups and at the same time Missing Skillchecks

    is like being able to heal a fully infected survivor (vomit/broken status)

    or remove a reverse bear trap from another survivor (pig)

  • Member Posts: 162

    freddy is still insanely strong. I guess you ar a rank 15 killer?

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    Dead? No. Needed a nerf? Sure. None of this means his add-ons needed to become boring as listening to noobs cry about OP killers. There is nothing interesting in his add-on kit. Stale as all the "Game is survivor sided posts" (Can't discriminate).

  • Member Posts: 395
  • Member Posts: 61

    honestly a secondary ability wich can be swapped before the match with the primary would be cool for every killer

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    I'm sorry your insanely overpowered killer is slightly less insanely overpowered now. Every time I got freddy in a match I just wanted to get it over with because I knew it was probably going to be a super unfun match.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Their numbers were not that strong to begin with, and they got replaced by extremely weak add-ons, that don't help you at all.

    This os not right.

    Especially for killers that received a lot of changes in the past.

    Calling Freddy "insanely overpowered" is not right, to be honest. He is not even a S Tier killer. Never was, and never will be.

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