Perfect solution to key shenanigans

PeenutsButt3r Member Posts: 695
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Since people complain a lot about hatch key, here's my way to satisfy both sides:

Instead of 1-click to instantly open the hatch, make it a progressive action similar to unlocking vaccine crate, you need 4s to unlock it before it opens, uses key's charges (purple key has 5s charges, red has 30s charges), keys will be used when the hatch successfully opened no matter how many charges left.

During the hatch opening animation, killer can hit or grab you while doing it, the opening progress will reset as soon as you leave it (can't 99 the hatch). Also a realistic thing too, ain't no key IRL can open a lock instantly.

Additionally, when you (with key) open the hatch, you will be forced to get out then the hatch instantly closed (hatch only lets 1 person escape each time), the next person that wants to escape has to open the hatch with their hands, but the duration is doubled each time for a successful hatch escape and also forced leave (8s, 16s, 32s for the 2nd, 3rd and last survivor through the hatch respectively, not counting any survivor exit escape), but if they have keys then it only takes the same 4s. Only when the hatch is first opened with a key will it allow other survivors to open it barehand.

The hatch will always open for the last survivor, killer can close it, but if it was first opened by a key, then the survivor can open it barehands again, therefore the killer has 3 choices during 1v1, 2 exits and a hatch patrol. If it was never opened by a key, then the hatch is permanently shut once closed, just the same way as it is now.

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