When are the devs gonna get rid of NOED?



  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    If you don't wanna cleanse all totems then here's what you can do.

    Step 1: Open an exit gate

    Step 2: Escape

    If these steps are too much or you don't want do that here's what you can do.

    Step 1: unequip a perk

    Step 2: Equip Detective Hunche's or Small Game

    If any of these steps are unclear or you don't wanna do them, your part of the problem.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    If the devs got rid of NOED(reworked or nerfed), in what way would they change it so there's still a threat to not cleansing totems?

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

    90% of the time you handicap yourself with 3 active perks.

    Not sure why survivors hate noed so much it's actually a handicap on killers and has a possibility of never activating.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Easy, use counterforce, detectives hunch, or small game

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Imagine complaining about NoeD in 2021.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    A reward on one side is also a punishment on another killers do usually put in just as much risk as they get out reward from noed, as long as you only focus on the reward of one side you are leaving out 3/4ths of the argument in favor of making a specific point that is no longer counterbalanced by its other factors and claiming that specific point makes something unfair since now its a biased argument

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    As a killer main I never use Noed. I would be completely fine with it being removed. However if they were to remove Noed to compensate I would love it if they removed dead hard.

    That's a perk that also rewards bad game play. You make a mistake you won't make it to that loop. Press E and you win.

    I feel its the same as Noed. At least Noed can be stopped by cleansing totems. Dead Hard not so much.

  • SomberNokk
    SomberNokk Member Posts: 732

    They'll remove it when people stop making threads about it ;)

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756
    edited June 2021

    Well that's just how everyone wants to play now on both sides. I don't know what to say players just want the match over with as quick as possible. NOed is just something you'll have to deal with if your whole team is dead before 1 gen is done there's no point in breaking totems, but if gens are getting done you should start looking for totems. There are perks to help find them remember where they spawn at, and look for them on your adventures😀

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587


    Survivors needa stop complaining about Noed,

    Yall can counter it WAAAAY before the game starts,

    Don't wanna hear it,

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    NOED is one of the easiest Insta-Down abilities to counter in the game. It is a huge gamble for the Killer to run it (or not of the Survivors are lazy and won't do Bones). The DEV have given you SO MANY tools to find and kill Totems efficiently that it isn't even funny. If it isn't apparent by now, let me spell it out for you, they are not going to get rid of NOED. They have given you everything you need to do it yourself.

  • Wavy
    Wavy Member Posts: 162

    I think NOED should only give a speed boost. I respect your opinion but i dont think its fair.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Noed was made when Killers were in such a bad spot.

    Compared to now, with all the regressions perks and optimizations we got, Noed feels outdated.

    It is an overkill perk for new survivors and soloQ, because there is no incentive to do totems.

    Look at the tutorials. You've seen a totem or something talking about hex perks ? Nope.

    Totems are NOT a secondary objective. Stop with that narrative.

    Totems are a simple way to counter powerful hex perks, and thats all.

    If a killer applies pressure on a team of 4 SoloQ survivors, guess what ? You dont have the time to do totems / search all around the map for totems.

    Noed is a relic from the past, and needs to be reworked.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited June 2021

    If you play Spirit & Hag without using their power (for both 110% with 24m TR). You will find Spirit is easier than Hag. Just by standing and Survivors will make stupid move themselves.

    Noed is the same, because of its existence, survivors will always pay times to cleanse dull totems (not all of them, but you know when 2-3 survivors cleanse a totem each, they save you like Half a Gen time eventhough you dont have Noed.

    If Noed is removed, no one ever touch dull totem. And Gen rush become more powerful because they know they risk nothing.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    Sprint burst too, youre just extending the chase by running straight. Lithe, balanced landing, all of them except maybe head on. Its all the same as noed

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I'd be fine with noed if they gave solo survivors a totem counter basekit.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Or, hear me out, I shouldnt have to use a perk in solo when I'm already in disadvantage when swf gets it for free.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    The Killer had to use a Perk slot for the Noed? The problems with SWF (which are many) are irrelevant here. And I manage to cleanse an average of three Totems a game without using a Perk at all.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    1) No. It's not a secondary objective. It serve no purpose except cleansing Hex and activate some survivor perks.

    2) I dont care what the killer runs. My point is Noed is unfair against SoloQ and low elo players. Noed + BW is a meme and has nothing to do with the Noed complaints.

    3) Comparing Noed and Exhaustion perks is a "killer vs survivor" mentality nonsense. Both require balance, yes. But they wont be treated the same since they have totally different purpose.

    You guys have to stop with this "if noed is gone, we must take dead hard in our fall". It's stupid and doesnt serve balance.

    You guys should suggest solutions instead.

    Example : Make noed a non-Hex token perk, 2 hooks = 1 token. Each token grants a one shot once doors are alimented.

    This would reduce the frustration caused to survivors since killer would have to work to get it (devour hope mentality), and that would avoid for killer to have a blank slot if totems are cleansed.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    On Freddy i sometimes like to run noed + blood warden + stbfl + bbq. Im a pretty good killer, not god tier but certainly not bad. In my experience there are games where i 4k befire the last gen pops, i was always going to win thise games, there are games where 2 survivirs are dead when the last gen pops, i woukd have won those games easily with 2 more perks.

    Then there are games where all 4 are still alive when the last gen pops. This is where it gets interesting, some of those i for sure woukd have lost and unless the survivors are really silly bloid warden and noed do nothing but get me a 1k. Some of them woukd have been really close/good matches where a single mistake by eitger side coukd push the game.

    RARELY does noed + blood warden net me a 4k if all 4 survivors are still when the last gen pops, but those moments are funny which is the reason to run this build.

    My take away is RARELY is noed + bloodwarden the determining factor in the outcome of the game. It probably FEELS unfair to the survivors in those situations, but i only had 2 perks all game 🤷‍♂️

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    1) They are a secondary objective if the killer decides to make them a secondary objective. Since noed exists it behooves you to assume he has it unless you can figure out what his buikd is and do bones

    2) exhaustion perks are unfair against low rank killers that have no idea how to counter them

    3) they dont have different effects though. Exhaustion perks extend chases, noed reduces chases when its active or slows down gens if survivors cleanse all bones (giving the killer more of a chance to deal with all the exhaustion perks).

    I really dont though, exhaustion perks and noed have the same effect on the game, if you want one gone then be happy to have both gone. Personally, id be fine if noed and all exhaustion perks were gone

    You dont have to earn your exhaustion perk, you simply tap a button and the chase is extended 15 secs. Why does the killer have to earn tokens to use noed?

  • Hermit
    Hermit Member Posts: 388

    If you are playing in a SWF, cleanse the totems.

    if you are playing solo, just get out or take one for the team, aka eat the noed and die so your randoms can get out.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    cleanse the totems is that ez

  • Wavy
    Wavy Member Posts: 162

    the problem is cleansing the totems takes so much time.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943
    edited June 2021

    If you dont want to cleanse totems just it Takes too long then dont complain about noed

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    I feel like this conversation is going to nowhere, but I'll do a last try. After that, I'll let you to your convinctions.

    1) The killer doesnt make totems a secondary objective. Once again, totems are here to make Hex perks available, and some survivor perks aswell. Secondary objectives dont exist in this game. I guess we can say some killer powers are an objective by itself, like reversed beartraps or plague fountains. But totems definitely are not this type of objective. Totems are not a secondary objective because you think Noed provides this feeling.

    2) Agreed, dead hard for distance is an abuse, for example. But comparing it to Noed, once again, is a nonsense. Make a different thread if you want to talk about that.

    3) Thats what I say. Noed and exhaustion perks are different subjects. If you want to talk about chase time reduction, noed is not a candidate. Talk about stbfl, yes. But the purpose of noed is not to reduce chasing time. It's to one shot at the end of the trial with no pre-requis.

    "You dont have to earn your exhaustion perk"...

    I dont say killer has to earn token to use Noed. It was a balance suggestion. Dont put words into my mouth. It may not be optimal, maybe. But it opens a debate, compared to the "killer good survivor bad" (or the contrary) cliche of discussion we find on this forum.

    The idea is to find a solution to make the game balanced. Plus, exhaustion perks are limited and situational. 3 second speed or dead hard, require 45-60 seconds recovery. Once you know which survivor is running which perk in the trial, it's the killer job to play around it. A low rank killer wont notice the Meg havin 3sec sprint. It's not that impactful. The killers have powers anf their brain to counter that. Dead hard for distance, once again, questionable.

    But it has nothing to do with Noed. Noed is a subject by itself and has no point of comparison into the killer or survivor loadout.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Bruh the devs do sometimes dumb ######### but most of the new perks are all awsome, fun and very creative, its not their fault if you are not smart enough to see that and use them.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    As I said, this discussion with you goes to nowhere. Since my first post you just copy past what I say by changing the narrative to your advantage. Changing a "do" to a "dont".

    No thanks. Have fun with your discussion running in circle.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122


  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    Changing a do to a dont?

    There is no narrative, i pointed out a reality to you and instead of either accepting that reality or explaining how its not a reality you stuck your fingers in your ears 🤷‍♂️

  • WickPJ
    WickPJ Member Posts: 46

    Lmao, there's 4 surviors and for sure all of them at least once will see a totem in a game even by accident. So it is 4 totems now out of 5, if you don't like to cleanse totems then accept the risk of the NOED