Patch 5.0.2 Is Out And Guess What
Still no RPD map :(
Yeah I know it really sucks and no console performance either. They really don’t want people to play anymore.
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People are boycotting it lol. Good.
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Honestly the longer it’s disabled the better. The map is completely garbage
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but they are not going to change the map or the loops so you have to play on RPD at some point
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but i want to explore it :(
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So the new map still disabled.
And Clown still unplayable.
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I still haven't played the map damn it 😭
I know there is a very vocal group who seem to hate it and let everyone know how much they hate it whenever it's brought up but I still want to play it
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Idgaf about a new map I care about the game being somewhat skillbased and not having every chase be decided by who's client stuttered the hardest.
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I'm so depressed.
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I whole-heartedly agree with this. There hasn't been a good "new" map in a while, and yes I am counting the Realm Beyond's Reworks when I say that.
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I am on ps and the patch is not out for me yet. So it is confirmed no performance fixes?
That is a bummer.
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I happen to like that map. I got to play it a few glorious times before it went offline, and I played it in the PTB. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a very nice change of pace. I suspect you and I look at maps differently. I like them to shake things up. I don't ever want the game to have become some ritualistic and methodical that all the maps play the same way. I don't even like that Survivors are just skins. I would much prefer each Survivor had a unique power, i.e. one of their Perks, normally a less generalized one, was built into them and removed. Botany Knowledge for Claudette for example. I don't like that they are just skins. I accept it but I don't like it.
The maps being as diverse as possible is important, so nobody can get complacent.
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######### embarrassing
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Wait, are we talking about real life or DBD?
Ha haaaa...laughing to mask the pain!!! 😅
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Well, you can play RE 2, 3 if you want to explore it :) It's basically the same minus the entity corruption
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And the longer it takes until that day comes, the happier I'll be.
I had a 15-minute match on that map when it first dropped and the killer won because me nor the other 2 remaining survivors could find any of the last three gens. First four gens popped within 5 minutes; 10 minutes of pure being lost. Another game, I and another player died on early hook phases while watching a teammate fruitlessly run around hallways looking for a way to get onto the second floor to rescue us.
The navigation on that map is atrocious. Even Lery's gives the survivors more direction towards their objectives and a general sense of where the center of the map is.
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actually I kinda love midwich
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Yeah it is confirmed sadly but if you want here’s the Twitter link to the patch notes
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^ This +1
We have more than enough unfun indoor maps already :(
I do feel bad for the Resident Evil fans though
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Yeah, but i dont want to buy an entire game to explore a building. I guess i will just wait
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Yeah well it sucks, but it's better off disabled if it causes performance issues to some people. I didn't have any, but i heard that playing on console was awful on that map
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Thanks. But they did something for switch players at least and...
"This update contains a few changes that should improve performance for many players. That said, some performance issues still remain."
Maybe it will be a little better on other consoles as well even if they didn't specify. At least I hope. Even a small improvement would help for now.
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New map in a year still disabled, Clown still completely unplayable, Nemesis is still a meme with Contamination actively hurting him.
Let's go.
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You’re very welcome and yeah it might be a little better maybe but yeah all we can do is wait and see.
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played it like 4x on release day. First match, everyone but me DCed so I got dumped in hatch (yay, achievement?). Second game, killer crashed. Third game I looped the killer around a moronic bathroom dropdown tile. Last game someone died in the basement because for the life of me I couldnt figure out how to even get down there.
It's such an awful map, you aren't missing anything.
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5.0.2 is still the big flashing mess is was before the patch on PS5 unfortunately. I suspect that PS4 will still be the same.
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I really didn't expect it to take this long, at this point it's going to the mid chapter at least it feels.
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Yeah, it looks like it.
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I didn't know it was that bad on ps5 too. My condolences.
Well if it's still the same for you guys I doubt my poor ps4 pro will perform any better. Sad. :(
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And Clown still doesn't work.
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I've said it before. Why can't they just design some versions of the current realms? They like 'easy' and half of the work is already done for them.
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I'm just impressed we have a second patch for bug fixes so soon! They usually ignore bugs and leave things until the mid chapter patch...
Why havent we been getting (some) fixes this quickly all along?
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If you're saying add a new map for a pre-existing realm along with that realm being reworked, like with Clown or Plague's maps, then yeah, I completely agree.
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I was able to get my achievement for RPD map before it was shutted down, so I'm not interested anymore.
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Honestly I was hoping for Clown to be playeble... well seems like I will have to wait at least 3 weeks or even more since new big update (chapter)... Nice...
At least the map is still disabled. Good. That map is terrible.
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They did fix one thing about the Clown,according to reports a standing still survivor now get slowed by bottles.
Too bad if they are running through it still wont be slowed at all
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At least something but not rly at the same time. If it was the other way around then he could be more playeble for sure... but just standing Survivor... Nah, he is still not playeble. Sad.
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Pig nerfed again?
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Its available in KYF
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Same, I played a few times in customs and I loved it :(
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I'd be honestly surprised if they are still around.
The chapter has been a complete disaster and the RE fans got the worst first impression DbD could give them.
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The chapter has been a complete disaster and the RE fans got the worst first impression DbD could give them
I would call it the best introduction to this game and the company behind.
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I am with you. I wanna play RPD. Since there are tons of maps to play I enjoy to play in anyone. I am beginning to enjoy Lery's, Hawkins and Midwich.
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Sure, but that isn't exactly the way to retain customers or gain new ones.
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In my honest opinion, the last good map to be released was Plague's map.
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agreed temple is my favourite map because it's unique in the sense that you can actually do the main generator to unlock a pallet